Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 2060 The Power of Religion

"Chen, where did you run just now? You disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"It's too big here, I'm lost." Chen Zhao said.

"Mr. Chen, it's really easy to get lost here, and it's not completely open. Some places are forbidden to tourists, so we'd better be careful and don't walk around casually," Ofer Le Beer said.

"I know." Chen Zhao nodded.

The reason why this place can become a sanctuary is not only because of its long history.

At the same time, it is also because there is precious artistic wealth here.

Someone once did a valuation of St. Peter's Basilica.

Put aside the historical value contained in the main body of St. Peter's Basilica.

The combined value of the reliefs, murals, statues and many other works of art alone exceeds $50 billion.

Although Chen Zhao cannot appreciate these works of art, Chen Zhao appreciates the value of these works of art.

It's a pity that none of these belong to Chen Zhao.

If Chen Zhao didn't have that much money now, he still had his current strength.

It is estimated that Chen Zhao can't help but kill people and sell goods.

This is a huge treasure.

And it's right in front of everyone.

Chen Zhao didn't intend to continue walking around casually.

Chen Zhao could feel that there was some vague aura here.

They must have discovered Chen Zhao's aura.

Chen Zhao has no plans to start a war with the world's top religion for the time being.

The consequences of going to war with the Vatican may not be much better than going to war with the US imperial government.

Maybe the results will be worse.

It's better to keep Chen Zhao at a distance.

I watched it today, although I didn’t gain much from it.

But at least I can brag to others in the future.

I’ve been to St. Peter’s Basilica myself.

This is a church, but rather a magnificent and extremely gorgeous palace.

It is also the most characteristic representative work of the European Renaissance.

Michelangelo poured all his artistic energy into this sanctuary.

Of course, he didn't do it entirely out of his own artistic passion.

Michelangelo was more often than not in control of himself.

However, this still does not negate the fact that this is a great human treasure.

After leaving St. Peter's Basilica, in front of you is St. Peter's Square, which can accommodate 300,000 people.

Chen Zhao could even feel the atmosphere of believers emanating from this square.

For a psychic like him standing here, that feeling is particularly obvious.

It's like being among hundreds of thousands of believers.

Feel the piety and sincerity emanating from the believers.

This is religion. Religion brings hope to believers and leads people to do good, and believers also give back to religious beliefs.

This is the religion and teachings recognized by people in modern times.

What the teachings of cults bring is destruction and death. This is an essential difference.

This is why most people cannot tolerate the existence of cults.

Chen Zhao doesn't like standing here.

To put it bluntly, Chen Zhao is a heretic.

Chen Zhao does not reject the church, but he does not believe in it either.

In Chen Zhao's family, there are basically no complete church believers.

There are many tourists in the square.

Chen Zhao turned around and took one last look in the direction of St. Peter's Cathedral. On the high wall in the other direction, Chen Zhao felt several sight lines.

Chen Zhao looked towards the sight and saw several monks wearing priest robes standing on the high wall.

They were looking at Chen Zhao with no hostility or other emotions.

As if he was examining Chen Zhao, Chen Zhao returned the gaze with his gaze.

"Mr. Chen, what do you think of this place?"

"Magnificent." Chen Zhao said calmly: "But it is incompatible with the cultural beliefs I have been exposed to since childhood. I paid tribute to it, but it couldn't make too many waves in my heart."

Chen Zhao tried his best to speak in a non-offensive tone, and he was just telling a fact.

Chen Zhao is more inclined to Taoism, after all, it is China's native religion.

Moreover, Chen Zhao had more contact with Taoism.

After thousands of years of inheritance, Chinese Buddhism has long been localized.

However, Chen Zhao has never had any contact with Buddhists, so it is difficult to speculate from his own perspective.

Of course, Chen Zhao's sense of Buddhism is similar to that of the Church.

The teachings of Buddhism also guide people to be good, but there are some clear rules and precepts that Chen Zhao cannot fulfill.

For Chen Zhao, not eating meat and being sexual with women is too anti-human.

This is also Chen Zhao's biggest prejudice against Buddhism, and there are no other problems.

As for the accusation that some domestic temples have recruited a group of fake monks to collect money, Chen Zhao will not comment.

Based on Chen Zhao's superficial understanding of Buddhism, there are actually some temples that uphold their own beliefs and teachings.

Taking it as their mission to preach and help people, these monks can build bridges and pave roads, and they can also accumulate virtue and do good deeds.

When encountering natural disasters, they will donate money and make contributions within their ability.

So no matter which religion you choose, it actually has two sides.

No one can use a single incident or example to denigrate or exclude a religion.

You don’t have to believe in it and you don’t have to be insulted.

Because religion is sacred to those who believe in it.

The car drove slowly, and Chen Zhao leaned against the window.

He kept quietly looking at the street scene outside the car window.

The scenery here is full of medieval style.

However, there are also things that Chen Zhao doesn't like.

Buying luxury goods in Italy can be a hassle.

Fali purchased some luxury items that cost hundreds of dollars and could not be bought and taken away directly.

The store must first file a tax return, and then the tax bureau will issue an approval.

A day or two later, the store called me again and asked if I wanted to buy the product again.

Chen Zhao has really never seen this method of doing business.

Italian luxury goods sell well all over the world, but they have always been tepid in the country. This is largely due to their business model.

This greatly dampens customers' enthusiasm for purchasing.

Most of the time when buying luxury goods, you need to rely on impulse consumption at the time.

After that time, interest in the luxury product will be lost.

At noon, Ofer Lebier arranged a high-end restaurant for Chen Zhao and his family.

Here, Chen Zhao met ‘old acquaintances’ again, Zhang Yi and Li Youjia.

The two of them also saw Chen Zhao, but they did not approach him. They just nodded from a distance, which was regarded as saying hello.

"It's a pity that such a high-quality man already has a wife and children." Li Youjia said regretfully.

"What's so great about him? I think he's just average-looking, he just has some money."

"Conversation, taste, wealth, knowledge, and insight are all the criteria for evaluating a man. That man is already considered a high-quality man in China. What else do you expect?"

"But he has a family, and this alone has wiped out all his advantages." Zhang Yi curled her lips. She was still bitter about that time when she took the initiative to hook up with him and was rejected.

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