Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 587 Interpol (fourth update, please vote for me)

"Mr. Chen, we suspect that DK will make big moves in Los Angeles. We hope that you can cooperate with us to disrupt the actions of the DK organization and capture their leader."

"How do you need us to cooperate with you?" Chen Zhao asked.

"This time you caused heavy losses to DK. DK always takes revenge, so they will definitely retaliate against you. Therefore, we hope to carry out full control of you and the area around your residence."

"Sorry, no." Chen Zhao refused directly.

"Why? Don't you want us, Interpol, to protect you and your family?"

"Does your Interpol organization have a very beautiful person who can arrange a personal bodyguard for me and my girlfriend? If not, forget it, I do not accept other forms of protection. In addition, please do not approach my home at will, and In the surrounding area, I have the right to expel you.”


The so-called topic terminator is nothing more than that.

"Mr. Chen, they are a criminal group, not ordinary gangsters and gangsters. I know your fighting skills are very high, but sometimes, a bullet may kill you."

"Goodbye." Chen Zhao rolled his eyes and said.

"Mr. Chen, you will come to me again." Thomas Loew shouted.

Asander is a standard wandering knight, he has no home at all.

I have no relatives, so I sleep wherever the motorcycle takes me.

Most of the time, he stayed in restaurants or bars, and occasionally went to a motel to relax for a night.

After Laurent took Assander out, he kept scolding Chen Zhao for being ruthless and unjust.

"Laurent, shut up, I'm so annoying." Assand shouted with the same loud voice.

"Fake Squid is already paralyzed, and he still has such a bad temper."

"My temper is like this, can you control it?"

Kane sat in the back, side by side with the two of them.

He was already dizzy from these two guys with loud voices.

Kareem and Howard, who were sitting in the front row, were a little better, but they were still upset.

They don't have the courage like Chen Zhao to retaliate whenever they feel unhappy.

Laurent took Sandler into the hotel.

"Assand, you will stay in the hotel these days."

"How much does this hotel cost per night?"

"Four hundred dollars for what? Are you going to pay me?"

"No, just give me four hundred dollars and I'll spend the night in a bar."

"Fake Squid."

A policewoman walked into Thomas' office holding a piece of information.

"Mr. Thomas, we have investigated. The person currently in the detention center is a member of the DK organization. His nickname is: Engineer. He is an international Class A wanted criminal. He has caused many accidents. Most of the casualties of the DK organization are from him. It was caused by using forged documents, using the alias Philo Kirk, working in an electric power company, and his position was maintenance worker."

Thomas picked up the information and read it for a long time: "Did DK have any plans for that power company?"

"I don't know."

"Go to the local police station and bring the engineer forward. I will interrogate him personally."

"Mr. Thomas, in the past three months, many people from the DK organization have appeared in Los Angeles. I'm afraid they will take action here."

"I'm worried about this now, but we don't even know what their purpose is. We hope to get some information from the engineers." Thomas said.

"Maybe we can think of something from that Chinese guy." said the policewoman.

"Whatever you can think of, you can't illegally invade other people's territory." Thomas said helplessly.

Even though they are Interpol, they have a high degree of freedom in law enforcement.

However, you must also comply with the laws and regulations of each country.

If someone really shoots someone for illegally invading someone else's territory, they don't even have the right to fight back.

Thomas rubbed his forehead: "Forget it, let's extract the engineer first. In addition, the hospital must increase manpower to ensure that Viper Quincy and the thief will not be robbed."

But at this moment, another of Thomas' men broke in: "Mr. Thomas, Viper Quincy and the thief disappeared, and a doctor on duty died."

"What?" Thomas stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face: "How did you run away?"

"I don't know. The hospital's surveillance has been completely wiped out. We can't find any clues at all. We don't even know how they did it."

"Quickly, send more people to the police station to pick up the engineer."

"Hello, we are Interpol, and we need to extract a person who is being held in your detention facility."

David raised his head and saw a very beautiful woman. He looked back and saw there were many people, all in Interpol uniforms.

David took the certificate and looked at it, then called again to check the certificate number and confirm that there was no problem.

"Who are you going to extract?"

"Philo Kirk."

"Who is he?"

"Confidential, I have no right to reveal it to you."

David is helpless. The police system he works for belongs to the US FBI agency and has no direct relationship with Interpol.

However, Interpol has the power to ask them for suspects in custody.

David took these Interpol police officers into the detention center.

"This is Philo Kirk."

Philo Kirk raised his head, with a trace of surprise on his face.

David frowned when he saw Philo Kirk.

Although Philo Kirk's expression was not that big, there was a hint of joy.

"Dude, please open this door."

David glanced at the person behind the woman: "Can you show me the other people's IDs?"

"Of course." A big man from behind came forward. The next moment, he reached into his clothes and pulled out a gun.

David secretly screamed something bad and flew away to avoid it.

But while the person was in the air, the other party had already fired.


In an instant, David was shot several times and fell in a pool of blood.

These people opened fire directly and broke the electronic lock.

"We should go." The woman looked up at the camera.

He also directly destroyed the electronic lock, and the people in the police station must have known about it.

At this moment, the outer wall next to the detention center suddenly exploded.

A man stood at the entrance to the outer wall, wearing a mohawk and chewing gum: "Brothers, do you miss me?"

"Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly, otherwise there will be a shootout in the police station." The big man said.

When the woman walked past David, she stopped and said softly: "Mr. Police, you are my type."

After saying that, the woman shot David again.

Reality is different from movies. The protagonist in the movie will never get shot even if he faces a hail of bullets.

But the reality is completely different...

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