Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 92 I can’t wait to kneel down and lick

Why does my power increase so much in this underworld?

Li Xuan didn't understand, so he asked, with a strange look in his eyes: Also, don't you have the ability to listen to the truth and know everything? Do you still know when I became a cold evil?

How can I use the method of listening? Without anyone's support, how dare I listen to all things? I don't even dare to do it with you. If I really knew everything, I would have been skinned and cooked long ago. Eaten the dog meat hot pot.”

Tingtian Mastiff couldn't hear the temptation in this guy's language. It curled its lips disdainfully: As for your previous question, where do you think this is? This is the underworld! It is the territory of the ghosts. You are in this underworld. The reason why your power becomes stronger is of course because your soul is stronger. Although your quality is still average, your quantity is about nine times that of ordinary people. It is really confusing how you can exist in this world. Such a weird thing?

Tingtian Mastiff didn't bother to ask Li Xuan why he could cultivate into Yin Sha. Li Xuan didn't answer, couldn't it guess it?

It raised its head and looked up at the female ghost in red behind Li Xuan. Its tail waggled wildly, its eyes were shining, and it looked like it wanted to kneel down and lick it: You are worthy of being an emperor. At this time, Cultivation of Jiuyou Juehan! With this kind of magical power, even if you are only in the realm of the third floor, you can still crush many evil spirits in the sixth floor in this underworld.

Xue Yunrou obviously couldn't hear their words. Her eyes were very curious, but she was limited to her oath and did not ask. There was only a little helplessness on her fragile little face: You two, can you continue to move forward?

Tingtian Mastiff then took his eyes away from the female ghost in red and sighed: I really don't know what kind of luck you have, Li Xuan, to be able to get married to this adult. If you are trapped by those who are trapped in ten The Daxiu of the Second Level Realm knows this, and I'm afraid they would like to kill you right now. With the help of this adult, even the least talented among them can reach the throne within three to five years.

This was the second person after Le Qianqian to say this to Li Xuan. Li Xuan's expression also condensed slightly: Thank you!

How could he not know that Tian Mastiff asked Xue Yunrou to swear an oath first, and then cast a spell to cover it up so that she could not see or hear, just to help him conceal the existence of the female ghost in red?

Of course, this is what the Tiantian Mastiff should do, but it also shows that the City God has no intention of coveting his guardian spirit.

Then Li Xuan sighed again and said: But if Brother Mastiff can help me get rid of this person, or give me some more advice on how to resolve the evil, then I will be even more grateful.

The guardian spirit of an emperor is very good, but Li Xuan thinks his life is more important.

Nowadays, everyone knows that having money but no life to spend it is the most tragic thing in the world.

You got an advantage and still behaved, but do you know how much forbearance and sacrifice this adult has made for you? As for resolving the evil, I wish I could know that I am no longer a dog now—

Listening to Tianmastiff talking, his eyes suddenly turned sharp: Get out of the way!

At this moment, a ball of green liquid suddenly sprayed in front of them. Li Xuan was startled and moved away at the last moment. Then when he looked back, he saw that a large piece of liquid had corroded where it landed.

Then there was another burly giant about four feet tall holding an iron mace, and four figures in black clothes and black armor came through the air, and fought fiercely with a miserable green giant frog that jumped in from the crack. .

The former is another divine general enshrined in the Capital City God's Temple, and the four wearing black clothes and armor are night wandering gods. I don’t know what kind of monster that giant frog is, it looks like a bullfrog, but if you look carefully, you will find that the hairs on its body are actually human fingers.


Li Xuan's scalp was numb and his heart was still frightened.

The so-called demon ghost is a combination of demon and ghost. It has the strengths and magical powers of both, and is very scary.

This 'Bullfrog' was a seventh-level demon ghost, and its strength was far inferior to that of the 'Nautilus' that he and Xue Yunrou had just killed together.

If his reaction was a little slower just now, it might turn into pus.

