Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 621 Value (Tenth update, please vote for me)

"What purple and green wine?" Talisti asked in confusion.

"Don't you know? It's the legendary magical wine." Ange said.

"Oh... I remember, is it the magical wine that was spread to save all the rich people during the Hilda Hotel hijacking incident last time?"

"That's right."

Talisti became more and more dissatisfied. He and Rasfa could be said to be equally matched in the company. Both parties were on par in terms of strength, connections, or wealth.

But this time, his party was actually rejected by many important guests, and he chose to attend Rasfa's party instead.

To him, this was a provocation, even a declaration of war.

That night, Talisti discovered that almost all the important guests did not come.

Talisti was so angry that he smashed his bedroom to pieces.

Don't underestimate a party. For upper-class people like them, the guests attending a party can reflect the person's identity and status.

Like today, only a few kittens came, which was nothing more than a humiliation for him.

If just one or two people don't come, forget it.

But almost all the important guests didn't come tonight, so what would the one or two important guests who came think?

You will feel that Talisti has lost power and been abandoned by his allies.

On the contrary, all the guests went to Rasfa, which was also a major blow to Talisti.

And parties are a very important opportunity to consolidate and expand connections.

One party may not mean anything, but what if it happens two, three, or four times?

Ordinary people will become unfamiliar if they haven't moved around for a long time.

Not to mention a group of interest groups, they also need to rely on various gatherings and parties to maintain relationships.

Late at night, Talisti dialed Ange's phone again.

"Hey, Ange, it's me, Talisti."

"Oh, Talisti, what's the matter?"

"How was the party over at Rasfa?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Of course it's the truth."

"It's an addictive drink, it's wonderful."

"You mean he drugged the wine?"

"No, no, no, this is entirely due to the charm of wine. It's an indescribable feeling. I have never drunk such a fascinating wine. It is full of dreamy feeling. From the mouth to the long aftertaste, it makes me feel... People can’t stop wanting to…”

As soon as Ange talked about purple green wine, he started talking endlessly.

The more Talisti listened, the angrier he became: "That's enough! I don't want you to talk nonsense!"

"What are you yelling at me?"

Talisti found that he had lost his temper. Ange was his very important ally in the company.

Ange is the third largest shareholder in the company. It is with the support of Ange and several other major shareholders that he can compete with Rasfa for power in the company.

They are not in a superior-subordinate relationship, and he doesn't want to lose this ally.

"Sorry, Ange, is that wine really so addictive? Can it make people lose their minds?"

"No, on the contrary, this kind of wine can make people more rational, but this kind of wine is so wonderful." Ange stopped talking incessantly this time. He also felt that Talisti was a little emotional: "To be honest, , if Rasfa provides this kind of wine next time, and you hold a party with him, I will still choose here, sorry... This is not a choice of interests, it’s just that this kind of wine makes me miss it.”

Talisti is not a fool. If Ange keeps attending Rasfa's parties, who can guarantee that he will not fall to Rasfa?

"Do you know the origin of this wine?"

"I don't know. I also asked him about it, but Rasfa didn't say a word about it. When others asked, they were secretive and said they got it from a brewing family in the east."

"This damn bastard, miser." Talisti growled through gritted teeth, "Is there any way to get information about this kind of wine from him?"

"No way, he is very wary of me, you know."

Soon, a saying was spread throughout the wealthy class in Los Angeles.

Don't hold a party without purple green wine, otherwise it will be very boring.

Being able to entertain guests with a bottle of purple green wine, even if each person only has one cup, is a great honor for the organizer.

One of Rasfa's friends grabbed Rasfa, his face filled with indignation.

"Rasfa, you have held three parties. Every time you say that there is no purple green wine, but every time you come up with a bottle to entertain the guests, you are obviously lying to me."

Nelson came to all three parties and drank three cups of Purple Green Brew.

And he became more and more enthusiastic about purple green wine. Every time he pulled Rasfa, trying to get news about purple green wine from him.

Or get purple green wine from his hands.

But Rasfa was tight-lipped about Ziqing Niang and the information about Ziqing Niang.

Nelson wanted to tie up Rasfa and then use a screwdriver to pry open Rasfa's mouth.

Yesterday, Nelson himself held a party, but he found that many guests had a trace of disappointment on their faces.

Another friend asked him why there was no purple green wine.

Nelson's nose almost turned crooked with anger. Why is there no purple and green wine?

Don’t they know how precious that wine is?

Nelson was not short of money, and the total value of his estate was twenty times that of Rasfa.

And a small part of his industry is the film industry.

But Rasfa, who is engaged in the entertainment industry, actually has something he doesn't have.

To Nelson, it was an insult.

"Nelson, I just got this bottle of wine today, and I can't wait to invite everyone to taste it together. Isn't this enough to show my sincerity?"

Being invited to taste Ziqing Niang is completely different from having a bottle of Ziqing Niang yourself and then inviting your friends to taste it.

"Rasfa, tell me, how much does it cost before you are willing to sell me a bottle."

"Nelson, I really don't have any more."

"I heard that your company will have a movie online in July. I will help you arrange it by then and add the movie schedule to at least 500 theaters."

Rasfa raised a brow, Steven's new movie will be released in July.

Recently, Steven has often complained to him that time is too tight and there are too few films scheduled in theaters.

"Nelson, I'll try to get you a bottle."

"how long?"

"I can not guarantee."

"Don't you have one at home?"

"You can come and search, and if you find one bottle, it will be given to you for free."

"I will have a very important guest in three days. I hope to get a bottle of wine by then. No matter how much it costs, you know I don't care about money."

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