Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 375 The last person who said this to me has already lost his temper (eleventh update, please

"We should go, Willis, goodbye." After the three of them had eaten, Chen Zhao took the initiative to hug Willis.

"By the way, I'll give you my phone number. If you encounter any trouble on the road, just call me." Willis said proactively.

Although you can call 911, the 911 operator will eventually transfer the call to him, so calling him directly can save a lot of time.

"Trouble? He's not afraid of trouble." Fali glanced at Chen Zhao.

She knew how good Chen Zhao was at fighting.

For example, a few days ago, he just beat up a boxer.

Far told her about this. She heard that it was the boxer who beat Chen Zhao's student.

Then Chen Zhao used the same method to take revenge on the boxer.

Willis smiled and took a look at Chen Zhao's physique. He looked a bit thin, and he was well-dressed, so he didn't look like he could fight.

However, men always like to brag in front of their women, and Willis has no intention of exposing Chen Zhao to his face.

"Have a nice trip," Willis said.

In the parking lot outside the rest stop, a man was drinking in an old Ford Mustang while looking at the RV not far away.

"Boss, we have found a prey. You turn on the interference over there and change the road signs. I will follow them."

"How many people are there on the other side?"

"Three, one Asian and two women. Those two women are so beautiful." The man wiped his saliva and his eyes were lustrous.

At this time, the RV in front moved, and the man immediately started the car and followed.

At the same time, Chen Zhao found that the navigation seemed to have remained unchanged.

"Fali, come over and take a look at Daoxing. It seems to be broken."

Fali came forward to check the navigation: "Indeed, our position on the navigation is still at the rest stop. In such a high-end car, the navigation is broken."

"Even a military navigation system may break down. It has nothing to do with whether the car is good or bad."

"Do you want me to drive?" Fali asked.

"No need, there are road signs anyway, and I'm not illiterate."

At this time, a fork in the road appeared in the distance. Chen Zhao saw the road signs clearly and turned the steering wheel to change lanes.

"Chen, you seem to be driving the wrong way, not this way."

"But isn't the road sign this way?"

"Really?" Fali saw the road sign that she had passed, and it seemed that it was indeed the fork in the road: "Forget it, just drive this way. If you drive wrong, go back."

Willis had just come out of the burger joint when his cell phone rang.

But when I picked up the phone, I found that it was full of noise, and I couldn't hear what was being said on the phone at all.

Willis tried calling back, but there was still noise.

"What's going on? Are you being disturbed?"

Willis suddenly remembered that when he was on the phone with him at the headquarters earlier, he said that the criminal gangs on this highway used signal interference to mislead drivers who were unfamiliar with the road.

However, as long as the signal interference equipment is not for military use, the interference source will only cover within ten kilometers at most, and will not be wider than this range.

Willis thought for a while and realized that there was no signal interference on the way he came just now. In other words, the interference was in front.

Willis immediately got into his car, got on the road and headed northwest.

After driving a few kilometers, Willis saw a road sign.

The sign was obviously wrong, and Willis immediately realized that the wrong sign was probably placed there intentionally by a criminal group to mislead passing motorists.

"This is definitely the wrong path."

At this time, Fali no longer needed to remind him, and Chen Zhao also realized it.

Because this road has detoured into the wilderness, the road condition is also quite poor, and it is quite narrow, with only two lanes.

Because the road is narrow, it is not easy to turn.

"Chen, have you noticed that there is a car following us?"

Chen Zhao also noticed that there was an old Ford Mustang following a few meters away.

Chen Zhao felt something was wrong: "Go and talk to Farr and ask her to get off the roof of the car and cover it. If there is any problem later, don't get out of the car."

"Chen, are you saying we were tricked?"

"Maybe." Chen Zhao nodded.

Fali took out her cell phone to call the police, but there was no signal.

"Can't get through?"

"The signal is full, but I just can't get through."

"It's okay. Just don't get out of the car later. Leave the rest to me."

Far also came down from above: "Chen, what happened?"

"It's okay." Chen Zhao said calmly, "I took the wrong path."

At this time, the expected roadblock finally appeared.

Several logs stood in front of the car, blocking their way.

The car behind them was also stuck behind them, blocking their retreat and preventing them from even turning.

At this time, a dozen people came out from behind the pile of dirt on the roadside.

The leader was a bald man with a big beard and a gray vest.

"Get out of the car, everyone in the car, get off the bus." The bald bearded man in the lead shouted.

"Chen, what should I do?" Farr showed fear.

"It's okay. It's safe inside the car. As long as you don't get out of the car, they can't do anything to us." Chen Zhao said.

The body and glass are both bulletproof. It is obviously impossible for these people to threaten the interior of the car with the sticks in their hands.

Even if they hit it with an iron bar, it will probably take until the next century to break the car window.

At this moment, the sound of police sirens came from behind.

Chen Zhao, Fali and Farr saw it was Willis's police car.

There was joy on the faces of the three of them, feeling that the danger was over.

But they still underestimated the ferocity of this group of gangsters. The bald man with a big beard suddenly took out a shotgun and shot Willis' car.


The hood of the police car flew up instantly and then hit the rock mass on the side of the road.

Chen Zhao frowned. The ferocity of these murderers was more dangerous than he imagined.

It is hard to imagine that in such a highly developed country, such road bandits actually exist.

At this time, Chen Zhao saw a gangster approaching the RV with a barrel of gasoline.

"If you don't open the door, we will set the car on fire!" the bald bearded man shouted.

"Chen, what should I do?" Fali looked at Chen Zhao with panic on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll get out of the car and talk to them." Chen Zhao said.

"Don't go down, they are all butchers who kill without blinking an eye." Fali grabbed Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao shook his head: "There is no choice. After I get off the car, you should close the door immediately."

Chen Zhao opened the door, the car door opened, and the automatic staircase stretched down.

Chen Zhao strolled down the stairs and immediately asked Fali to close the car door after getting off the car.

A gangster came up to stop the car door from closing, but was immediately kicked away by Chen Zhao.

At this time, Chen Zhao saw Willis, who was covered in blood, being dragged in front of the bald and bearded man.

Although Willis looked miserable, his life was not actually in danger. He was mainly from the impact he suffered when he crashed.

The bald bearded man hit Willis on the head with the butt of his gun, and then pointed the shotgun at Chen Zhao.

"Tell them to open the car door."

"How much money do you want, I can give you the money." Chen Zhao said.

"I not only want money, I also want those two beautiful women." said the bald bearded man.

Chen Zhao's eyes became a little cold: "The last person who said this to me is now completely cold."

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