This made Li Xuan feel horrified. He felt that there was danger and danger everywhere in the underworld.

He thought that if he knew how to leave this underworld, he might just run away. He now extremely doubted whether what the City God asked him to do was within his ability.

Brother Mastiff, what's going on in this underworld now? Monsters are attacking the city? Li Xuan pressed his sword on his waist and asked with confused eyes: This is related to the so-called Jin Wujiazi's first birthday, and the cloudy day in the yin year. ?”

Xue Yunrou, who was next to her, also pricked up her ears at this moment. As long as the female ghost in red wasn't involved, she seemed to be able to hear what the two of them said.

Tingtian Mastiff shook his head and said: It has something to do with it, but it's more than that. The most important reason is Dasheng Pass, and there is a large tomb from three hundred years ago. Do you know the area and shape of this Nanjing underworld?

Li Xuan was completely unaware of this, while Xue Yunrou pondered and said: I know a little bit. It is said that when the Jin Dynasty was founded, the underworld of Nanjing was only fifteen miles from east to west and twenty miles from north to south. But in the past three hundred years, the population of Nanjing has become increasingly dense. , Nanjing’s underworld is also vast. In addition to Jinling Fucheng, the surrounding underworld has expanded for more than three hundred miles, including many surrounding towns.”

It also included Dasheng Pass, which is fifty miles away to the west of us, and the tombs of the Chen Han soldiers further to the west. It is because of this that trouble occurred.

Tingtian Mastiff turned his head and looked at Li Xuan, who had confused eyes: I'm not talking about the one in Poyang Lake, but the tomb next to Dasheng Pass. In the past, Taizu of Jin used a trick to lure Han King Chen Liang to send nearly a hundred troops. Wan went down the river and set up an ambush.

In the end, Chen Han was defeated miserably in front of Dasheng Pass, and nearly 300,000 soldiers were buried here. After two years, Chen Han recovered his strength and fought against Taizu in Poyang. Therefore, in terms of fierceness, the tombs of Chen and Han soldiers at Dasheng Pass are even better than Poyang Lake.

At this time, Tingtian Mastiff had brought Li Xuan to a huge city gate. UU reading www.uukanshhu. net

The shape of the city gate and city wall are similar to those of Nanjing City, but they also give people a sense of illusion. Li Xuan didn't take a closer look. He was more interested in listening to what the Tianmastiff said: But what's the problem with the tomb of General Chen Han in Dasheng Pass?

The problem is huge. Now even half of the cemetery has fallen into the underworld, between the yin and yang realms. Originally, the underworld of Jinling was a circle of its own, isolated from the yang world. Only the underworld of our underworld could enter and exit at will. But now , the place where Jinling underworld is connected to the Yang world, there is another tomb of Chen Han soldiers between the Yin and Yang worlds. Originally this tomb was banned and suppressed by the imperial court, but there was no problem. But not long ago-

Listening to Tianmastiff talking, he walked to the city gate and touched his toes on the city gate, causing the huge wooden door to open with a creaking sound.

For some unknown reason, countless demons and monsters that were originally wandering in the suburbs have recently come to this underworld. I don't know who is driving them. They have become an army of demons and are besieging the city with ulterior motives.

It said for a moment: Didn't you ask me earlier why the master didn't light candles in front of his palace? The reason is to suppress the underworld, and we have no extra power to waste. Now the whole underworld is leaking, and even my master is stretched thin.

Li Xuan looked out through the crack in the door, then turned pale and took a breath of cold air.

Three thousand feet outside the door, there were rows of monsters of various terrifying shapes standing. At a glance, there was no end in sight.

In this bright and peaceful world, there are so many ghosts and monsters?

He asked himself if he was bold, even audacious. But at this time, Li Xuan couldn't help but tremble in his teeth.

Brother Mastiff, what the City God wants me to do shouldn't be outside this city, right?

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