Most of the time, it doesn't matter what the conspiracy is.

Chen Zhao is not a policeman, and what Navoz Singh and these children want is revenge.

So what they are looking for is never the truth.

The truth only satisfies curiosity.

And revenge can bring pleasure.

It's a pity that Navoz Singsi doesn't know the location of the Akuk family.

Even she didn't know if it was in North America.

"What are you going to do with these children?" Chen Zhao asked.

"I'll take care of them."

"I will also help." Daili Moore said.

So many children, plus a ‘disabled person’.

Chen Zhao couldn't take them out directly.

Unless... they are all tied up, and then Chen Zhao holds the other end of the rope.

But now these children are in panic and confusion.

The mentality is very fragile and cannot withstand the slightest stimulation.

Just walk out.

Navoz Singh asked Chen Zhao to burn down the entire Singh family settlement.

Along with those corpses.

In the flames, those children cried heartbreakingly.

The fire is like the anger in everyone's heart.

Only Chen Zhao looked calm.

In fact, I am very peaceful inside.

When he first saw those corpses just now, Chen Zhao was indeed a little angry.

But maybe it's because I'm an outsider.

These dead people, and even these children, have nothing to do with me.

So Chen Zhao found that his anger seemed to have gradually subsided.

Of course, the main reason is that Chen Zhao's heart is not so rich in emotional scenes.

Chen Zhao didn't have the idea of ​​​​insisting on justice for them, and insisting on fighting the murderers until death.

It's not that Chen Zhao doesn't have a sense of justice, he just isn't that strong.

The road in this mountain forest is very difficult.

But Chen Zhao didn't have much to do.

These children were able to persevere on nearly a hundred kilometers of mountain roads.

But Chen Zhao couldn't hold on.

Even if you run on the main road, it takes a day to run 100 kilometers.

What's more, on a mountain road, with the skills of these children, even if there is no accident on the road, it will take two days.

Within a few hours, it was already dark.

"You guys take a rest here and I'll go hunting." Chen Zhao said.

"Dali Moore, I'll leave this place to you." Daili Moore nodded: "Come back quickly."

Daili Moore was a little scared when he saw this deep mountain and old forest.

Chen Zhao flew away directly.

Xinli Xingsi and all the children watched Chen Zhao disappear into the night sky with bright eyes.

They are all children who have been exposed to magic, although the length of time they have been exposed to magic varies.

But they all know that psychics who can fly are very rare, and most of them are very powerful.

Chen Zhao flew back to get the RV.

Chen Zhao went back and forth very quickly at night.

The two hundred kilometers journey only takes a few minutes for Chen Zhao.

If Chen Zhao uses full speed, the speed will be faster.

However, if the speed is too fast, the heat source of the body will react too much, and it is likely to be captured by the American air defense system, and then a tomahawk will be fired at you for no reason.

So Chen Zhao just flew at a lower speed.

It took more than ten minutes to go back and forth.

"Chen, where is the prey?" Daili Moore looked at Chen Zhao's empty hands.

Chen Zhao took out the RV directly: "What do you think of this prey?"

"You just left to get the RV?" Daili Moore looked at Chen Zhao in surprise.

"What's the use of this RV?"

"Everyone gets in the car and I carry the car and fly out. It's really troublesome to just walk away like this."

Daili Moore and Navoz Singh both looked at Chen Zhao in astonishment.

"Is this okay?"

"If there's anything you can't do, just go up."

Soon, the two of them and their eight children experienced the feeling of a roller coaster.

Chen Zhao was holding himself up under the car. The flying speed was not very fast, almost the same as ordinary driving speed.

The height is not too high, only a few dozen meters high, just above the mountain forest.

This experience allows these children to temporarily forget their pain.

After an hour, we finally arrived outside the mountain forest.

"Chen, my house is a bit small. Can you let them live in your house for the next two days?" Daili Moore asked: "I will borrow a big house from my mother tomorrow, and I should make some preparations, cleaning and decoration. one time."

"Okay." Chen Zhao nodded and turned to look at the children: "You can live at my place, but you are not allowed to use magic."

Although Chen Zhao did not use a too strong tone.

However, these children obviously still have some respect for Chen Zhao.

So everyone nodded in agreement honestly.

The children in the car were not playing or laughing, and all of them were very silent.

Returning to reality, they fell into pain again.

"Nawoz, your parents are not there, are they?" Chen Zhao only felt her anger, but not much sadness.

"My parents died a long time ago."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's nothing." Navoz Singles was not too relieved.

“What’s the future for these kids?”

"have no idea."

No one can answer this question.

"You should send me and Daryl Moore home first."

After sending the two of them home, Chen Zhao drove home.

"Fali, let the evil demons prepare a table for dinner. Some special guests will come to our house." Chen Zhao dialed Fali's phone number.

"What guest?"

"A bunch of kids who just lost their parents."

"I see."

When Chen Zhao's car drove into the villa, Fali greeted him in the garage.

Fali's heart was softer than Chen Zhao's, so after hearing what happened to these children, she felt very sorry for them.

When Chen Zhao took these children out of the car, Fali felt even more sorry for these children.

The youngest among these children may be only five or six years old.

Fali stepped forward and picked up the child: "Children, have you had dinner?"

Chen Zhao and Fali led their children into the restaurant.

These children were really hungry. Most of them only ate breakfast and then nothing else.

Fali completely acted as a waiter, passing food to this child or serving drinks to that child.

Chen Zhao took some food and walked out of the restaurant.

All the children were devouring it.

Fali suddenly noticed Xinli Xingsi's gaze.

"Miss Farley, can you adopt us?"

"Huh?" Fali was startled.

She had no such idea at all. To be precise, she had never thought about it in this direction.

"Why do you want me to adopt you?" Fali asked in shock.

Fali suddenly realized that she didn't seem to reject it.

However, she needs to explain this matter to Chen Zhao, and she needs to respect Chen Zhao's suggestions and opinions.

This is not a small matter. Adopting any child is a big deal, let alone a group of children.

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