King Yu Jiuding?

Li Xuan immediately glanced around in all directions, looking at the nine bronze cauldrons located in the nine states in the picture.

The space inside the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map is extremely vast, and its mountains, rivers, topography, etc. are all similar to those of China.

This land three thousand miles from north to south has also been divided into 'Kyushu'.

King Yu and the Jiuding were each suppressed in the center of the Nine Provinces to secure the ground.

This makes the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map even more terrifying. The person who originally used this treasure can formulate the power of laws and regulations in the map with his own will.

The existence of King Yu's Nine Cauldrons only increased his power.

Even a being like Liu Yu was frowning at this time. They all feel that the void around them is abnormally stagnant and restricted everywhere, and all their magic skills have been weakened to the extreme. With 100% of the power, they can use only 30% to 50% at most. .

The only good thing is that no one can control the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Tu, the Nine Cauldrons of King Yu, or the Twelve Golden Men on the altar, and the River Tu and Luoshu at this time.

At present, this 'Mountain and River Nine Cauldron Formation' is only operating in the way established before the death of the First Emperor.

This also gave them a chance to take advantage of it, and King Yu Jiuding, which was at least 700 miles away from the altar, was indeed the easiest target.

All the legal and quasi-rules in the Shanhe Sheji Map were formulated by the First Emperor during his lifetime. At that time, Haotian had fallen, and he was the only one in the world who possessed the most prosperous imperial dragon energy. The First Emperor was also confident that he could complete this task. Taishan Prefecture Lord Sacrifice'. Therefore, the 'Authority' method in the picture is the only one among all the rules that is not restricted. And it has been amplified to the extreme, and it is the most powerful and powerful power of the rules in the picture.

Taibai Xingjun continued to explain: But King Yu has no owner of the Nine Cauldrons. Today, only Your Majesty and the contemporary emperor can take it.

Li Xuan really didn't feel too many restrictions in this picture.

In particular, he uses the dragon spirit of the emperor and the authoritative law condensed by the emperor of heaven. With the blessing of the mountains and rivers, he has become more powerful, seemingly able to change everything and be omnipotent.

All the surrounding emperors also looked at Li Xuan, and there seemed to be anticipation in the depths of their eyes.

Li Xuan's lips were slightly raised, and his smile was meaningful.

Everyone, I must collect this Nine Cauldrons from King Yu. Only in this way can my heaven be established forever. But before that, I have one thing that I want to clarify.

He turned around and scanned the people present with his sharp eyes like swords, spears and halberds: I want to know who betrayed Haotian during the battle between the saints in Haotian? And who seduced Empress Xuannv? Go to Wuding River in Youzhou and plot against him?

When he said this, the atmosphere here suddenly became as cold as ice.

Many emperors had different expressions, either frowning, smiling, or indifferent, but there was no surprise. They all seemed to have expected Li Xuan's move.

Green Qiluo also had a look in her eyes, and held down the sword 'Gongbu' on her waist.

She thought that this matter really needed to be found out before collecting Jiuding.

If the people who betrayed Haotian are not found out, sooner or later they will make the same mistake as Haotian.

Li Xuan continued expressionlessly: I had doubts a few days ago. When I think about my past affairs, I feel like I am in a dream. In just thirteen years, I not only controlled the national affairs of the Jin Dynasty, but also unified it. Thirty-three days later, I established the Xuanhuang Heavenly Palace and controlled the tens of thousands of armies in the world. Such achievements are something I would never even dare to dream about. How can I accomplish such a great feat in just a dozen years?

When Taibai Xingjun heard this, he immediately bowed slightly and said, Your Majesty's words are too condescending. Your Majesty's military skills are unparalleled. Since he took the military power, he has been invincible and invincible. He also has outstanding political talents, superhuman wisdom and profound virtues. Your Majesty governs The reign of the Jin Dynasty lasted only eleven years, but in all realms people did not pick up things along the way, did not close their doors at night, the world was at peace, the people were safe and secure, and the times were harmonious and prosperous;

The imperial court's annual income reaches tens of millions, but the people still have ten years of food savings; they also promote enlightenment, and all children in the world can go to school for free for six years to gain enlightenment and literacy; in fact, such a prosperous era has far exceeded three generations;

Although Your Majesty has only created Heaven for ten years, it has already conquered the outer realms and severely damaged the sea of ​​​​the underworld. Now he has recreated the Thirty-three Heavens, giving all living beings outside the realm a place to live. Therefore, His Majesty's current achievements are certainly due to the fate of heaven and earth, but it is also due to His Majesty's own talents, both civil and military. I want to ask all the emperors here, who doesn’t admire them? Who among all living beings in heaven and earth does not appreciate His Majesty’s kindness?

Li Xuan listened quietly, looking slightly pleased with himself.

When Taibai Xingjun's words came to an end, he flicked his sleeves and said, Xingjun doesn't know what the occasion is? There is no need to say these flattering words. My achievements today may be as you said. My luck is due to my talent and virtue after my death.

