Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 183 Ghost Ship (Ninth update, let’s make the monthly ticket more fierce)

Fali was indeed frightened, but when Chen Zhao arrived, she became much calmer.

Back in the house, Chen Zhao poured a glass of water for Fali.

"Tell me what's going on."

"Before going to bed, I routinely used night vision binoculars to observe the coastline, and then I noticed that there seemed to be a figure on the sea. I thought it was a drowning person, so I swam towards that location."

"And you were attacked by an evil spirit?"

"I saw the 'drowning man' calling for help to me. I grabbed him, but he seemed to be pulled into the water by something. I tried to hold him, but I was also pulled under the water. Under the water, I saw a boat with densely packed figures on it, and it was the figures on the boat who dragged the drowning man down."

Chen Zhao thought of a word: "Ghost ship?"

"Yes, it was a ghost ship wandering under the sea. Then I saw the ghost on the ghost ship and tried to drag me down. Then Wanda came over and it was she who saved me."

It seems to be a real supernatural event, not just a suspicion at first.

"Chen, I'm a little afraid of the sea water now. I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'll never be able to work in the coast rescue team again." Fali's current state is very similar to Daniel's.

The attack also left a psychological shadow.

"I will solve this matter." Chen Zhao said.

However, for Chen Zhao, this matter is really troublesome.

The key is that Chen Zhao has no experience in finding evil spirits.

After much thought, Chen Zhao thought of Sienna.

"Sienna." Chen Zhao dialed Sienna's phone number.

"Chen, do you know that staying up late is the greatest harm to a woman?"

"Do you want to make money?"

Sienna woke up immediately: "Tell me what's going on."

"Fali was attacked by an evil spirit today."

"Is she okay?"

"A little bit frightened."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Based on her description, it appears that what attacked her was a ghost ship wandering the sea."

"Ghost ship? I can't deal with a ghost ship."

"Is the ghost ship difficult to deal with?"

"Do you know how my teacher died?"

"How did you die?"

"Twenty years ago, a wandering ghost ship appeared on the west coast. My teacher united thirteen witches, and eventually they all slept in the sea forever."

"Are ghost ships so scary?"

"Yes, the key is that ghost ships often lurk under the sea."

"Is there any way to find it, or track it?"

"If what you are dealing with is really a ghost ship, I advise you to think carefully."

"You don't need to take action, just tell me if there is any way to find it."

"Let me think of a much will you pay me?"

"Ten thousand dollars."

"Deal...just looking for the ghost ship, right?"

"You don't need to fight the ghost ship, you just need to help me find the ghost ship."

Sienna, as a psychic, seems to be a high-ranking profession to outsiders.

But anyone who knows her knows how poor she is.

"Okay, if there is any news, I will inform you."

The next day——

After Chen Zhao took a shower, he knocked on Fali's door.

"Fali, are you up?"

"Come in." Fali said in the room.

When Chen Zhao entered the room, he saw that Fali's face was a little pale. It seemed that her condition had not recovered yet.

"How's it going? How are you doing today?"

"not so good."

"I'm going out later. Please help me take care of Heima and Baima. By the way, Baima is injured." Chen Zhao said.

"Baima was injured? Who did it?"

"Yesterday when it went into the sea, it was attacked by a shark."

"Is it okay?"

"I have treated it. It is not fatal, but it will not be able to exercise vigorously in the next few days."

"Well, leave it alone and I'll take care of it."

Then Chen Zhao went out, taking only Beelzebub, Raymond and Carrie.

Chen Zhao went to the gym to take fighting classes.

Gaia's fighting courses were as rigorous as ever, but Chen Zhao gradually began to adapt to Gaia's courses.

Now Chen Zhao is no longer like he was at the beginning, unable to resist even Gaia's moves.

This shows that Chen Zhao's fighting level has improved, but fighting level is one thing, and true combat effectiveness is another.

In times of danger, Chen Zhao may not be able to react.

The biggest difference between amateurs and professionals is their ability to react when faced with danger.

Chen Zhao's biggest advantage is his physical fitness, but his reflexes require training.

"Chen, that's the end of today's class." Gaia said.

To be honest, Gaia herself feels the pressure when teaching Chen Zhao now.

She is deeply aware of Chen Zhao's physical fitness and strength.

In the past, she was able to resolve it with her skills, but as Chen Zhao's skills improved, she was no longer as comfortable as she used to be.

Moreover, the fighting she taught Chen Zhao was more focused on free fighting.

In terms of body shape, she is larger than Chen Zhao, which means that she cannot be as flexible as Chen Zhao.

Speed ​​is not an advantage either, coupled with the gap in strength and physical fitness.

"Chen, be mentally prepared. I will give you an assessment in the next class."

"What kind of assessment?"

"I will find some fighting masters for you, and you have to deal with them at the same time."

"..." Chen Zhao was speechless: "It doesn't have to be like this, right?"

"I need to be worthy of what you pay me."

In the afternoon, Chen Zhao will go to Mr. Doman's house to give his daughter Normans a weight loss course.

When Normans saw Chen Zhao, he obviously didn't give him a good look.

"Normans, let's start today's lesson."

"Did you use some magic on me? Why do I have no appetite from last night to this morning?"

"When you speak, you must use evidence, no evidence, and don't talk nonsense."

"If you don't make it clear, don't expect me to cooperate."

"Are you hungry now?" Chen Zhao looked at Normans with a smile.

Normans touched the fat on his stomach, and his face suddenly darkened.

"You evil wizard!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

Normans gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Zhao. In the end, she compromised.

Once Beelzebub gave her her appetite back, she felt hungry.

She really wanted to say forcefully, I won't cooperate with you.

"As long as I run one kilometer, can I eat something?"

"No, there's only one apple per kilometer."

"What? This is impossible. Do you want to tire me to death?"

"If you don't run, you might not even get an apple."

Doman stood on the windowsill and looked at Chen Zhao and his daughter, running around the lawn.

Normans's cursing voice was clearly audible.

Doman didn't know whether to cry or laugh, while Chen Zhao kept leading the way in front of Normans.

"Despicable, shameless, obscene, vile, bastard, bastard, rubbish..." Normans cursed. Less than a kilometer away, she was already sweating.

Chen Zhao slowed down and ran side by side with Normans: "Normans, if you keep making noises while running, your physical energy will be lost faster."

"Isn't this what you meant, you bastard?"

"Of course, you'd better scold louder." Chen Zhao said provocatively.

After one kilometer, Normans had no intention of stopping.

“How far do I have to run so I can have a barbecue?”

"ten kilometers."

"There's no way I can do it, you bastard, you're forcing things on others."

"So, you'd better not have unrealistic ideas."

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