Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 181 Lao Hei, please install wifi at your home (seventh update, please give me a monthly tick

"Everything is fine. If you hadn't called me, I would have gone to bed."

"Okay, then I won't disturb you anymore, I'm going to bed too."

After a brief conversation, Chen Zhao hung up the phone.

Chen Zhao rubbed his forehead and entered the basement.

Chen Zhao needs to give Baima more special treatment.

It was obviously not suitable to give Baima special treatment outside. Although Baima had eaten two demon crystals, his condition was still not good.

The majestic King of Greed was a subordinate, but he was almost killed by a human species.

The three-headed dog is the happiest because two new partners have arrived.

No, I should say three new partners.

Chen Zhao also brought Hydra Xudra into the space gap. Xiaojiu was as timid and timid as ever.

The three-headed dog has already become one with Black Horse. If it weren't for White Horse's listlessness, the three of them would probably become one with each other.

Chen Zhao and Lao Hei went to the castle to study magic and medical skills.

"Old Hei, when I was at the Gate of Hell last time, when I summoned the banshee through the demonic weapon, I felt very tired. This is something I haven't felt before. Why is this?"

"My research on demon magic is not deep, but when I use demon magic, I clearly feel the upper limit. If I use certain magic too much, I will feel tired." Lao Hei said.

Chen Zhao and Lao Hei are both novice magicians. At the beginning, Lao Hei didn't know much demon magic.

Of course, Lao Hei got started faster than Chen Zhao, because Lao Hei's true identity is also a kind of devil after all.

But there are some magics that Lao Hei will never be able to use.

"I have done research, such as Hell's Death Knell. If I use Hell's Death Knell ten times on a person in a short period of time, I will be very tired."

"In order to try magic, you used Hell's Death Knell on a person. Didn't you drive that person into a lunatic?"

"What I'm looking for is a vegetative person. If I use Hell's Death Knell on him, it won't have any effect." Lao Hei said disapprovingly.

"So, that means that both you and I have this threshold. We cannot release magic infinitely or summon demons." Chen Zhao said.

"It should be like this. In some of your human literary works, don't you assume that the use of magic requires magic power? Let's assume that we also have magic power and have our own upper limit of magic power."

"Then how do you think our upper limit of magic power should be tested?"

"Beelzebub, Raymond, and Carrie should answer this question. They are more familiar with demonic magic than the two of us."

Chen Zhao called Beelzebub to the castle and asked questions about them.

"Of course demonic magic needs power to drive it. It makes no difference whether it is explained by hell or human beings' own imagination. We hells collectively call it demonic power, and you humans can call it magic power. They are all the same thing anyway."

"I don't think it's accurate to call it demonic power." Lao Hei was the first to object: "Because humans can also use it, which shows that they have certain common characteristics."

"No, humans can only use a small part of it, and it is modified demonic magic. This shows that demonic magic is still mainly based on demonic power. Maybe the modified demonic magic has changed the characteristics of demonic magic, or it may be The power required to activate demonic magic has been changed." Chen Zhao expressed his point of view.

"But you are a special one." Lao Hei looked at Chen Zhao: "Why can you learn demonic magic without restrictions? Even I can't learn many demonic magics, but you can still learn and use them."

Even Beelzebub could not answer this question.

"Although Lao Hei is a demon, in fact, the three of us are actually three different forms. Lao Hei has no entity, Beelzebub is a projection, and I am a pure human being. But the three of us have What we have in common is the ability to use magic, so if we can find what the three of us have in common, we might be able to figure out what kind of power we use to drive magic."

"Are you still considered a pure human being? Your right hand has the blood of Lord Beelzebub Zoffei flowing through it. To say that you are a miscellaneous person..."

Before Beelzebub finished speaking, Chen Zhao stared at Beelzebub with threatening eyes: "If you dare to say that word, you'd better change the projection and I will use your current projection to make dog meat pot. .”

Beelzebub decisively brought the topic back to the topic: "Human, I think you have forgotten the fourth existence that can release demonic magic."

"Which one is the fourth?"


"What badge?"

"There are some badges in both hell and the human world. We in hell call them demon badges, and you in the world call them magic badges. But the name doesn't matter. These badges actually leave traces of demonic magic on certain props, so that they can be This prop works some kind of magic.”

"Do you have a magic badge?"

"No, I don't know how to make it," Beelzebub said.

"So generally speaking, these are the four categories, right? Of course, Lao Hei may not be considered one. After all, he is still a devil."

"Who said there are only four categories? There are many categories, such as angels."

" angels really exist?"

"What's so strange about this? If there are demons, why can't there be angels?"

"What about the angels? Are they in heaven? Still serving an old pervert who seduces unmarried girls?"

"I don't know. I have never seen or heard of any place where angels live."

"Then how are you sure angels exist?"

"Because it exists. This is an ironclad fact."

"You can't tell where the angel is, so you just throw out an ironclad fact, a ridiculous fact. Isn't this a setting you just told me casually to deceive me?"

Chen Zhao always had three reservations about what he said to Beelzebub.

When Chen Zhao came out of the space gap, he found four missed calls, all from Robbio.

Chen Zhao glanced at Lao Hei who followed him out: "Old Hei, install a wifi or signal tower inside."

Chen Zhao called Robbio's phone: "Robbio, what's the matter?"

"Chen, Fali has entered the hospital."

"What? Why did she end up in the hospital? What happened?"


"Drowning? She is drowning?" Chen Zhao knew very well how good Fali was in water. How could she drown?

"I don't know the specific situation. I received a landline call from the headquarters, and then I heard Wanda's cry. When I rushed to the headquarters, I found Fali lying on the beach. I had already sent her to the hospital. .”

"In which hospital?"

"Chanterly Hospital."

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