Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 163 Land sold at a low price (eighth update, please vote for me)

"Obitos, come out and apologize."

Everyone saw a ball of flame burst out of the room.

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly moved away. Obitos opened his mouth wide, and his posture was really scary.

A monitor lizard weighing more than 100 kilograms and measuring two meters in length is not something that ordinary people would dare to keep at home.

Not to mention having close contact with this kind of monitor lizard. Of course, in American families, there are many people who keep monitor lizards.

"What kind of monitor lizard is this? Why is the skin red?" Leonardo asked curiously.

"It's name is Obitos. It just came to my house. I didn't have time to discipline it, so it ran out to hunt on its own, and ended up biting this lady's pet dog to death. I'm very sorry, lady, if you need compensation , we can resolve this matter through negotiation.”

Melson and Leonardo finally understood what was going on, but the girl was still reluctant.

"Since you keep such a dangerous pet, you should discipline it well. What if it bit a person? Or a child?"

"Yes, I will pay attention to it, and I promise it won't happen again."

If you do something wrong, you must bow your head and admit it.

"Obitos, apologize."

Obitos raised his head, first looked at Chen Zhao, then flicked his tail at the girl and nodded his head.

The girl looked at Obitos with a trace of envy on her face.

"Then you compensate me for this giant lizard."

Chen Zhao rolled his eyes, this girl really dared to speak.

"I'm afraid this won't work. I can compensate you financially, but I won't give my pet to anyone else."

This kind of civil dispute does not constitute a criminal case, so the police generally will not intervene.

Of course, if one of the parties insists on appealing to the court, that is not impossible.

However, even in court, the judge will only award some monetary damages at best.

As the at-fault party, Chen Zhao will also be sentenced to some lighter punishment, such as dozens of hours of community service, for failing to take good care of his pets.

"Then lend it to me, just for one month."

Chen Zhao still shook his head: "No."

"Then can I come and play with it?"


"Chen, I will now sentence you. Within the next month, this beautiful lady must have one hour to play with your pet, of course, in your presence." Meyerson said seriously .


"Thank you, Mr. Police." The girl hugged Melson's waist enthusiastically. Melson was very big, so she could only hug Melson's waist: "Then I can play with him now. Yet?"

"Okay, Obitus, you must take responsibility for your mistakes now, and all three of you, please come out."

Beelzebub, Carrie and Raymond ran out, all looking like they had done something wrong, and stood side by side in front of Chen Zhao.

"Wow, you have so many pets? You're so stingy, you can't even give me one."

Chen Zhao looked at Melson and Leonardo with a wry smile: "Why are you here?"

"Chen, that recording is the conversation between you and Ted Pamton. We now want to know where Ted Pamton is."

"I have no idea."

"Didn't you catch him red-handed?"

"Please, he has a gun in his hand, I don't dare to chase him." Chen Zhao had already thought of an excuse.

"Hopefully he's still alive."

Obviously, Meyerson had some doubts about whether Chen Zhao secretly killed Ted Pamton.

"Wouldn't it be better to die?" Chen Zhao said disapprovingly.

"He has now hidden his property, but the families of all the victims in the fire have not received compensation. Do you think this is a good thing?"

Chen Zhao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this joint.

However, things are irreversible.

Ted Pampton is dead, he must be in hell.

But Chen Zhao doesn't know whose hands his soul is now, or whether it is still intact.

"Then I can only hope that you can catch him as soon as possible."

"Chen, can you guarantee that he is still alive?"

"Do you suspect that I killed him? Or do you suspect that I embezzled his property?"

"I didn't mean that."

"I can assure you that I did not kill him, nor detained him, nor asked him about the whereabouts of his property. I did not intervene in this matter for his money at all. If it was for his money, I would not I'll give the recorder to the police, I just want to help my friend clear his name."

"Okay, Chen, I apologize to you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Meyerson said apologetically.

"I accept your apology."

"If you have any clues, can you tell us the police?"

"Okay, if there are any clues, I will let you know."

"Then I won't disturb you. Goodbye."

Meyerson turned and left, and Leonardo hugged Chen Zhao: "Chen, you are going too far. You don't even call me for action. Do you not regard me as a friend?"

Leonardo learned that Chen Zhao, David, Sienna and others were all involved.

But he was excluded and felt very uncomfortable.

He felt that since David was a policeman, he was willing to cooperate with Chen Zhao to finally find the real culprit.

Then he can, not to mention he is still involved in this case. If Chen Zhao comes to him, maybe he can provide more clues.

"Leonardo, it's not that I haven't thought about you, but I don't know your position. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm sorry."

"Okay, I forgive you, but I hope that if the same thing happens next time, you can think of me first."


"Don't forget, my party is tomorrow."

"will not forget."

At this moment, a person came in from outside the yard, saw several people in the yard, and finally laid his eyes on Chen Zhao.

"Excuse me, are you Chen?"

"Who are you?"

"Don't you know me? I'm the mayor of Dashan Town. You can call me Dean."

Dean Slott is a bald man in his early fifties who looks more like a thug than a mayor.

Dean Slott's reputation in the town is very bad, it can be said that it is extremely bad.

There are several rumors that he took bribes and sold the town's common property to some enterprises, such as chemical plants, for personal gain.

"What can I do for Mr. Dean?"

"I heard that you want to buy the land in Mirror Lake and the surrounding five hectares. Is this true?"

"I have this plan, but I have recently had problems with my cash flow and have given up on this idea."

"I can sell it to you cheaply," Dean Slott said.

"Cheap? How much cheaper?" Chen Zhao became interested again.

"Chen, you should understand that something happened in the town recently, and several families were in trouble because of it. This may be the last thing I can do for them in this position, so I can't lower it too much, 400,000 Dollars, that’s my bottom line.”

Chen Zhao didn't know whether Dean Slott was putting on a show or sincere, but he had this idea, which should be a good thing at least for the families of the victims.

However, Chen Zhao really can't afford the money now.

"Can you give me a few days to think about it?"

Gritting my teeth... My friend said that I was changing from a fat nerd to a dead nerd. Do you know what I went through?

Weeping blood and begging for monthly votes...

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