Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 844 Battle of Emperors

On March 7, the fifth year of the Restoration, two huge legions were confronting each other in the outer void of the Antarctic sky.

Li Xuan came with an army of 45 million, and 420,000 warships were scattered in Taixu, as dense as clouds, with great momentum.

And Ziwei, Anji, Gouchen, Randen, Kunpeng, Jade Emperor, as well as the Eastern Mu De Qing Emperor Lingweiyang, the Southern Fire De Red Emperor Chi Ji Nu, the central Tu De Huang Emperor Hanjun, and the Western Jin De Bai Emperor Bai Zhao Otherwise, the Northern Shuide Black Emperor Liu Ji and other emperors had to gather their 36 million troops here.

Antarctic Zengguangtian is the fundamental place of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and it is also the largest source of food for these emperors.

Li Xuan's tactics can be said to attack their key points, leaving them without the capital to use guerrilla tactics.

Once the Antarctic Zengguangtian falls, the coalition forces of Ziwei and the Antarctic Emperor will collapse without a fight.

However, their strategic intention of forcing Li Xuan to fight decisively has been achieved, and an unprecedented war is about to break out here. .

Before the battle, Li Xuan sent Lord Taibai Xing there to persuade him to surrender, but he was rejected as expected.

But Taibai Xingjun's real mission is to find out what's going on in the enemy's formation.

Half a day later, when Lord Taibai Xing returned, all the battleships under Li Xuan's command were ready to be deployed.

A total of 420,000 warships were connected end to end, stretching for thousands of miles, forming a wide fan of 170 miles long, crushing towards the opposite side.

And Li Xuan's first sentence when Taibai Xingjun returned was to ask Liu Ji, the Black Emperor of Northern Shui De.

What did Liu Ji say? Is he going to fight me to the death?

We didn't see the Shui De Black Emperor. Taibai Xingjun shook his head: I just looked at the enemy's formation and found that the emperor's troops and horses were arranged on the far left, connecting with the military formation of Jin De Bai Emperor Bai Zhaorui in the west.

Li Xuan couldn't help but twitch his lips, knowing that Nanji Ziwei obviously lacked trust in Liu Ji.

Liu Ji was on the far left, so even if he defected before the battle, it would not have much impact on their overall formation.

Moreover, in the past, when Liu Ji ascended to the throne of Shuide Black Emperor, Baizhao Jui had made great efforts and was very kind to Liu Ji.

In the past, Liu Ji killed the White Snake. This incarnation came to the mortal world and turned into an old woman. She cried in front of people and said, My son, the White Emperor, turned into a snake and was in power. Now it is the Red Emperor who kills it, so I cry. So Liu Ji killed him. Ji Bu's people were convinced.

No matter how rogue Liu Gaozu was, he had no reason to attack his allies or benefactors.

Then how did the enemy arrange their formation?

In fact, Li Xuan is not willing to fight decisively. He would rather use his own surging momentum to bring it down, or use Machiavellian tactics to make it fall apart.

But the other party is also proficient in strategy, so it is unlikely that Li Xuan will realize this plan.

At this point, Li Xuan could only use a large-scale war to solve the problem.

The Antarctic Emperor and Kunpeng, Ran Deng are responsible for the nine million troops on the right wing, Ziwei and Gouchen are in charge of the central army, with a total of 13 million troops; the Five Heavenly Emperors are controlled by the Jade Emperor, and are on the enemy's left wing, with a total of 13 million troops Fifteen million.

Taibai Jinxing was contemplating as he spoke: Antarctic Ziwei is very determined to fight. The Five Heavenly Emperors are slightly inferior, but they are united with each other and supervised by the Jade Emperor. If His Majesty attacks from the left wing, they will definitely resist fiercely.

Li Xuan then asked: What about other directions? Are there any changes?

He was asking the two people in front of him, one was Gao Ming and the other was Gao Jue.

The bright eye sees thousands of miles, and is called the clairvoyant; the high-minded ear hears all directions, so it is called the wind ear. In the past, the two were generals of the Shang Dynasty. Later, they surrendered to Tianting and became one of Haotian's eyes and ears.

As Li Xuan swept Taixu, these two men now joined Li Xuan's command.

Gao Ming immediately raised his fist and said, Your Majesty, I can guarantee my life that there will be no ambush within a billion miles around.

At this time, Lord Nine-Tailed Tushan also bowed and said, Your Majesty, Emperor Qinghua of the East Pole has not yet mobilized his troops. Emperor Taishan has summoned the Emperors of the Five Sacred Mountains to monitor the Blood Sea and the River Styx with his army, but there is no change. As for the body poisoning the heavens, Buddhism The army is fighting against it, so it must have no time to pay attention to this place.

She looked excited and nervous, because today's battle would directly determine the future fate of the Tushan clan.

If Li Xuan wins, the Tushan tribe, who serves as the Emperor's eyes and ears, will surely rise and prosper again; but if they lose, the Tushan Fox tribe may face annihilation in the next few years.

Li Xuan nodded slightly. He was not too worried about Emperor Qinghua and Emperor Taishan.

