Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1963: More danger than good

Tugu, Morita and their heirs, plus Cui Sigeng.

They are all lawless dragons, and they are also synonymous with trouble.

Saint Ann just wants to make money quietly, he doesn't want to get into trouble with these bastards.

But now he has no way to escape.

If he said he wanted to quit now, these bastards would tear him apart.

And that human wouldn't let him go either.

Now he can only pray that after they kill that human being, they will leave Los Angeles honestly.

And as more and more people of the same race come.

St. Ann felt more and more desperate.

Because every member of the same race is so manic and restless.

It seems that only destruction can satisfy their desires.

The news that Jefla received was getting more and more serious.

It was very serious, because since the evening, alarms had been coming continuously.

And the few that have been identified so far are all evil dragons.

This gave Jevola and the Dragon Slayer team reason to believe that these evil dragons were definitely preparing a conspiracy.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many evil dragons to appear in a city at the same time.

"Jevra, Zach has already followed outside a forest. Because the road is too far away and there are no other cars along the way, he didn't dare to follow it any further for fear of being discovered."

"I know, good job telling Zach." Jevola said seriously.

After a while, Revula asked again: "How many evil dragons are known in this city now?"

"Seven, including Cui Sigeng." Alex said: "In addition, there are two evil dragons who are even more famous than Cui Sigeng. They once committed crimes in China and escaped alive."

Jefla has never been so confused and helpless.

Their team of dragon slayers was already having a very difficult time dealing with an evil dragon.

But now they have to face several evil dragons.

And among them, there are still superior dragons.

This is an almost impossible task.

Unless Jevora turned a blind eye to the news of the gathering of evil dragons.

Wait until they disperse.

But her strong sense of responsibility prevented her from staying away.

"Pass the message to the headquarters." Jefla said, adding at the same time: "Help me prepare some equipment."

"Refla, what do you want to do?"

"I need to find out what they want to do." Revla said: "Maybe their purpose is to target the Dragon Slayer. I can't let this happen. I need to investigate clearly what they want to do. .”

"Revla, you are crazy. Do you know what you are doing? You are committing suicide."

"I will be careful, and as long as I have those equipment, they may not be able to find me, and I don't want to fight them desperately." Jefla said.

"But you are still injured now. Your injuries are not minor."

"It's okay now. I also have a lot of medicine with me. I can still help you when necessary."


At this moment, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Jefla immediately hung up the phone.


Portia opened the door and came in. The look in her face and eyes showed that she suddenly woke up from a deep sleep.

"Portia, what are you doing?"

"Revla, you didn't sleep all night, were you always on the phone?"

"I'm sorry, did I disturb you?"

"That's not the case. I'm just worried about you."

"I'm fine...Thank you for your concern."

Jefla probably never dreamed that the culprit of all this was none other than Portia in front of her.

"Go to bed, or your boss will scold you again tomorrow."

Jefla had a good impression of Chen Zhao and Portia.

In her opinion, Chen Zhao and Portia were the kind of people who slandered each other but would defend each other.

"Okay, if you're sleepy, go get some rest. You haven't slept in two days."

"It's less than two days, okay... you can go and rest by yourself."

Portia went back to her room to sleep in a daze.

On the other hand, Revula was dizzy.

The pressure was too much for her.

In the morning, Jevora received another bad news.

The Dragon Slayer headquarters cannot provide support, at least not in a short period of time.

The reason is that there are not enough manpower. In fact, they are also worried about whether this is a conspiracy by the evil dragon against them.

Moreover, when several evil dragons gather together, the difficulty of slaying the dragons also rises sharply.

Unless the Dragon Slayer Headquarters devotes all its resources, it will be impossible to succeed.

However, although the Dragon Slayer headquarters does not provide powerless support.

But it still requires Revula to figure out what the evil dragons are going to do.

To put it bluntly, the Dragon Slayer Headquarters has regarded Revula and her team as abandoned children.

But this is understandable, at least Revla feels that if it were her, she would make the same decision.

And she originally planned to go into danger alone and go to find out the evil dragon's conspiracy.

Jefla made some preparations, packed some things and planned to go out.


"Revla, are you going out again? Your injury is not healed yet." Portia walked out, looking in very bad condition.

"Yes... Portia, you look bad."

Jevora stepped forward and touched Portia's forehead: "You have a fever, you need to rest."

Portia rubbed her forehead: "You are fine with such a serious injury, and I am even finer."

"This is different." Jefla was speechless at Portia's words. There was no comparison between her and herself.

If we put aside the physical characteristics and just talk about the physiological reactions, Jefla will almost deviate from human characteristics.

And Portia is just an ordinary person, so there is no comparison at all.

Jevola helped Portia back to the room, and Portia was still shouting to herself: "I'm really fine..."

Refla found some fever-reducing medicine and poured Portia a glass of water.

"Take the medicine and take a rest."

Portia took the medicine and fell asleep directly.

Antipyretics generally contain ingredients to induce tranquilization and induce sleep.

That's why Portia fell asleep so quickly.

Revla picked up Portia's cell phone and planned to call Chen Zhao to ask for leave for Portia.

But Portia set a lock screen password, and Refla tried it, but she couldn't unlock the phone.

"Forget it." Jevola glanced at Portia, who was already sleeping soundly, and didn't want to disturb her.

Let me explain to Portia and Chen Zhao later that Chen Zhao is not the kind of unkind person and should not embarrass Portia.

Gevra checked Portia's condition again.

After confirming that Portia didn't need to call an ambulance, she turned and left.

She also has important things to attend to.

She needs to go to Elex to get the equipment first, and then go to where the dragons gather.

However, Jefla was not very sure about this trip.

It can even be said that there is no certainty. I am afraid that this trip will be a disaster.

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