Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1396 Unfair Competition (First update, please vote for me)

This plan is to compare Xiyuan Beer.

Demonstration example 1 given by the publicity planner: I held a party at home last night. When I got excited about it, I finished drinking the Dashan beer. The neighbor at the party brought over the beer he had stored at home, but no one could drink it. When did the taste of Xiyuan beer become so bad?

This kind of publicity is actually a kind of soft article, which is very common.

However, generally speaking, if a company uses this kind of soft article for promotion, it cannot use the names of other companies, especially if it uses belittling other companies to highlight its own company.

If you include the names of other companies, you may be sued for unfair business competition.

This kind of example is not without precedent. Just like when Pepsi and Coca-Cola were competing, Pepsi once released an advertisement. A boy came to the vending machine, pressed two cans of Coca-Cola, and then stepped on the two cans of Coca-Cola. Pressing the Pepsi button on the top, the boy finally took the Pepsi, regardless of the two cans of Coca-Cola on the ground.

Because of this advertisement, Pepsi was sued, the advertisement was removed from the shelves, and a fine was imposed.

Of course, the people at Pepsi knew that this advertisement was illegal and illegal, but they still did it.

It's because they want to take advantage of the popularity and popularity at the time.

Although this later triggered a series of advertising wars, in fact, Pepsi still made money from this operation.

Because apart from paying millions of dollars in compensation, Pepsi did not suffer any substantial harm.

And millions of dollars are less than the cost of an advertisement.

But Pepsi gained greater attention through this.

Of course, that kind of open and honest war is too unskilled.

Denver will not do that kind of thing. He plans to use Internet trolls to promote it.

The advantage of using Internet trolls is that even if Xiyuan Beer is unhappy, Dashan Beer will not be affected.

Xiyuan Beer can’t sue the navy.

Dashan Beer can completely evade the personal behavior of consumers.

And because the gap between Xiyuan Beer and Dashan Beer is too big.

No matter how Xiyuan Beer fights back, it is still advertising Dashan Beer.

Overall, this behavior is a very rogue operation.

In the college student apartment at night, Croft was still reviewing his homework.

Suddenly, Appal's call came.

"Kroof, go buy me a few cases of beer."

Croft's face darkened: "Did you run out of beer at the party?"

"Yeah, these bastards are so good at drinking," Appal said.

"Aren't you having a party in Mikap's apartment? It should be closer to the convenience store than here, right?"

"You don't know, originally I prepared five boxes of Dashan beer, but when I saw that the beer was almost gone, I ran to the convenience store and bought five boxes of Xiyuan beer. As a result, everyone thought that Xiyuan beer tasted bad. No way, if I can't get Dashan beer, this party will break up."

"Then let's go to the convenience store again."

"There is no Dashan beer in convenience stores, only Mara Supermarket has it. In the entire city, only North Beach Mara Supermarket is open 24 hours a day."

"What? You want me to go to the North Beach Mara Supermarket? It's at least thirty kilometers away from the school."

"Kroofu, you also like Dashan Beer Bar. By the way, you can also reserve a few boxes of beer for our dormitory. I'll treat you."

Appaler's words played right into Croft's mind. Although Croft liked Dashan beer, the price of Dashan beer was much more expensive than ordinary beer. It was not bad to drink it occasionally, but Croft couldn't afford it if he drank it every day.

The beer supply in the dormitory is basically the responsibility of my second-generation roommate Apal.

To be honest, Croft is now completely obsessed with Dashan beer.

Every time he reviewed his homework, he drank several cans of beer.

Every time I review my homework while drinking, it is very efficient.

But it’s not without its drawbacks, which is that you’ll get drunk if you drink ten cans of beer at once.

So if there are classes in the afternoon, you must not drink at noon.

The best time to drink is after dinner.

And there is another benefit to reviewing your homework while drinking Dashan beer.

That means it won't cause a hangover and you won't feel dizzy the next day.

This is also the reason why Croft became obsessed with Dashan beer.

Of course, there is another flaw with Dashan beer, that is, it cannot be mixed with other beers at the same time.

If you drink other beers on their own, there is no problem.

But if you drink other beers after drinking Dashan beer, you will immediately feel that other beers are unpleasant to drink.

It's not because Dashan beer affects people's taste buds, but because the difference in taste between the two beers is too obvious.

After running back and forth, Croft enjoyed Dashan beer and played with his mobile phone.

At this time, Croft saw an article on Facebook. The content of this article was exactly the same as the problem that Appal had encountered before. It was also caused by drinking Dashan beer at a party and then replacing it with Xiyuan beer. People at the party were dissatisfied.

Croft thought for a while, opened his Facebook, and wrote an article on it.

The guide to using Dashan Beer begins: I am a student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Los Angeles. As a fan of Dashan Beer, I have a drug-like craze for Dashan Beer, so here, I will give a guide to using Dashan Beer. .

First: Dashan beer cannot be mixed with other brands of beer, because this will make you lose interest in other beers.

Second: Dashan beer is a very good party drink. Dashan beer can make the party atmosphere more lively. Believe me, Dashan beer is the best choice for parties.

Third: Dashan beer is also a good condiment. Not long ago, I just tried to cook the famous Chinese beer duck with Dashan beer. The taste really stuck with me for a long time. Every fan of Dashan beer, please be sure to Try cooking beer duck with Dashan beer and the taste will definitely make you question your past recipes.

Fourth: Please find a place to live close to Marla Supermarket, because Dashan Beer is only sold in Marla Supermarket.

Fifth: Please work hard to make money, because the price of Dashan beer is three times more expensive than ordinary beer.

As soon as Croft posted this article, he received a reply immediately.

A Batman named Forever replied: I would like to add the sixth point, Mountain Beer can be used for fishing. Please don’t doubt my opinion. My friends and I went fishing and poured Mountain Beer into the river, and a group of fish swam over. .

Soon, the topic raised by Croft received many replies.

Some people answered seriously, while others were joking.

For example, a person who called me a big star replied: I encountered harassment today, and my bodyguard and assistant were not around, and then I smashed that bastard’s head with a mountain of beer.

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