He had already asked Lord Taibai Xing to test the attitudes of these two emperors, knowing that these two emperors were waiting for the outcome of this battle.

If Li Xuan is defeated, everything will remain as before; if Li Xuan wins, the two emperors should surrender to his emperor.

They are also qualified to wait and see. As the most powerful force in the Taixu Outer Territory, the two of them possess divine power and have tens of millions of troops, which is enough to influence the overall situation of the entire Taixu Outer Territory.

Then let's fight.

Li Xuan looked into the void and watched the enemy formation with his heavenly eye of protection: Please invite the Great God of Santan Haihui and the True Monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, the King of Huaguang Heavenly King Ma Ming to come out from the formation and attack its left wing immediately!

Then he stood up again and solemnly bowed to Guan Changsheng, the Great Emperor of Demon Subduing of the Three Realms who was sitting next to him: The right wing of our army will be entrusted to the Great Emperor. Please take charge of the Four Heavenly Masters, the Seven Demon Saints, and the Great Emperor of the Three Officials Twenty-one million troops from various tribes, after coordinating the three marshals, attacked their left formation.

After everyone heard this, they all thought it was true. This emperor's main attack direction is still the Five Heavenly Emperors.

Guan Changsheng, the Great Demon-Conquering Emperor of the Three Realms, opened his red phoenix eyes slightly, and responded with the same solemn look: Your Majesty, don't worry, Guan will go all out to defeat the enemy!

Although he had doubts about Li Xuan at first, in the past few months before he served in Li Xuan's army, he gradually became convinced of the Xuanhuang Emperor.

This emperor was not only fair in his actions, but also generous in his conduct.

Although he is not as tolerant and benevolent as his old master, he is still a hero, majestic and gracious, brave and righteous, and has the strategy of a king and domineering king. He is truly the posture of a saint.

He is a man who promises a lot of money. Now that he has presented himself as a minister and truly surrendered to Li Xuan, this lord seems to be a good one, so he should work hard for him.

Li Xuan then bowed to Yue Wumu, the Great Jingmo Emperor of the Three Realms: Please Wu Mutong's headquarters and twelve million soldiers, stick to the central army!

There was a hint of surprise in Yue Wumu's eyes, and then he laughed: General, I will obey your order! As long as I am here, the Chinese army will definitely stand firm!

Li Xuan undoubtedly believed in what Yue Wu Mu said.

Guan Changsheng was good at attacking, so he was placed on the right wing and jointly attacked the left side of the enemy's formation.

Gu Yuewumu was good at both offense and defense, so he was placed in the central army.

But what he trusted most was the 700,000 soldiers equipped with muskets and the more than 200 steel battleships under his command.


About three quarters later, two huge legions from the Antarctic Zengguang Tianwai collided with each other.

First, the 34,000 warships and 1.6 million soldiers commanded by the Great God of Santan Haihui, the True Monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, and King Ma Ming of Huaguang Heaven penetrated into the enemy's left formation like three sharp arrows.

Nezha and Erlangshen are both powerful generals who have existed since the pre-Qin era, and King Ma Ming, King of Huaguang, is also uncompromising in his combat power.

The so-called folk proverb Master Ma has three eyes refers to this King of Huaguang.

Among Haotian's top ten marshals in the past, King Ma Ming's magic power was only half as good as Zhenwu's. He practiced hegemony and even surpassed Nezha.

Just as Li Xuan expected, when these three entered first, a huge gap was torn open in the formation of the Five Heavenly Emperors.

Especially the 1.6 million elite soldiers who could leave the warships and fight alone in Taixu almost defeated the troops and horses of Huangdi Hanjun in the Central Tude in one fell swoop.

Guan Changsheng, the Great Demon-Conquering Emperor of the Three Realms, did not attack recklessly with his troops. Instead, he moved his troops from the rear to supervise the battle and forcefully drove the 21 million troops on his right wing forward, like a surging ocean wave, crashing into the enemy formation.

This man knew that most of the right-wing tribes under his command had weak fighting spirit and were no better than a pile of scattered sand, so he directly used his own division to supervise and drive the battle.

Moreover, the military order is extremely strict. The entire army can only move forward, and be killed if it retreats!

In the past, Guan Changsheng's move would have definitely met with backlash.

But at this time, the whole army had been fed by Li Xuan's good wine and meat for several months. Thanks to Li Xuan's kindness, each of them got a lot of food and improved their cultivation. Therefore, although the generals were dissatisfied, they still held their noses. obey.

The key is that their casualties are within the tolerable range. Under the impact of a total of 21 million troops, the five heavenly emperors resisted tenaciously. But they can only support it with all their strength, not to mention hurting the enemy.

For the Chinese armies on both sides, the battle seemed tepid, but in reality the battle was fierce.

However, this is only on the surface. Emperor Gouchen personally sits in the front line of the Chinese army, and his soldiers and horses attack fiercely. Like huge waves, one after another.

