Okula Singles, Barbarash, and Domini ran away in despair.

Navoz Singh was a little at a loss.

Because she doesn't know how to get rid of her current state.

Back in Dale Moore's car, she finally got into the seat.

With a height of two to three meters, the carriage is still a bit small for her.

Daili Moore looked at Navoz Singsi with bright eyes.

"Nawoz, you are too powerful."

"It has nothing to do with me. The ability is completely copied from Chen. It's terrible."

"I also want to learn weakness mirroring and mirroring magic as soon as possible." Daili Moore suddenly became full of motivation.

"Even if you have learned mirror magic, you should not randomly ask Chen to copy his abilities if it is not necessary. The consequences will be serious."

"What's serious?"

"The trouble with the enhancement system is here. Although the mirror magic can copy the opponent's ability, after using the opponent's ability, it will bring a huge burden to the body. Remember last time I used the weakness mirror to copy it to Chen's left arm. , after the magic faded, my left arm was disabled for three days and I couldn't lift it up at all. I just used such a huge force, I don't think I can get out of bed this month."

"Is it that serious?"

"This is a side effect of mirror magic. Otherwise, do you think this magic circle is so perfect?"

"But it's good to experience that feeling. You know, you were like a god just now... No, you are still like a god now."

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the car without warning.

"Oops..." Navoz Singles and Daili Moore both exclaimed.

Daley Moore had no time to apply the brakes and the car hit the man.


The expected scene of the person being knocked away did not appear.

The front of the car dented instantly as if it had hit a telephone pole.

The airbag popped up on the steering wheel instantly, and Daley Moore was hit badly.

However, Navoz Singles broke out of the car window in an instant and threw his whole body towards the person.

She hasn't released the mirror magic yet, and she still has endless power.

The man was thrown to the ground directly by Navoz Singh.

He was also a little stunned. He didn't expect Navoz Singles to be able to throw him to the ground.

"Who are you!?" Navoz Singles grabbed the other person's neck with one hand.

This person found that he had overestimated his own strength, and at the same time underestimated the strength of Navoz Singles.

Originally, in his expectation, he should be the one grabbing Navoz Singsi's neck.

But now the situation is reversed.

how so?

Why is this happening?

The man's palms suddenly emitted black light, and he slapped Navoz Singsi's chest.

But when his palms hit Navoz Singh's chest, the magic attached to his palms actually dissipated.

what happened? Is Navoz Singles so powerful?

"Who are you?" Navoz Singsi's palm has increased in strength.

The man's neck was being squeezed out of shape by a huge force.

"Eastern Endless Pillar King, lend me your power." The man suddenly shouted.

Navoz Singles felt that this man's power was increasing.

But he still didn't surpass himself.

What she was more concerned about was the magic used by this man. He was praying and borrowing power from the Eastern Endless Pillar King, one of the five great gods of the Roma people.

In other words, he is a Roma just like himself?

To borrow the power of Pillar King, you first need to become a disciple of Pillar King.

The legend of the Five Pillar Kings of Creation is an internal belief among the Roma people and is extremely niche.

Other races do not have this belief.

At this moment, Navoz Singers turned her head, and she saw Daryl Moore in the car behind her with a broken head and blood. She seemed to be extremely seriously injured.

Navots Singsi left this man in his hands, he was very powerful.

But compared to his current state, it is really nothing.

Navoz Singles was not worried that he could hurt or defeat her.

But at this moment, this man suddenly attacked.

It's just that he didn't attack Navoz Singh directly, but reached out and grabbed Navoz Singh's earrings.

Navoz Singsi realized something was wrong in an instant, but it was already too late.

The man pulled off the earrings hard.

"Ah..." Navoz Singsi screamed, and her ears were bleeding.

Navoz Singsi instantly felt the rapid passage of power.

Her earrings, called Bridging, extend the duration of all continuous magic spells twice as long.

The mirror magic is also able to last for such a long time through earrings.

Navoz Singsi felt weak.

But before the power was completely gone, Navoz Singsi punched the man in the face with all his strength.

"Ah..." This man was punched in the face by Navoz Singles, and flew more than ten meters away.

Navoz Singh fell to the ground in pain, and she was no longer able to pursue him.

The man stood up unsteadily, looked at Navoz Singh, and then at the pendant in his hand.

He was hesitant whether to take advantage of this moment to kill Navoz Singles.

After all, the feeling of threat given to him by Navoz Singles was too strong.

But his current condition is also very bad.

His face was covered in blood, and blood was constantly oozing from his mouth, nose, and ears.

I had a splitting headache in my head, very painful.

At this moment, Okula Singles, Barbarash and Domini suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Warren, are you okay?" Okula Singers glanced at her sister who fell on the ground, with a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

"Go kill her." Just after Valen finished speaking, he made a sound and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Take Mr. Warren out of here." Okula Singles said.

Barbarash and Domini looked at each other, knowing what Okula Singas was planning.

After all, they were also sisters, so it was understandable that Okula Singer couldn't bear to take action.

Moreover, Okula Singletary had been actively attacking her sister in order to hold Valen back.

She was just worried that her sister's life would be endangered if Valen took action himself.

"Mr. Wallen, you are seriously injured. Let's take you out of here first." Barbarash said.

To be honest, they all know how terrifying Varun's strength is.

Originally, in their opinion, Navoz Singh had absolutely no chance of winning if Valen took action.

As a result, Valen actually won a tragic victory, and he did not win by relying on a head-on battle.

The way to win is very tricky.

If Navoz Singh had not underestimated the enemy, Valen would probably have been killed by Navoz Singh.

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