Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1835 Buying the sea area

When Grenier faced Hailis, he felt a creepy feeling.

This girl looked young, but there was a creepy look between her eyebrows.

Hailis showed a pity expression and licked her lips: "It's a pity, Shang Gu. It would be nice if it could be made into a specimen."

"Do you also know the Shanggu clan?"

"I know, I have met the Shanggu clan before." Hailis said.

"Huh? There are very few Shanggu clan nowadays. Where have you met them?"


"Where? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"On an island in the Atlantic Ocean." Hailis said, turned around and left. After walking a few steps, she looked back at Grenier: "Rouen, you have done research on her, can you give it to me? ?”

Grenier's expression is unnatural, specimen?

This girl said she was going to be made into a specimen?

"Go and talk to the president."

Rouen Fasheben took Grenier away.

Grenier was terrified.

She was taken into a laboratory.

Then the chains on her body were released.

"Don't try to escape, no one can escape from here." Rouen Faxiben said: "What's more, you still offended the president."

Grenier didn't take it seriously, so what if he offended him.

Death is the worst option, of course, not dying is the best.

"When did Afman disappear?" Rouen Faxiben asked again.

"What is your relationship with Afman?"

"Afman was once my student." Rouen Fashben said: "But twenty-five years ago, she left my side, and there was no trace of her again. If I hadn't met you today, I would I almost forgot that I still have such a student."

Rouen Faxiben looked at Afman: "Are you her daughter?"

Grenier didn't speak, and Rouen Faxiben waved his hand: "Pull out some blood."

Grenier looked at Rouen Fasheben with a dark face: "Do you think I will cooperate with you?"

"You should cooperate. After all, for Afman's sake, you can still save your life, but if the president does it himself, you will probably need to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life." Rouen Faxiben glanced at Grenier. Missing fingers on right hand.

Grenier couldn't help but be shocked when he thought of Chen Zhao.

Finally, he picked up the syringe and drew a tube of blood himself.

"And some of your flesh and blood."

Grenier was furious, but in the end he had no choice but to compromise.

"When did Afman disappear?"

"Ten years ago."

Grenier watched Rouen Fasheben conduct incomprehensible experiments while talking to her.

"Were you not an adult at that time?" Rouen Faxi asked in a casual tone.

Grenier's face gradually turned cold.

She obviously didn't want to talk more about Afman.

After all, because of her mother's disappearance, she lost support when she was a minor.

Her current character was largely developed during those years.

Here in the United States, the government sells everything. Land, islands, and oceans are all traded commodities.

Of course, this is true in every country.

When Chen Zhao arrived at Alex's law firm, he found that Alex had called people from the Bureau of Land and Resources here.

The Bureau of Land and Resources sent a small team of four people and one lawyer.

They are not here to negotiate, they are here to sell.

In fact, Alex and her team had already negotiated the price for Chen Zhao.

People from the Bureau of Land and Resources don't care what Chen Zhao does when he buys a sea area.

Although Chen Zhao said it was used for breeding.

But they won't believe it.

They won't care anyway.

But having said that, since Chen Zhao is willing to buy a hundred square kilometers of sea area, then maybe he is willing to buy a larger sea area.

The principles for sea areas sold by the Bureau of Land and Resources are that they cannot be sea routes, cannot be the habitat of a single species, especially the habitat of endangered species, and cannot be used for polluting production.

If a ship, person or aircraft crashes in the sea area, rescuers or teams have the right to enter the sea area.

In short, there are a lot of messy conditions.

After meeting Chen Zhao, these people began to brag, saying that the sea area had huge economic value.

In their view, it is not easy to meet a fool, especially a fool who has money but nowhere to spend it.

So they really hope this fool can buy more.

The entire sea area of ​​the United States is so large, and most of the sea areas, except for a few coastal fisheries, are basically vacant and have no economic value.

So if someone is willing to buy, of course they are willing to sell.

It's a pity that Chen Zhao doesn't need such a large area at all.

After all, Nanqi Island is only that big, only ten square kilometers at most.

If the island needs to be expanded by reclamation in the future, it will only be 20 square kilometers or 30 square kilometers at most, and it won’t be any larger.

It's useless for Chen Zhao to have such a large sea area.

Buying an extra inch is a waste.

Chen Zhao's willingness to buy one hundred square kilometers is already redundant.

In fact, an area of ​​fifty square kilometers is enough.

Therefore, Chen Zhao will not buy any more.

The people from the Bureau of Land and Resources were helpless and could not persuade Chen Zhao.

Now they are not a seller's market, they are a buyer's market.

If Chen Zhao doesn't buy it, they won't be able to eat and walk around.

Alex originally expected to buy the sea area for five million US dollars, but in the end she was forced to buy it for two million US dollars.

And of the money saved, she will naturally be rewarded with a commission.

Alex has been questioning Chen Zhao.

What are you doing buying that sea area?

But Chen Zhao never made it clear to her.

Alex was helpless.

She didn't believe that Chen Zhao really had too much money and no place to spend it.

But she still didn't understand the value of that sea area.

Are there any natural mineral deposits in that sea area?

Even if there were, Chen Zhao would not be able to interfere with the mineral resources.

That's not something Chen Zhao can interfere with.

Even if that sea area belongs to Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao cannot do this business.

The mining business has long been dominated by major giants.

Not to mention Chen Zhao, even if the world's richest man gets involved in the mining or energy industry first, he will be beaten hard.

Every industry has its own rules.

Just like the beer industry, Dashan Beer is now considered a local giant.

If a new person enters the game at this time, Chen Zhao will also take a sniper attack.

Just like when Dashan Beer was sniped.

However, the beer industry is still relatively moderate, and in most cases, excessive competition will not be adopted.

As for the energy and mining industries, it is almost bloody.

Just look at the killings caused by big companies in Africa and South America.

Even launching a war, such as the ylk war, to put it bluntly, it is an energy war.

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