But my journey has been too smooth, so I can't help but wonder, is there a force in this world that is deliberately pushing me to get here step by step, so that I can break the three formations here with the dignity of the Emperor of Heaven? Therefore, if I cannot find out the evil spirit today, I will not be able to collect the Jiuding with peace of mind no matter what.

He then looked at the Queen Mother Jiufeng with a faint look in her eyes: Qingling Yuanjun is Haotian's wife. She has personally experienced everything that happened that year. She was also the host of the birthday banquet. Please tell Yuanjun what happened that day first. Come one by one.

Another divine title of Queen Mother Jiufeng is the Supreme Qingling Yuanjun.

At this time, this Jiu Feng was no longer the Queen of Heaven, so he changed his name to Supreme Qingling Yuanjun.

Queen Mother Jiufeng did not refuse. After she nodded slightly, she said with a cold expression: That day, my husband conspired to kill the saint, under the pretext of wishing me a birthday. He invited the emperors and Taoist immortals to Kunyuan Palace. It was called participating in longevity. The banquet is actually a secret communication.

Qiluo was originally in Kunyuan Palace to help me arrange the banquet and receive the guests, but an hour before the banquet started, she received an order from my husband, ordering him to go to Wuding River in Youzhou to repair the Youzhou formation map. The person who conveyed this handwriting was none other than Taibai Star Lord Li Changgeng.

After hearing this, Mr. Taibai Xing immediately bowed with a wry smile and said, I have already explained this matter to Your Majesty and Empress Xuannv. This Mr. Taibai Xing is definitely not me. When the incident happened, I was talking to the Queen Mother's sister Ling. The Lord of Light, Suzaku, was talking and discussing the arrangements for the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation. Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, was also present at that time. Now Li Jing is sealed in the heavenly prison, but Lord Lingguang is here, and both of them can testify for me. .”

He then glanced at the Qingyuan Miao Dao True Lord Yang Jian who was present with a solemn look: The Taibai Star Lord that Green Qiluo saw must have been caused by changes in others. At that time, the fighting Buddha and the six-eared macaque had not yet risen. The most proficient in the art of transformation in the world is the Master and Disciple of Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun.

The master of Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun Yang Jian, ‘Yuding Zhenren’, is also a being who has cultivated the Nine Transformation Yuan Gong to the limit.

Nezha is also good at changing, but after all, he is the Lotus Root Dharma Body, which is still inferior to these two, and he cannot hide it from Lu Qiluo.

After hearing this, Queen Mother Jiufeng remained noncommittal and continued: At that time, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Laomu Lishan of Jiejiao, Yuanjun Doumu, and Sakyamuni who had been transferred to Buddhism at that time, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha , the Great Sun Tathagata and others all rushed to my Kunyuan Palace half a day before the banquet. Because of this, my husband and I relaxed our vigilance, causing Qiluo to be assassinated in Youzhou.

The moment the incident occurred was about three-quarters of an hour after the banquet started. At that time, many emperors from the Daojie Sect and the Buddhist Sect of the Middle Earth were already at the table. Among all the emperors, four did not arrive, and three arrived belatedly just a moment after the incident. The four people who failed to arrive were Emperor Sanguan and Queen Mother of the West.

But the Great Emperor of the Three Officials is actually the ancestor of the human race, the Heavenly Emperor, the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor, and he has no reason to betray my husband. Qiluo has confirmed from Emperor Fuxi that at the moment of the incident, the three of them were in the Huoyun Cave in the name of Haotian, helping Emperor Fuxi hide the secret of heaven with the Hetuluo Book and cover the saint's spiritual consciousness.

The Queen Mother of the West, Yaochi, was with Houtu and Nuwa at that time. The three of them were my husband's strong backing from beginning to end. Then there are the three people who arrived belatedly——

When Queen Mother Jiufeng said this, her voice became cold: They are the True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao, the Anji Changsheng Emperor, and the Xuantian Zhenyuan Emperor.

Emperor Xuantian Zhenyuan is the Great Immortal of Wuzhuangguan Zhenyuan.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal looked helpless: Your Majesty, the reason why I came late was to wait for the ginseng fruit in Wuzhuang Temple to mature as a birthday gift. As you know, the ginseng fruit tree in my house is said to bloom every three thousand years. , it takes three thousand years to bear fruit, and it takes another three thousand years to mature.

But in fact, if there is enough fertility and magic, it can be ripened using magic, but the process is a bit more troublesome. When Empress Xuannv died, I was on my way. All the disciples of this village can testify to this.

In fact, he didn't want to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor today and get involved in this muddy water again.

Ten thousand years ago, he did still have hope of becoming a 'saint'. But at this time, his injury has not healed yet, and the Book of the Earth has been damaged. Where can he find the capital to aspire to become a saint?

