Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1196 Dinner (first update, please vote for me)

"Hi, Chen." An unfamiliar number called Chen Zhao, but the voice was very familiar. It was the female pirate Gu Lie.

"Gu Lie, what's the matter? I remember you told me that Nanqi Island will not surface until mid-March, right?"

"I'm not asking you to set off now, but the news about Nanqi Island has been leaked. Now I know that several forces are entering the waters of Nanqi Island."

"Who are they?"

"Pirates and mercenaries."

"Are you worried that someone will get there first?"

"No, I'm not worried about this. I just feel that the news is spreading very strangely." Gu Lie said: "It seems that someone is spreading this news deliberately."

"It's not me don't doubt the news I spread, do you?"

"Of course I don't believe it's you."

On the one hand, it was because of Chen Zhao's credibility, and on the other hand, Chen Zhao had no motive to leak the news.

"Didn't you say that there is a naval fleet cruising in that area of ​​water? That area of ​​the sea that pirates and mercenaries can approach?"

Chen Zhao and Gu Lie's plan was also to avoid the cruise of the naval fleet, so they chose to set off to hunt for treasure after mid-March.

Gu Lie is considered a senior pirate, she needs to be like this, other pirates and mercenaries must be like this even more.

Nothing good can come of going against a naval fleet.

"On the third day after you left Hawaii Island, the naval fleet entered the waters of Nanqi Island again, trying to salvage gold, but the entire army was wiped out. Now there is no naval fleet on Nanqi Island, and navigation in that area has been banned."

Chen Zhao didn't expect that there would be such a change.

However, without the naval fleet, their actions would be much easier.

But Chen Zhao had to be more cautious.

The entire naval fleet was wiped out, which also shows how dangerous that sea area is.

No matter what, it is your own strength that ultimately determines success or failure.

Chen Zhao has been consolidating his cultivation these past two days.

Chen Zhao didn't know what others were like, but Chen Zhao could feel that his body seemed to have undergone some kind of sublimation since he realized the sky and the earth.

Why do people pursue evolution? Because it’s cool.

This is the most fundamental purpose.

In the past, all living things in the world relied on the natural environment to evolve.

However, since humans completed evolution and completely dominated the entire earth in just three million years, humans have stopped evolving.

Because the natural environment can no longer threaten humans.

At least in most cases, the natural environment no longer threatens the entire human race.

Therefore, the ancients created a cultivation system, or sought breakthroughs from other more advanced species.

For example, borrowing the devil's magic, or the power of God.

The ultimate goal is evolution.

Whether it is to defeat nature, defeat enemies, or defeat similar species, the ultimate goal of human beings pursuing evolution is to enjoy themselves.

I'm unhappy and have evolved to shit.

"Chen, where did you get such a big bird?" Fali watched as Chen Zhao set up a super big pot in the yard, two meters in diameter, filled with water from the rain two days ago.

Fali was already used to it. Chen Zhao would bring back some strange creatures to eat from time to time.

But this big pot can only hold a piece of meat.

Although the phoenix is ​​not a super-large creature, it is still nearly twenty meters long, almost as long as a small passenger plane.

"Phoenix." Chen Zhao glanced at Fali and said.

When Fali heard Chen Zhao's words, she almost felt sick.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, I just went hunting phoenix that night."

Just then, a bus stopped.

Everyone from the Supernatural Association got off the bus, including the doorman Erdos.

Everyone is no longer unfamiliar with Chen Zhao's home.

Even a few young girls brought swimsuits and planned to play in the water here.

So it was still relatively casual. West came over to say hello to Chen Zhao and Fali.

"President, what kind of creature is this?"

"Phoenix, I asked you to come here this time just because I asked you to come and eat together."

West was even more speechless, Phoenix?

Can you say this in a more serious tone?

"By the way, where is Gaia? I informed her." West asked.

"Gaia will come here later. She is still on the set."

"President, are there any phoenix feathers left?"


"Phoenix feathers are very high-end magic materials."

"Oh, let me sort it out. If any of you need it in the future, just ask me for it."

"Have there been any sightings of phoenixes in the past?"

"The last time the phoenix appeared was a hundred years ago, in 1914, in the Eifel volcanic area of ​​Germany."

"1914? That was a special time point." Chen Zhao said meaningfully.

"Yes, World War I." West nodded: "So the Phoenix is ​​also known as the messenger of disaster."

"Wait a minute, my impression is that in the West, the Phoenix is ​​called a divine bird that can bring blessings and hope." Chen Zhao said doubtfully.

"The Phoenix has different legends and images in various European countries, but most of them are ferocious beasts that bring disaster and fire." West said.

At this time, Little Grove and Bona also arrived.

Both of them are relatively newbies in the supernatural world.

So when they knew that Chen Zhao invited them to eat phoenix meat, their eyes almost popped out.

What Chen Zhao intercepted was the thigh meat. Although it was only one-fifth of the phoenix's thigh meat, it already weighed three tons.

"Dad, I want to eat." Little Gelin could already smell the aroma of meat, pointing at the big pot and salivating.

The other pets were pretty much the same, they didn't bother anymore, they all drooled around the big pot.

"Wait until your Aunt Gaia comes to eat. You can't eat it now."

This is a dinner party hosted by Chen Zhao. It is basic etiquette to wait for the guests to arrive before speaking.

"But little Gelin wants to eat."

"So, how is your Aunt Gaia treating you?"

Little Gelin looked confused, then nodded: "Okay."

"So, if you eat, will others also eat? What if Aunt Gaia comes and there is nothing to eat?"

"That...okay then."

Although Chen Zhao and Fali love little Ge Lin, this kind of love must not be given or asked for.

Fortunately, Gaia didn't keep little Ge Lin waiting long. When Gaia's car stopped in front of Chen Zhao's house, little Ge Lin welcomed Gaia's arrival with unprecedented enthusiasm.

"Aunt Gaia." Little Gelin had already pounced on Gaia.

Gaia was really flattered. She looked at little Gelin in disbelief and reached out to hug little Gelin.

"Little Gelin, do you miss Aunt Gaia?"

Fali covered her mouth and smiled: "She is just greedy. If you don't come, she won't let you eat."

"Chen Ye is serious. Little Gelin is still young. If I don't come all night, how can he not let little Gelin eat all night?"

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