Sivir returned to his temporary headquarters.

"Sivir, why are you back so early today?"

"I just came back when I had nothing to do." Sivir sat on the wooden floor.

Erin Horton, her roommate who lives with her, has the same status as her and is the guardian and manager of order here.

Their identity is not determined by an organization or individual.

It was given by the poisonous dragon, the guardian of nature.

They can also draw on the power of nature's guardians.

In this gathering area, there are a total of six order guardians and one manager.

They are responsible for maintaining order here, and are also responsible for planning every action and battle.

"Recently, there are more and more psychics in the gathering area, and there are also a lot more cultists sneaking in."

"The Guardian gave us power, but did not give us the ability to identify cultists." Sivir rubbed his hair: "It's really troublesome. Why did I accept this task in the first place."

"When you accepted the gift from the guardian, I didn't see you hesitating." Eileen Holden said calmly.

"The power I got for free, you wouldn't refuse it if it were you."

Of course, it is impossible to be free.

While receiving, they also have to give.

"Is this where the suspicious people you mentioned live?"

Led by Magri Modric, everyone from the Supernatural Association arrived outside a house.

"Well, but I can't guarantee that they must be cultists." Magri Modric said.

West glanced at everyone: "Which one of you will come?"

"I'll do it." English took a step forward and said.

They are still just suspicious, so it is impossible for everyone to take action.

If you admit the wrong person, we will expel them all later.

So doing it alone is the best option.

Even if one is expelled, one is expelled.

Furthermore, English is also the most convenient.

After all, he is the fastest.

As for how to tell whether the other person is a cultist.

There is no precise answer.

It can only be distinguished by experience.

English nodded along with everyone.

In the next moment, English had disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Magri Modric was shocked, it was so fast.

If he fights English, the opponent's speed can break through his defense in the shortest time.

Isn’t it said that North America is a magical desert?

Why is this little-known organization so powerful?

And it's not that one or two are strong, but everyone is strong.

Not everyone wants to mess with a cultist.

The reason why cultists are cultists.

It's because of their anti-human way of thinking.

Be tough on yourself, and even tougher on others.

English had already entered a room in an instant.

There is no one in this room.

But English immediately started looking through their luggage.

Soon, English found a badge in his luggage.

This badge is engraved with three ferocious dragon heads.

English looked at the badge: "Three-headed dragon, what sect is it?"

"Truth." At this moment, a person came in from the door.

English narrowed his eyes at the person who came in.

"Is it true religion? This is the first time I have met such a cooperative partner."

The truth religion pursues the truth.

But their truth is very different from that of the general public.

Their truth is sociopathy.

One of the top ten cult organizations in the world.

This cultist exuded a dangerous aura, and his eyes looked at English with a hint of gloom.

English's pupils suddenly dilated.

The next moment, English suddenly dodged.

A sharp blade from behind cut across the spot where English was standing without any warning.

"Space system!" England frowned.

He is an enhanced type speed psychic, and theoretically the space type is higher than the speed type.

Of course, English will not be afraid even when facing space opponents.

Even high-level magic, in the final analysis, requires actual combat experience and personal magic cultivation.

The cultist raised his arm and waved, and English suddenly felt the danger in front of him.

Although there was nothing in front of English, English knew that as long as he took one more step, he would probably be in danger.

The space system is not only rare, but also very dangerous and troublesome.

Like necromancy, although it is dangerous and weird, most of necromancy is visible magic.

But space magic is mostly invisible.

When fighting enemies in the space system, you often need to rely on personal perception.

"There are already space traps all around you. If you move again, you will die."

The cultist looked at English coldly.

English raised his hands decisively: "I surrender."

The cultist sneered. He would not believe that English would surrender so easily.

A large number of sharp blades suddenly shot out from the space traps surrounding Yingjilit.

English is also prepared.

In an instant, English's arms flew up.

All the sharp blades were caught between his fingers.

The next moment, English waved his arms.

The sharp blade flew back into the space trap.

Moreover, when English sent the blade back, it was filled with magic power.

The spaces themselves are constructed of magic.

Once abnormal magic appears, it will directly lead to space instability and collapse.

English was also out of trouble in an instant.

The cultist felt a pain in his neck, and English had already strangled him.

Just then, the cultist sounded the alarm device.

All the cultists living in the surrounding area came in droves.

"You can't escape." The cultist stared at English: "You are fighting against the consciousness of the world, so you will definitely lose."

English smiled faintly: "You can't represent the consciousness of the world."

By this time, more cultists had entered the building.

English's speed exploded again, and his figure has exceeded the limit that the naked eye can capture.

English charges leaving a trail of flames along the way.

And all the cultists on the path fell to the ground.

English was so fast that he didn't even give these cultists time to cast spells.

And the original cultist has always been in the palm of England's hand.

The air pressure he endured also exceeded the limit of human endurance.

When English stopped again, the cultist in his hands was already dying.

"Look, you lost." English said with a faint smile.

The cultist raised his head and looked at English: "Are you sure we lost?"

English was firmly in control of the cultists, and he had no chance to take action.

"Then resist and show me."

"One day you will understand. You viruses in the world don't understand at all. Everything is an arrangement of fate. Even everything you do now is within the plan."

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