Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1490 The Dragon Clan in the Real World

Chen Zhao said hehe.

Not to mention that it is impossible for Daili Moore to use all his assets to buy a dragon horn.

Even if she does buy it, $100 million is really not enough.

If this was multiplied by ten, Chen Zhao would consider it.

"Dali Moore, let me explain to you. The last time a dragon appeared was in 1914, and the last time a pure-blood dragon was hunted could be traced back to 1798. According to the records that can be found, at that time In the dragon-slaying battle, more than three hundred psychics participated in the dragon-slaying battle, and most of them were witches. In the end, only eighteen people survived, and the dragon simply collected some materials in the end. Taking away the main magic raw materials, do you think one hundred million dollars can buy a dragon horn?"

It is true that for Chen Zhao and even the Supernatural Association, dragons are no longer a rare thing.

But if Chen Zhao sells it at a low price, it would be a shame for the dragon race.

And who knows how many pure-blood dragons there are in this world, maybe they are hidden among the crowd.

Once they learn that a member of their own race was massacred and the body was sold at a low price, they might look for Chen Zhao.

This is not only the price of raw materials, but also the risk price that Chen Zhao needs to bear.

Chen Zhao believes that pure-blood dragons definitely exist in this world.

Gaia is the best proof of this because she is mixed race.

In the medieval era when dragons were most active, there were too many dragons whose traces could be traced and recorded in history.

However, compared with the records of human dragon-slaying feats and the proportion of dragons dying of natural causes, there should be more dragons active in the Middle Ages who have survived to modern times.

In addition, dragons can take the form of humans.

Therefore, Chen Zhao suspected that there were far more pure-blood dragons in this world than imagined.

Even some ancient dragon clans, after experiencing long years of baptism and accumulation of strength, may be no less powerful than Chen Zhao.

Therefore, Chen Zhao never dared to say that he was invincible.

Just in case a pure blood dragon appears and gives him a slap in the face.

Of course, there are risks, but they are not huge.

Since the Dragon Clan has hidden themselves, they must also know that this era is definitely not an era where they can run rampant.

Any government has the ability to slay the dragon. Even if there is no psychic, it still has the means to slay the dragon with modern weapons.

If a dragon fights Chen Zhao, as long as Chen Zhao is not killed instantly, there is a high chance that the dragon will die.

No matter how powerful Chen Zhao is, he is still a human being, but dragons are different. Their huge bodies can bring panic to society.

As for the Dragon Clan fighting Chen Zhao in human form, Chen Zhao would not be afraid at all.

Unless he was a dragon at the level of Obitos and his mother, Chen Zhao decisively gave in.

And is there a dragon clan at the level of a great lord in this world? Chen Zhao expressed doubts about this.

Of course, no matter what, it is impossible to sell at a low price.

Impossible in this life.

That's what you risked your life for.

A dragon horn in the hands of a reliable alchemist may represent the birth of a divine weapon.

Not to mention the price at which the artifact should be sold, at least it shouldn't lose the face of the Dragon Clan.

Daili Moore was speechless. According to Chen Zhao, the value of a dragon horn obviously requires an astronomical amount of wealth to obtain.

Her wealth is indeed not enough, unless she begs Chen Zhao with a shy face.

But Daley Moore is still somewhat proud.

She didn't think that she could rely on her friendship with Chen Zhao or even rely on that favor.

Chen Zhao will give her the dragon horn.

This is like a rich man who owes an ordinary person a favor.

Can this favor allow a rich man to give this ordinary person his entire family property?

This is obviously impossible.

"It seems that I don't understand the market too much." Daili Moore said helplessly.

"Then after the magic dragon scale armor is made, I will send it to you together with the dragon's blood. You should also prepare the formula for me."

Bathing in dragon blood, for most people, is not only out of reach, but even unattainable.

Before this, Chen Zhao had also bathed in dragon blood.

That burning sensation is unpleasant.

Except for Gaia, no one else could bear it.

"President, the silver dragon faucet has been processed. Do you need me to send it over?" West called Chen Zhao.

"Is there any dye? It won't fade when exposed to wind or sun. Of course, the most important thing is that it is non-toxic and harmless. I will put it in the yard."

The dye was applied so that no one would notice that they were real skeletons.

After all, ordinary guests still come to Chen Zhao's house occasionally.

"It's not difficult. I'll transport it to you this afternoon."


In the afternoon, West and Erdos drove up.

West has been to Chen Zhao's new home before, and Erdos is here for the first time, mainly to see the world.

Chen Zhao came to the yard carrying the dragon skull.

"Chen, is this the trophy from your last dragon slaying? It's so big." Fali saw Chen Zhao coming in carrying a huge dragon skull.

"Well, Fali, do you think the faucet is facing inward or outward?"

"Facing the inside." Fali said: "Don't put it so straight, put it a little crooked, and put it a little farther out, yes, that's just right." Fali nodded with satisfaction: "Mr. West, Mr. Erdos , you are here, you sit down first, I will let the evil demon prepare."

As a hostess, Fali is quite hospitable.

Moreover, West and Erdos are also old acquaintances, and they also know many secrets of the family.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Little Gelin saw the arranged dragon skull and ran out excitedly.

"Dad, is this a birthday gift for me?"

"Your birthday isn't here yet."

Little Gelin ran to the dragon's skull and carefully probed into the dragon's open mouth.

"It's so big. These teeth are as big as little Gelin's." Little Gelin exclaimed in amazement.

The teeth of this silver dragon are very large. The two exposed main teeth are a full 150 centimeters long, and the other teeth on both sides are 50 or 60 centimeters long.

A faucet is almost fifteen meters long and occupies a quarter of the yard.

Fali has a bit of a heterosexual Internet addiction.

This hobby was mainly developed because Chen Zhao often hunted aliens.

When we were at Mirror Lake Villa, there was one in the basement.

However, because it was later used as an operating room, the demon's bones had been put away by Chen Zhao.

Compared with the skull of the silver dragon, the whole body of the demon was really not impressive enough.

Fali also admired the silver dragon skull. Because the silver dragon skull was coated with a layer of artificial glue dye, it looked a bit fake, but Fali didn't care about it. She knew it was real.

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