Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 557 The supernatural security team that doesn’t follow the script (fourth update, please vot

"Tonight will be your first action."

Sienna threw several photos in front of the paranormal security team members.

"This villa is built on the edge of a lake. You have to rely on your own ability to enter this villa tonight."

"Captain, vice-captain, won't you join us?" asked a slightly fat woman.

Axando was once an employee of a certain company. Later, she was laid off and was the first to be eliminated.

In order to make money, she dared to do anything.

Holding an electric baton, you dare to challenge evil spirits.

Although she is not a psychic, her willpower is amazing.

She was the only one to get perfect scores in the evil spirit possession training.

"This haunted house is only of ordinary level. If you can't break through this ordinary haunted house, then you'd better give up this job."

"Fu**, it's not like I've never seen evil spirits before, so I'm afraid of a bird."

Another player, Barcelona Anthony, stood up.

Barcelona Anthony, a black man, was once a drug addict.

Pursue anything that excites his nerves.

Like fighting against supernatural forces.

Although most of the time it is not a confrontation, just a beating.

Also on the team is weapons expert Dodd Sellers.

Weapons specially modified to attack evil spirits.

He is said to have been an arms dealer.

But on weekdays, when making weapons for other team members.

Always smoking and remodeling at the same time.

Accidental explosion accidents occurred many times.

There is also Rudolf David, a thin man who dreams about saving the world all day long.

There is also a fierce-looking bodybuilder, Gibson Tatas.

That’s all the members of the Paranormal Security Team.

"Dodd, prepare the evil spirit cannon for me. The more powerful the better." Barcelona Anthony shouted.

"We have a limited budget unless you put in the money yourself." Dodd Sellers is a miser.

Although safety accidents often occur in his weapon modification workshop, he is very careful about the budget.

"I want a body armor," Gibson said.

He is the biggest, but he is also the timidest.

"Fu** we are dealing with evil spirits, not gangsters. Are bulletproof vests useless?"

"What is our mission? How much bonus is there?" Arcando asked.

"This is a training mission, there is no bonus." Sienna said: "Your mission is to enter the villa."

"What about the difficulty?"

"Hell level." Chris said: "As long as you can successfully break through, then 99% of the supernatural events you will encounter in the future will not be that threatening."

"Hell level?" Most people showed fear.

Most of the training sessions Sienna and Chris arranged for them on weekdays were simple, easy, and ordinary.

But today, they actually had to face hell-level difficulty.

"Captain, are we going too far?" Gibson looked at Sienna with fear on his face.

"Gibson, aren't you embarrassed? We are not afraid of you. What are you afraid of when you are so big?" Rudolf David is a completely passionate young man: "One day the world will need us."

"Boldness has nothing to do with size," Gibson said.

"Okay, whether you are willing or not, this training mission will go ahead."

"Fali, prepare more for dinner tonight. Sienna and Chris will come over for dinner."

"No problem, what are they doing here tonight?"

"The people who hired them formed a paranormal security team, and Sienna wanted me to conduct a special training for the team."

"Well, God bless them."

Sienna and Chris arrived in the evening.

"Chen, I feel that the air around me is full of elemental elves. This feeling is so comfortable."

In the East this is called Reiki, in the West it is called Elemental Spirits.

Just like in the East, the Qi cultivated through cultivation is called spiritual power, while in the West, it is called magic power.

In fact, it is the same thing.

"Maybe it's because of the good environment." Chen Zhao said calmly.

"No, the elemental elves here are too strong. They are not familiar at all. I didn't feel this way when I came here last time."

"Have you seen the big tree in the woods in the backyard? It must have something to do with it." Chen Zhao replied casually.

"Really, is there anything special about that tree?"


"Alive? What do you mean?"

"It's called Eugene, the forest herder." Chen Zhao said.

Anyway, Sienna is also a psychic, so it won’t be difficult for her to accept this kind of thing.

Even though Sienna had already been exposed to too many strange powers and gods, she still felt shocked when faced with a living tree that could walk, move, and talk.

However, as soon as he thinks that this is Chen Zhao's home, everything that is unreasonable becomes reasonable.

"It seems like your men are here." Chen Zhao said.

"Huh? Are you here already?"

"What's the success rate for them to get here?" Chris asked.

"Ah? It should be 0." Chen Zhao said: "My arrangement is based on sending them to the hospital."


"It's over there, right?"

Axanduo and the other five people came to Mirror Lake and looked at the villa in the distance.

Because they were nearly three kilometers away and it was already night, they couldn't see very clearly.

"That villa over there doesn't look familiar to a haunted house. Could the captain have made a mistake? How about we leave? If it's just an ordinary family there, if we break in like this, it's considered an illegal intrusion." Gibson said.

"We're all here, there's a reason to leave."

"Then how do we get there?"

"Swim over."

"Are you an idiot? This lake is at least three or four kilometers wide. No one except Gibson, a coward, has the physical strength to swim to the other side."

"What should we do?"

"Walking around the edge of the woods."

Five people were fighting at the edge of the woods. The gloomy forest was filled with an uncomfortable atmosphere.

At this time, the five people saw a sign hanging on a tree outside.

"No smoking."

"what is this?"

"Is it caused by the evil spirits here? The evil spirits here are afraid of fire?"

"How about we set a fire here."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you.

"Set fire, just set fire." Arcando said.

"Are you sure we won't be prosecuted for arson?" Gibson asked worriedly.

"Coward, I'll do it." Dodd directly picked up a pile of wood and lit it.

The fire quickly started and a tree was directly set on fire.

At this moment, everyone who was eating barbecue in the front yard of the villa saw the flames in the distance.

"Fu**, your men just set fire to it. Do they want to burn down my woods?" Chen Zhao roared.

"Ah? What should we do now?"

"I'm going to kill them!"

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