Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 96 The big fish has caught the net

After entering Guancheng, the redness on Xue Yunrou's face lingered for a long time. She thought, why didn't she think of it? The multi-eyed boy has a timid temperament and is known to bully the weak and fear the strong. The more they obeyed its will, the more arrogant and arrogant it became, but if it pushed back forcefully, the multi-eyed boy would definitely not dare to make a mistake.

I was really dizzy. I was still thinking about what I would do if Li Xuan took advantage of the situation to get closer to her. I clearly judge a gentleman with a villain's heart, and I am very shameless.

Li Xuan didn't seem to notice anything strange about Xue Yunrou. He controlled a group of 'subordinates' and headed straight for the west gate of Dasheng Pass.

The tomb of Chen Han soldiers is just outside the west gate of Dasheng Pass.

But after arriving, the situation here made Li Xuan frown for a while.

The door was obviously closed tightly, and there were dozens of powerful demons stationed near the city gate. The city walls are also heavily guarded.

——There is no way this will pass.


Tingtian Mastiff seemed to have expected this situation. It listened for a while, then jumped off Li Xuan's shoulder and walked to the street on the other side: If you find anything, follow me.

He took Li Xuan and the two of them as they turned around on the street, and within a moment they came to an inconspicuous little hut. After they broke in, the two figures inside were startled at first, and then they knelt on the ground and bowed heavily to Tingtian Mastiff.

Wang Sheng, Zhu Meng, see General Tingtian.

These are actually two night wandering gods wearing armor. Both of their bodies are in turmoil. They are obviously in a state of extreme excitement, so that their bodies cannot maintain stability: General Tingtian, you are here at the right time. Please tell me Your Highness, the Lord of the City, please help me save my master’s life! Tonight, my master is afraid of losing his life.”

Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou couldn't help but look at each other. They had expected that there would be a problem at Dasheng Pass, but the seriousness of the situation was a bit beyond their imagination.

Tingtian Mastiff frowned: What happened in the Great Victory Pass? Why are the city full of monsters and ghosts? How about the city gods, civil and military judges, and so many divine generals in your Great Victory Pass?

Come back to General Tingtian, ten days ago, the civil and military judge was seriously injured by a mysterious scribe who invaded Dasheng Pass. Now he is sealed and cannot escape.

The god general named Wang Sheng smiled bitterly and said: My master is the same. After he was captured, he is now detained in the underground prison of our Dashengguan City God's Mansion.

Tingtian Mastiff was very puzzled after hearing this: Then why do you think his life is at risk? He defeated Guan Chenghuang, but he was canonized by the imperial court and has millions of people's faith. Who can kill him?

It's the Taishan Mansion Junji! This is another night wandering god named Zhu Meng. He clasped his hands in his fists and replied with a cold expression: The demon brought by the mysterious scribe has set up Taishan Mansion in the dungeon of the City God's Mansion. Junji. Not only must we unblock the tomb of Chen Han soldiers outside the Pass, and use this tomb to open up the world of Yin and Yang, but we must also resurrect the 300,000 Yin troops.

It is said that the sacrifices are my master and the two judges Wen and Wu, as well as tens of thousands of residents of Dashengguan in Yangjie. And the time when they launched the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice was on the night of the Zhongyuan Dynasty, when the yin year was yin and the day was yin, it was also the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Jin Dynasty.

At this moment, the faces of Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou were as green as water.


Just when Li Xuan and his party successfully entered the pass, a woman wearing purple clothes with a little cinnabar on her eyebrows stepped into the Dasheng Pass of Hades.

She stood in the air, glanced around, and then dodged and landed in front of a study room in the Chenghuang Mansion in Dashengguan. When he entered, he saw a middle-aged scribe standing in front of a writing desk, writing ink on a picture scroll.

He raised his head in surprise: Tonight is a crucial night for you in Aurous Hill, but you still have time to come here?

Of course there is a reason to come. The purple-clothed woman's eyes suddenly showed a hint of excitement: There is an unexpected big fish caught in the net. Li Xuan is the second son of Uncle Chengyi. Let's keep an eye on him. Someone told me that this man entered the Capital City God’s Temple not long ago, and he was probably taken into the underworld.”

What does this mean? Why did His Highness the City God of Nanjing recruit a dandy into the underworld?

The middle-aged scribe was very surprised, but he then surmised the reason: Li Lexing, the first generation of sincerity? Is he going to use Li Lexing's bloodline to send his people to the tomb of the Chen Han soldiers?

There was a smile on the lips of the woman in purple: I guess so, but this is our chance. Li Xuan has been under Uncle Chengyi's nose before, leaving me helpless. But now that Li Xuan has entered the underworld, I can't help this uncle.

In that case, it was an unexpected surprise.

The middle-aged scribe nodded, but then asked: But what kind of person is Uncle Chengyi? Are you sure that by catching this Li Xuan, UU Reading can hold him hostage? Even if Uncle Chengyi treats his second son again, No matter how important love is, he must be able to understand the importance of family and country.

We know him better than you do, and of course we know his temperament. The woman in purple smiled coldly: We have never planned to hold him hostage, but as long as we are sincere, we can do business for this missing second son. Being slightly distracted and relaxing our focus on the navy and water transportation will be of great help to us.

She looked at the middle-aged scribe with a stern look in her eyes: This matter still depends on your Excellency. We are now standing in the same boat, sharing the same boat through thick and thin, and success or failure is related. This Li Xuan is very important to what we are planning, so please No matter what, you must find this Li Xuan.

I should do my best.

The middle-aged scribe nodded and was about to say something. But at this moment, his expression suddenly changed, he glanced out the window, and then he laughed: His Royal Highness, the City God, seems to be unable to hold himself back.

After hearing the words, the woman in purple changed her mind and her expression became clear: Has his people come to Dasheng Pass?

It is true that a few rats have entered the city. They should be the City God, a subordinate of His Highness King Minngling.

The middle-aged scribe laughed and said, and then put the finishing touch on the picture scroll on the desk: He doesn't know how fully prepared I have been for today. Everything in this city is now a piece of cake. Not even a single piece of wood can hide from my discernment. Also, the Li Xuan you want me to find may be among them.

He waved his sleeves slightly, and a portrait made of mana appeared next to him. If Li Xuan were here, he would recognize that the handsome young man in this portrait with a peerless blue face is himself.

After looking at it, the woman in purple became energetic and her eyes burned brightly: That's the person!

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