Portia looked at Chen Zhao suspiciously, feeling strange.

How could Chen Zhao accept such an invitation?

You know, Chen Zhao didn't even bother to respond to Los Angeles' invitation.

How could he agree to run to Rome?

Based on Portia's understanding of Chen Zhao.

In her eyes, Chen Zhao has always regarded the time spent on the plane as a waste of life.

The shortest flight time from Los Angeles to Rome is eighteen hours.

If some flights require transfers, etc., the duration may exceed thirty-six hours.

She really couldn't understand that Ofer Le Bill had already invited Chen Zhao last time.

Chen Zhao refused without hesitation.

This time I will actually accept the invitation.

What's more, she couldn't understand why Chen Zhao changed his attitude.

In the evening, after Fali came back, Chen Zhao went to discuss with Fali.

"Fali, how about we go to Rome for vacation this year?"

"Holiday in Rome? Why?"

"Xinli is in Rome, and we can go and see our new yacht. The headquarters of Seagate Yachts is in Rome, and their shipyard is also near Rome. They just invited us to visit their headquarters in Rome."

"Okay, has the time been set?"

"It hasn't been decided yet, but I think we should hurry up. After all, Xin Li doesn't know how long she will stay in Rome."

After Fali was confirmed, Chen Zhao called Portia again.

"Portia, help me charter a plane from Los Angeles to Rome on December 5th."

"Boss, is this necessary?"

"Our whole family plans to go," Chen Zhao said.

Portia is a little confused and doesn't understand how rich people think.

Does this have anything to do with going as a family?

Even if the whole family goes together, the most important thing is to buy a dozen first-class tickets.

Why charter a plane? A voyage costs between one and two million dollars.

"Got it, boss."

Portia now knows not to question Chen Zhao face to face.

That would look stupid, and it would look poor.

Chen Zhao called Rouen Faxiben again.

"Faxiben, how is your search for clues in Rome going?"

"President...Rome is nine hours ahead of Los Angeles, did you know?"

"Getting up early is good for your health."

"But it's only half past four in the morning."

"Early bird gets the worm."

"Breakfast will not be served in hotels in Rome until half past nine."

"Then go to the street."

"The earliest store doesn't open until ten o'clock."

"Then go for a morning run."

"Now when I go out on the street, I'm either targeted by gangs or the police."

To be honest, as a Chinese who went abroad from China, it was difficult for Chen Zhao to understand that he would encounter trouble while walking back on the street in the early morning.

It was the same even in Los Angeles, but Chen Zhao was still not used to it.

Always consider it safe to go out at night.

In fact, that's because the public security in China is so good.

What Chinese people often encounter when going abroad is that when they go out at night, they either encounter gangs coming to rob them, or the police come to investigate.

Moreover, some habits in Europe and the United States are that from five to six o'clock in the evening, basically all shops are closed, and only nightclubs are open.

Most convenience stores rarely stay open because operating at night is too risky.

Unlike in China, almost every street has a 24-hour convenience store.

"Then go back to sleep. I'll call you when you get up."

"President, I'd better tell you directly..." Rouen Faxi was no longer sleepy at this time, and his peaceful dreams were disturbed by Chen Zhao.

He was thinking about whether to turn the sound on to silent when sleeping in the future.

However, I also considered whether Chen Zhao would lose control if he couldn't get through the phone.

Rouen Faxiben gave up this idea.

I heard from West that Chen Zhao secretly went to Africa a week ago, and then single-handedly killed the big boss they were going to fight.

In the eyes of everyone, Chen Zhao is a president who worries too much.

Rouen Faxiben cheered up and explained the situation here.

"We are now looking to see if anyone can play the music. However, we visited many musicians in Rome and no one can play the music. Now we have expanded the scope of the search and issued a high reward. ."

"Then you can send me the music score. I also know a little about music. Let me give it a try." Chen Zhao said, "By the way, we plan to go to Rome for vacation. We will go on the 5th and spend a few days in Rome, so Before that, don’t leave Rome, and if there are any changes in your plans, just slow down for me.”

"Okay." Rouen Faxi said obediently.

It would be useless for him to refute anyway.

The consequence of refusal is that Chen Zhao will throw him into the Aegean Sea.

After hanging up the phone, Rouen Faxiben sent me a music score.

Is this music score? Chen Zhao looked at the score in surprise.

Ancient Greek text? No, the symbols on it are very obscure.

Not to mention Chen Zhao, a newbie in music, even those musicians would have a hard time figuring it out.

Chen Zhao thought about it, and the first thing that came to his mind was old man Zhang Tianyi.

"Lao Zhang." Chen Zhao dialed Lao Zhang's phone number.


"Do you know music?"

"You mean pop music? Of course I understand. The most popular thing recently is 'Let's meow like a cat and meow together...'"

Chen Zhao thought about what kind of expression Zhang Tianyi's old face would have when he sang the lyrics of this divine song.

Chen Zhao felt as if he had touched some taboo and couldn't help but shudder.

"It's not pop music. Don't force yourself to add drama. Do you think I would call you for such a boring thing?"

"Haha... you asked me last time if Wang He was very popular in China."

"I know him, so I asked him casually. It was just a sentence."

"So you plan to meet people in the music industry this time?"

"No, I got a music score, which is related to ancient Greek mythology. I want to ask you if you know the music score of Godrice."

"Oh...that's what you're talking about. It's not actually a score by Gedlis, it's a score by Chaos."

"What do you mean?"

"There was a chaos theory in ancient Greece, which was used to calculate the power of chaos. This Godlis music score actually simulates the structure of chaos."

"Is there something wrong with my understanding, or is there something wrong with your expression?"

"You don't understand, right? It's normal. Didn't Pangu create the world in China? Before the world was created, there was chaos. This set of music is used to deduce and simulate the power and structure of chaos."

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