The problem is that sixty days ago, Li Xuan led the emperor's army and tens of thousands of troops to Wuzhuang Temple, and used the power of power to coerce him, so he had no choice but to disagree.

Zhen Yuanzi had already suspected that Li Xuan was worried about him or wanted to settle the matter of the past, but now it turned out to be true.

And when he finished speaking, all the emperors reacted indifferently.

In the past, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan of Wuzhuangguan had great magical power, and was especially good at the method of void.

If he wanted to leave secretly, how could the disciples of Wuzhuang Temple know about his movements?

What's more, the Book of the Earth in this man's hand was shattered by Haotian himself.

Then everyone's attention shifted to Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun and Anji Changsheng Emperor.

Both of them had their hands behind their backs, their faces expressionless, and their postures calm and unhurried.

The first person to speak was Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun Yang Jian. He looked at Li Xuan from a distance: The reason why I came late is because there were some changes in the sun in the sky at that time. I had to lead the Roaring Sky Dog to monitor Taoist Lu Ya. With the goddess Xihe.”

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at Taoist Lu Ya who was present with strange eyes.

To say that the people who were most feared by the three generations of Emperor Haotian at that time were undoubtedly those saints and the First Emperor who peeked at the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

But in addition, the wife Xihe and the 'Golden Crow Prince' who were left behind by the second-generation Emperor Jun are also taboos in Haotian's heart.

As we all know, Xihe is the goddess of the Great Sun and has merged with the Great Sun; Prince Jinwu incarnated as the Sanxian Lu Ya, and later escaped into Buddhism and became the 'Great Sun Tathagata'.

Although there is a rift between Qingyuan Miao Dao Zhenjun Yang Jian and his uncle Haotian, Haotian still leaves the important task of monitoring Emperor Jun's legacy to Yang Jian.

Next was the Antarctic Immortal Emperor. Her voice was also calm: The reason why I was late was because the First Emperor wanted to stay. At that time, I was in the First Emperor's army, supervising the First Emperor on behalf of His Majesty Haotian, and guarding against this treacherous person.

The Antarctic Emperor then looked at Li Xuan calmly.

Your Majesty wants to find out who was the traitor that day. How easy is it? Although only three of us were late at that time, the methods of the Immortal Family are endlessly changing, and many of the Immortals and Gods present at the table were also suspected.

Can the Queen Mother be sure that the real Yuding at that time was his true self? Didn’t Taoist Lu Ya come in the form of a clone? Can we be sure that the Dongji Taiyi Rescuer Tianzun present in attendance is his true spirit? And the people who carry out the conspiracy must be us immortals, gods and emperors? Many of the generals under the First Emperor's command mastered the magic of the heavens, and with the help of military strength, they were also able to ambush and kill the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

Lu Qiluo couldn't help but look complicated when he heard this.

Because of this, the matter is complicated and foggy. So she still hasn't been able to find out who actually plotted against her.

Queen Mother Jiufeng looked coldly: I'm not sure, but you three are indeed the most suspicious, especially Master and Disciple Yang Jian!

She clenched her hands into fists, veins popped out, and her words contained endless hatred: If I can find out the truth, no matter who the culprit is, I will cut him into pieces! Let him know that I, Jiufeng, have been imprisoned for thousands of years. Zai, the pain of torture day and night.”

Queen Mother Jiufeng didn't care much about Haotian's death, but it was the ten thousand years of torture that she remembered deeply.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian felt the cold gaze of Queen Mother Jiufeng, but his expression was indifferent and he did not say a word.

Actually, it is very simple to find out this matter. Taoist Lu Ya, who was standing far away at this time, smiled slightly: As long as your Majesty obtains the Chaos Clock, this matter will be able to get to the bottom of it.

This thing has the power to suppress the Hongmeng World, the power to reverse the heavens, time and space, the power to evolve the mysteries of heaven, and the power to refine earth, water, fire and wind. In the past, Donghuang Taiyi held this object and could not be defeated for thousands of years against Haotian, who was strongly supported by all the saints. Although only the remains of this treasure remain today, it can still help His Majesty to look back on the past time and space, and UU Reading to gain a glimpse of the truth of that year.

When Jiang Hanyun and Le Qianqian heard this, they couldn't help but wrinkled their noses and looked towards the altar.

I wonder if this is an endless cycle?

If they want to decipher the truth of that year, they must collect the Nine Tripods of King Yu, crack the three immortal formations here, and obtain the Chaos Bell in the First Emperor's coffin; but taking the Nine Tripods of King Yu will greatly weaken Li Xuan's power in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Strength may lead to accidents.

Especially those saints and several of their disciples, most of them were already watching from the side, waiting for Li Xuan to collect the Jiuding.

Theoretically speaking, the inside and outside of the First Emperor's Mausoleum are sealed by formations, making it difficult for even transcendent saints to enter this place.

Li Xuan commanded the emperors and tens of thousands of troops, which was enough to repel them.

But if there is an internal guide, the situation is completely different.

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