Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1768 Magic Encyclopedia

The faces of the people in the monitoring room and Sam Mira on the rooftop changed.

"That person also has the same abilities as the black figure." Blitz said.

"That Maidi has never had close contact with the tank, but after the black figure absorbed the magic power of the tank, Maidi also has the same ability. It seems that there is some connection between the black figure and Maidi."

Blitz pondered for a while and said: "It should be a contract. That Maddie himself is not a psychic. Those black figures should have been summoned through Maddie, but there is a real psychic among them. Those The black figure resembles Madi’s evil incarnation.”

Blitzcrank is on the psychic team, but he claims to be in the Encyclopedia of Magic.

He knows and masters countless magics.

Soon enough, seven or eight points were speculated.

Of course, in the world of magic, the types of magic are as vast as the sea of ​​stars.

And every moment, new magic is created and new magic is lost.

So even Blitzcrank can't master all magic.

However, Blitzcrank was still able to distinguish the types and characteristics through some details.

Blitzcrank picked up the microphone and said to Sam Mira: "Sam Mira, change the magic attack method, preferably a direct magic attack."

"Mr. Blitz, my magic attack cannot hit the target that far away." Sam Mira said.

"Where's the confinement magic?"

"Similarly not."

"Then what other magic do you have that can solve the current problem? As long as it can attack or kill the target."

Blitzcrank was quite unfamiliar with Sam Mira's ancient divine favor magic.

God-favorite magic borrows the power of ancient gods.

Older than the demonic magic that is common today.

And the circulation is quite limited.

Favorite magic mostly summons ancient gods that are either virtual or physical.

"Let me give it a try." Sam Mira said.

Sam Mira took a deep breath, raised his right arm and pointed at Madi from a distance of a thousand meters.

"Spirit of the ancient star, listen to my call and send down your divine power for my use."

At this moment, three light groups appeared above Maidi's head.

The three light groups each emitted a beam of light, pointing at Madi from three angles.

Maddie's reaction was extremely fast and she instantly avoided the three intersecting light beams.

The three beams of light passed by and streaked across the ground, leaving three scorch marks.

In the monitoring room, Blitzcrank shook his head: "Sam Mira's magic is quite powerful, but the prelude to the attack is too long, and the trajectory is too obvious, even ordinary people can avoid it."

Vistana nodded, there was indeed a big problem.

"What now?" Vistana asked.

"It's better for me to take action," Blitz said.

Vistana thought for a while, and Blitzcrank shouldn't take action if it wasn't necessary.

After all, Blitz is the deputy commander, and he is an excellent commander.

He can be most effective only by commanding from the rear.

There are many people in the psychic team who are not weak in strength.

But in this case, it is difficult to exert its due strength.

As a result, Blitzcrank had to take action.

Vistana suddenly remembered the Supernatural Society.

What would they do if they were faced with this situation?

Blitz stood up and left the headquarters, walking in the direction of Maddie.

Maddie noticed Blitzcrank approaching and suddenly became nervous.

After all, he is just an ordinary person.

He knows that there are strange powers and chaotic gods in this world, and there are magical or weird powers.

Blitzcrank held a thirty-six-sided die in his hand.

Blitzcrank threw the dice into the air as he walked, then reached out to hold the dice.

Twenty-nine, Blitzcrank knew the number even without looking at the face of the die.

"It seems that this battle is suitable for using white magic."

Blitzcrank uses dice to determine the magic to use.

Speaking of which, this also belongs to prophecy magic.

Used to predict what type of magic to use.

Two white balls of light appeared in Blitzcrank's hands.

At this moment, a black figure broke away from the battle group and came towards Blitzcrank.

The white light balls in Blitzcrank's hands were thrown out. The black figure was unable to dodge and was instantly hit by the white light balls.


The black figure made a strange cry, and its body suddenly melted into black.

"It seems that Holy Light Magic is very effective in dealing with these black figures." Blitz said to himself: "They should be evil clones caused by negative emotions."

Blitzcrank continued walking towards Maddie.

Maddie knew that he was definitely no match for Blitzcrank, so he hurriedly ran towards the tank.

Blitzcrank looked at Maddie and said, "She's not stupid."

The ball of light in Blitzcrank's hand turned into a long bow. Blitzcrank pulled the bowstring, and another white arrow appeared on the bowstring.

The white arrow was aimed at Madi, and the bowstring was lowered slightly.

The white arrow headed straight for Maidi.

Madi's body was shot instantly, and the arrow passed through his body.

Maddie screamed, making him miserable.

Maddie looked at Blitzcrank hard and raised his hand to control a dozen black figures.

The black figures began to merge into one under Madi's control.

A black giant more than ten meters tall. Even a tank is much smaller than this black giant.

The black giant raised his foot and kicked the tank hard.

The tank was kicked straight away and fell towards Blitzcrank.

"Oops." Blitzcrank exclaimed and quickly avoided it.

The tank landed next to Blitzcrank and immediately got up.

But his target was changed to Blitzcrank.

"Damn it." Blitzcrank cursed secretly, and quickly shouted: "Chain of Holy Light."

A dozen silver-white chains shot out of the dark night, tying the tank tightly.

However, the tank at this moment was extremely powerful and was constantly struggling to break free from the chains of Holy Light.

Blitzcrank had to allocate more mana to restrain the tank.

But at this moment, the black giant had already shot towards Blitzcrank.

"Judgment!" Blitzcrank had to use part of his strength to deal with the black giant. Hearing Blitzcrank shout, a sword of holy light fell from the sky, directly penetrated the black giant's chest, and nailed the black giant to the ground.

However, the black giant was not destroyed. It struggled and started fighting again. It seemed to want to pull out the Sword of Holy Light from its chest.

"Give me another trial." Blitz shouted again, and another sword of holy light fell from the sky and penetrated the black giant's body again.

The black giant knelt on the ground. It was the incarnation of evil.

It couldn't bear the power of the Holy Light that penetrated its body continuously.

Blitzcrank's face was a little pale. If he was just dealing with tanks or black giants, he wouldn't have such a hard time.

It happened that the tanks of his camp were supposed to cause chaos here, and it took him several times the magic power to barely control the situation.

But at this time, a voice came from the darkness.

"Very good, but not enough to stop me."

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