However, Yue Wumu's command style was completely different from that of Emperor Guan. His military skills were superb and he was good at arranging formations. Through subtle changes in formations, he turned violent waves into micro currents and calmed micro currents into nothingness.

The Four Heavenly Kings, Four Divine Lords, Puji Tianfei and other tribes assigned to him by Li Xuan were also relatively submissive soldiers and horses, enough to support Yue Wumu's tactical intentions.

However, this man also placed his headquarters behind the army, with 700,000 soldiers waiting to be mobilized to spy on the fighting opportunities.

At this time, behind the enemy formation, Zi Wei was the leader. The many emperors who saw this scene from a distance couldn't help but look solemn as iron.

In today's battle, the quality and fighting spirit displayed by Li Xuan's troops exceeded their expectations.

I have said before that we cannot give him time to organize his army, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor put his hands behind his back and said with a cold expression: This man is extremely skilled. Every time you give him one more day, the military power under his command will be stronger. If we could have implemented guerrilla warfare as early as possible, why would we be here today?”

Emperor Ziwei was helpless after hearing this, thinking to himself, how could he not know this truth?

The problem is that Emperor Zhenwu has been secretly helping Li Xuan, and the army is overwhelming the Ziwei realm, making him extremely fearful and unable to go all out.

It wasn't until a month ago that he persuaded the 'Demon Emperor Zhulong' and 'Emperor Xuanming' to send troops at a huge cost, and then he got rid of the control of Emperor Zhenwu.

These two are both gods of the cold genus in the north. However, thousands of years ago, they were jointly attacked by Emperor Zhenwu and the Black Emperor of the North, Liu Ji, and were reduced to a state of collapse. They only had more than four million soldiers and horses under their command, which was far less than Zhenwu.

This time, it was because Ziwei promised to fund a large amount of food supplies that the two of them dared to take the risk and raise troops to fight Zhenwu.

Emperor Ziwei sighed, then turned to the Five Heavenly Emperors and saluted in the air: Please give your support to the five of you. The Seven Saints and the Four Heavenly Masters are not strong in fighting spirit, and they obviously have reservations. As long as the left wing can support one Time will definitely drag it down.”

The expressions of these five heavenly emperors are not very good. The four great heavenly masters and the seven great saints of the demon clan really did not try their best. But what Li Xuan placed in front of them was, after all, 25 million troops.

Among them, the three great gods of Haihui, the True Monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao, and the King of Huaguang Heavenly King Ma Ming are all extremely brave. The 1.5 million soldiers under their command also have high fighting spirit and stable military morale.

How much should they pay to defend themselves against the opponent's violent attacks?

However, the eyes of the five people soon fell on the emperor next to them.

This person's facial features are unusually handsome, his face is very majestic, his eyebrows are flying, and his temperament is gentle and elegant. Wearing a twelve-chapter mountain and river sun and moon robe, he sat there with a thousand auspicious auras all over his body, and immeasurable precious light emitted from behind him.

That was the Jade Emperor, whose origins are unknown and no one knows his whereabouts.

It is said that he was worshiped by Zhongzi before the catastrophe. He appeared in the early Han Dynasty and was initially known as the Taiwei Jade Emperor. Later, he was divided into three major kingdoms: Taiwei Yuanxingtian, Tianshi Yuanxingtian and Shaowei Yuanxingtian. The name of Tianjing was 'Xuanqiong Jade Emperor'. During the Tang and Zhao Dynasties, it was renamed 'Xuanqiong Gaoshang Jade Emperor'. With the support of the saints, the emperor almost ruled the heavens and unified Taixu.

Although the Jade Emperor finally failed due to the resistance of the emperors and was tabooed by the emperors, he could only live in a corner, but his power was still among the strongest in the Taixu Outer Realm.

At this time, the six million soldiers under the Jade Emperor were exercising the responsibility of supervising the battle behind their formation.

The five heavenly emperors were in such a bad mood that they were unwilling to bear the huge casualties, but they were also very afraid of the Jade Emperor and the 'saint' behind him.

Please five of you fight with all your strength.

At this time, the Jade Emperor smiled slightly and looked at the five people: The saint is about to wake up. UU Reading At that time, all the merits and demerits of the emperors in the past ten thousand years will be dealt with by the saint one by one. The rewards will be regarded as merits and the punishments shall be regarded as crimes. If the five of you can help me suppress this Emperor Xuanhuang, that will be a great merit.

Liu Ji, the Northern Black Emperor among the five, suddenly moved his face slightly and suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart.

He thought that if it weren't for the Jade Emperor's illusory promise, he would not lead the army here.

At this time, Emperor Ziwei frowned, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. But then he calmed down and looked to the right side of the battlefield.

Just because at this time, the battle situation on the right wing has changed.

The five Kunpeng battleships and the 210 Yunzhong battleships from Zhili under Li Xuan suddenly broke away from the entire array and began to attack the right wing of their formation.

Those six hundred super electromagnetic cannons, as well as the seven thousand six hundred retractable cannons on the side of the ship, bombarded from a distance, smashing and sinking up to 300 warships in the Antarctic Emperor's formation in an instant!

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