Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1008 A boring life (fifth update, please vote for me)

"Xisen, I really don't have time, and I need to interview tomorrow. I need to face it in the best condition." La Boer said.

Xisen's tone suddenly became unhappy: "La Bo'er, are you sure you want to reject my request?"

La Bo'er's face was a little ugly. After all, if she had a falling out with Xisen and Xisen directly hid and cut off her escape, her life would become very difficult.

After all, all her work was arranged by Xisen.

If Xissen doesn't arrange a job for her, La Bo'er will go to drink northwest wind within ten days.

"Xisen, I really can't go."

"Forget it." Xisen's tone became a little cold.

La Boer knew something was wrong.

If she and Xisen fall out, then she will have to find another agent.

But she is on the weak side, and changing her agent means starting everything over.

If you are a famous model or artist, there are many agencies willing to come to sign you.

But for an unknown model like La Boer, there are too many beautiful women in Los Angeles who can replace her.

Even if she jumped from the tallest building in Los Angeles, she wouldn't be in the entertainment section of the news. The most likely news would be in the social section.

And she's not in the best stage of development either.

The best stage of development for a model is between the ages of thirteen and sixteen.

The prime period of a model is between the ages of twenty and twenty-five, which is shorter than the career life of a sports athlete.

La Boer has been modeling since she was a teenager, and she is now twenty-two years old.

If she were to start over, her career would be greatly compromised.

Or even cut it off from now on, after all, other model agencies would rather sign new models who are younger and have more development potential, instead of signing older models like La Boer, who don't have any reputation yet.

"Wait... I'll go and you send me the address." La Boer had no choice but to compromise.

"This is a good boy. You are not young anymore. You should find a way out for yourself."

La Boer felt angry, but she had no choice.

However, if you go there alone, you will definitely be sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth.

But who should I find to accompany me?

La Boer thought about it and suddenly thought of someone.

Chen Zhao! He seemed like a good candidate.

I just don’t know if he is willing to do this favor for me.

With the attitude of giving it a try, La Boer dialed Chen Zhao's phone number.

"Hello, teacher, I'm La Bo."

"What's the matter? Do you want to pay back the money?"

"No." La Bo'er curled her lips. Did this guy only remember that he owed him money?

"What's that?"

"Teacher, I have a party and need a male escort."

"If you're not interested, go find a boy yourself. There should be many boys in the school willing to be your male partner."

Chen Zhao decisively refused. In the United States, a country that advocates freedom, teacher-student love is a taboo.

Even if both parties are adults, teacher-student romance is not allowed.

Because American imperialism has a rule called the taboo of power.

For example, students and teachers, the teacher occupies the powerful side, and the students will be the one dominated and threatened.

Therefore, if a teacher-student relationship occurs and it is exposed, the school will investigate and punish the incident at a mild level. If it is more serious, it may even be prosecuted by judicial agencies.

Chen Zhao had no intention of losing his reputation just for La Bo'er.

"Teacher, I really need help. I have to go to that party, but it's not safe for me to go alone."

"What party?" Chen Zhao frowned.

"It's just a party arranged by my agent." La Boer said.

"In other words, I just need to protect you from being harassed by those people, right?"

"Yes." La Boer replied.

"Okay, where are you now?" Chen Zhao thought for a moment. Since La Bo'er really needs help, then as a teacher, he has the responsibility.

"I am at home."

Chen Zhao and Fali said hello and went out.

Chen Zhao drove to the door of La Boer's house.

La Boer's home is a small villa in a mid-to-high-end community, and the monthly rent is estimated to be several thousand dollars.

Not long after, La Bo'er came out and looked at Chen Zhao's car. La Bo'er's face turned purple.

Chen Zhao drove his agricultural truck.

"Teacher, is this your car?"


"Don't you have any other cars?"

"Yes, it's inconvenient." Chen Zhao replied. After all, the other two cars at home, one of which is a sports car, have been rusting in the garage since Fali became pregnant.

Fali usually drives a small truck when she goes out because the interior space of a sports car is not suitable for pregnant women.

Chen Zhao doesn't like driving sports cars either. He also prefers driving this small truck.

The other one is an RV, which would be too ostentatious when driven out.

Unless the family is going somewhere to play, the RV will be driven out.

"Teacher, your car can't even pass the security guard of that manor." La Boer said helplessly.

She had heard that the party was in Beverly Hills.

"Then can you get in my car?"

"Forget it." La Bo'er could only get into Chen Zhao's car.

I was thinking that when I got to the manor where the party was held, I would just ask Chen Zhao to park the car at the door.

The feeling that Chen Zhao drove to La Boer was stable in one word.

The speed is neither fast nor slow, smooth without any fluctuations.

Moreover, Chen Zhao obeyed all traffic rules, which was completely different from the habits of the American people.

Most people under American imperialism act as traffic rule breakers.

As for drunk driving, it is even more common.

In the United States, the number of traffic accidents caused by drunk driving is ten times that in the country.

Of course, this is also because the American emperor has many cars.

"Teacher, you must be a very boring person."

"Why do you say that?"

"You can see your character from the way you drive. You don't have any sense of adventure. Your normal life must be calm. You have a good job and live a normal life."

"Really?" Chen Zhao always felt that traffic rules should be followed.

In accidents that occur due to violation of traffic rules, it is often not you who suffers the greatest harm, but others.

Chen Zhao doesn't think his driving skills are that good either.

Even if he drove the car for more than a hundred kilometers and then hit a wall, Chen Zhao would not necessarily be injured.

But if it hits someone else or another car, it's almost murder.

Not long after, the two arrived in Beverly Hills.

"What's the address?" Chen Zhao asked.

La Boer handed the address to Chen Zhao: "This location."

Chen Zhao took a look, wasn't this Dell's home?

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