Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 852 You are thinking too much

Forty-nine days later, a large-scale magic circle was deployed in the sky above the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. There are a total of hundreds of thousands of flags and flags, arranged according to the number of Tiangang and Earthly Demons. Three hundred and sixty thousand carefully crafted rune stones are densely distributed in a radius of thirty miles, forming a huge five-element yin and yang array.

What suppressed the center of the formation was Li Xuan's distraction body. This person holds a vulture glazed lamp in one hand and a scepter in the shape of a dragon and snake that was obtained from the poisonous gods in the other hand. He is full of imperial power.

Li Xuan's true body came to the tomb of the First Emperor, looking at the magnificent stone tomb door in front of him with his hands behind his back.

Behind him were many emperors headed by Nanji Ziwei, Dongji Qinghua Emperor, Gouchen Emperor, and Queen Mother Jiufeng. .

Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei stood beside him. Her expression was a little complicated, but she didn't show much resistance.

The success or failure of the four generations of heaven is related to the Huiyuan catastrophe a thousand years later. If Li Xuan wants to confront the saint, she must obtain the treasures her father hid in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

On the other side of Li Xuan is Da Siming, who is tied up with a dark red rope.

This rope is only as thick as a finger and does not look very strong, but it is actually the famous acquired spiritual treasure ‘Dragon Binding Rope’. It was originally the property of Zhao Gongming, but fell into the hands of Ran Deng after the Conferring the Gods War, and was given to the lamp spirit Ma Shan by Ran Deng as a spiritual vulture glazed lamp.

Li Xuan killed the burning lamp without leaving any further trouble, and this thing also fell into his hands.

Therefore, although Da Siming struggled desperately, he was still unable to escape from the entanglement and control of the rope.

She gradually realized that this was a futile effort, and stopped struggling. At the same time, a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips: I advise you not to open this door, otherwise you will regret it. This is a disaster, and sooner or later he will This will bring catastrophe to the world, and if my father's relics fall into his hands, it will only make him more miserable.

But the dozens of emperors around him were unmoved, with cold expressions.

Sister, you think too much.

Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei shook his head: In the past four years, your Majesty has not only achieved the status of Emperor of Heaven, but also unified the thirty-three days of Taixu. He has command of an army numbering tens of millions, and has overpowered the world. He is invincible. Even the two primitives of Netherworld and Blood Sea The Demon Gods were defeated at the hands of His Majesty not long ago, with nearly 60 million soldiers lost and their vitality greatly reduced.

Seventeen emperors in the Netherworld Blood Sea died in battle against a giant of ten, and it would take at least a thousand years to recover. Although the original seal of the First Emperor was shattered, the gods and gods in the outer lands were restricted by His Majesty's laws and regulations and could not take a step into the mortal world. Today, the world is peaceful and healthy, and none of the things you were worried about, sister, have happened.

Her view of Li Xuan was completely different from that of Da Sima. She believed that Li Xuan was not the source of trouble, but rather a destiny.

So far, everything Li Xuan promised to her has been fulfilled one by one. This is an honest gentleman who keeps his word and keeps his promise.

Today's Taixu and today's mortal world have taken on a new look under Li Xuan's rule.

This is clearly a saintly king with great talent and great strategy, who also loves the people, and is a blessing to the people.


The big life seemed incredible at first, but then a bit of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Although the emperors behind her were silent, she was still keenly aware of their fear and even respect for Li Xuan.

She wondered what happened during the time when she was sealed? In just a few short years, this guy actually unified the Taixu Thirty-three Heavens and initially established the authority of the Emperor of Heaven?

He also defeated the Netherworld Blood Sea, how is this possible?

She then sneered unwillingly: Li Xuan, are you bringing them all into the Mausoleum of the First Emperor? You are so stupid. The two foundations of sanctification that my father collected back then are now in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

These people are working for you now, and they are just trying to trick you into opening the tomb. How loyal can they be to you? I can predict that when you open the door to the tomb, it will be the time when they leave the mortal world.

Li Xuan didn't listen. He stretched out his robe sleeves, causing Da Sima's wrist to split, and a large amount of blood suddenly poured out and sprayed on the curtain door in front.

Then he glanced at Young Master Mingyuan Taiwei beside him: Sorry to trouble you, Fairy Yuan.

Shaosi Mingyuan Taiwei did not hesitate and cut his own wrist. At the same time, he forced out a large amount of blood from the wrist veins and smeared it on the tomb door.

The tomb door suddenly shone with spiritual light, and there were red ancient spiritual patterns. They were like giant dragons, and like fire phoenixes, they were coiled and hovering over the tomb door.

At the same time, there was a mechanical sound of click, and finally two strange square stones protruded from the tomb door, and there were two sword-shaped indentations on the top of the stones. When Li Xuan placed the God-killing Token and the Immortal-Slaying Token in his hands, they fit perfectly.

The sound of mechanisms inside the curtain door continued to click, as if there were countless mechanisms operating inside the tomb door.

And just a moment later, countless substantial black dragon auras gathered in front of everyone's eyes, eventually forming a huge black dragon head. It had a cold expression and looked down at everyone with arrogance.

This is the last level key, which requires the dragon energy of the contemporary Emperor.

Shao Si Mingyuan Taiwei looked sideways at Li Xuan: Before his death, my father believed that his dynasty would be passed down from generation to generation, and that he himself would complete the reincarnation ceremony in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor and be resurrected among his descendants. Reunite the true spirit and restore the legal body to its heyday.

But he didn't expect that the saints and the emperors of the heavens would attack him after he was enshrined in Mount Tai, causing him to relapse from his old injuries and die. The empire he created collapsed in just a dozen years.

Without saying a word, Li Xuan took another step forward and came to the black dragon. The black dragon immediately bared its teeth and claws, roaring angrily at Li Xuan,

But Li Xuan stretched out his hand, and twelve dragon auras were circling around him. The red gold emperor's aura surged into the sky. The black dragon suddenly became silent, and at the same time lowered its head and crawled in front of Li Xuan.

When Shao Siming saw this scene, he was not surprised at all.

Although Li Xuan is not the current emperor, he has the power to regent the government and controls 89% of the army in the mortal world. The reforms in the past ten years have benefited everyone in the world, so he has a high reputation.

At this time, as long as he is willing, all government affairs in the mortal world can be decided by him with a single word, and the imperial lineage in the mortal world can also be changed instantly. His power and power were so great that among all the emperors of the Jin Dynasty, only Taizu Taizong could surpass him. There were no more than 20 emperors who could rival him. UU read

Especially as the Emperor of Heaven, under his rule there are 500 million living beings in the Taixu Thirty-Three Heavens, tens of thousands of ghosts and gods, and tens of thousands of troops. There is no more important Dragon Qi weapon in the world than him.

Da Siming's face was extremely ugly: Stop it! This is my father's imperial mausoleum. The treasures inside are also the property of our Great Qin. You, a troublemaker of unknown origin, cannot be allowed to get involved!

Li Xuan held down the black faucet with one hand, and the next moment, the tomb door opened with a roar.

At this moment, countless sand and stone dust washed down from above, and endless cold air sprayed out from the tomb door, which not only caused the temperature of the place to drop sharply, but also extinguished all the surrounding torches.

There was only the dark spiritual light naturally emitted from the surrounding tomb walls, which made the faces of all the emperors here appear eerie and unpredictable.

Li Xuan also noticed some unusual changes in intelligence among his subordinates, but his eyes were firmly attracted by the scene behind the tomb door.

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