Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 672: A sense of accomplishment for less than 100 million US dollars (second update, please v

"Chen, do you think this is warm?" Chen Zhao didn't understand Fali's brain circuit.

But when a woman feels romantic, a man must not pour cold water on her.

"Yeah, warm."

Unfortunately, there was a little girl in their room at this time.

In fact, Chen Zhao really wanted to shut Alas out and let her stay with the princess and the others.

It's a pity that Alas is too timid. The princess can make her scream even when she sneezes.

As for Obitos, he even has an "I'm not a kind person" face.

Maybe this sense of happiness comes from contrast. TV shows how other people suffered disasters, and they just guarded the peace here.

"Chen, did you hear anything?"

"I heard someone shouting for help."

Chen Zhao not only heard it, but also saw someone being washed into the sea.

"It's that Houseman." Fali looked at Chen Zhao: "What should I do?"

Houseman was hugging a sofa at the moment, but the water came and went and hit him.

What should I do? I can't just ignore it.

"I'll come as soon as I go."

"Be careful too."

"Don't worry, Amon is in the nearby waters." Chen Zhao said.

Hearing Chen Zhao's words, Fali also felt relieved.

Chen Zhao jumped directly from the balcony. Since there was sea water below, Chen Zhao couldn't be hit.

Chen Zhao swam directly towards House Man. House Man also saw Chen Zhao approaching and immediately screamed louder.

"Shut up, if you call me again I'll look back."

Hausman stopped shouting, and Chen Zhao came to Hausman: "Grab my shoulders."

"Mr. Chen, thank you."

"Save your energy."

Such a good atmosphere was ruined by Houseman, and Chen Zhao was in a bad mood.

After sending Houseman to the shore, the water in Chen Zhao's living room was already up to his knees.

"Don't go near the socket, you may get an electric shock."

"It doesn't matter. The sockets in this community are all separate and automatically short-circuited." Houseman explained.

No wonder the power is still being supplied. It turns out there is no fear of leakage.

Although I don’t understand what a detachable one is, it should be quite high-end.

At this time, Chen Zhao and Houseman heard a scream.

The screams were not coming from adults, but from children, many, many children.

"Fake!" Chen Zhao saw a school bus being washed down by water.

Because this is the coast, the accumulated water in the urban area flows towards the seaside, and the water flow is quite fast.

The school bus is already stuck on the edge and will soon head towards the seawater area.

There were many children in the school bus. At this moment, another stream of water rushed down from the upper stream and hit the school bus directly. The school bus immediately overturned under the original coast.

Originally there was a beach below, but due to the topography, the seawater has flooded the embankment, so the water here is at least three or four meters deep.

Chen Zhao quickly shouted: "Everyone come out to save people... don't join in the fun."

Princess, Black Horse, White Horse, Wanda, Snow White, and even Obitos jumped into the water.

Chen Zhao dived directly into the water and ripped open the window guardrail of the school bus.

There was an adult in the car, as well as a large number of children.

That adult should be the teacher, but she has too much time to take care of herself at this time.

Chen Zhao suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder while he was in the water. When he turned around, he realized it was Fali.

Chen Zhao had forgotten that Fali was a member of the Coast Guard, and she could not sit still in this situation.

Chen Zhao gestured to Fali: "I'll go in, and you'll be here to take care of me."

Fali understood, although she and Chen Zhao had never exchanged gestures.

But at this time, the two of them became incomparable.

Chen Zhao got into the car and pulled out the two children. Fali immediately took over and put them in the shallow water area.

Obitos and the princess immediately pulled the child to the second floor.

The water quality of both of them is not very good, so they won't be of much help if they go down.

Far inferior to Black Ma, White Ma and Wanda, even Bai Xue is well-organized.

Soon, the four of them emerged from the water each holding a child in their mouths.

Chen Zhao carried two more children ashore, and Houseman was also on the shore to help them.

More than a dozen children and adults were all rescued.


The female teacher sat on the floor and kept coughing.

At that moment, she almost thought she was dead.

Who could have imagined that when she was about to die, such a strange rescue team would appear.

Chen Zhao and Fali are providing resuscitation and artificial respiration to the children who are choking on water.

Both Chen Zhao and Fali are experienced in this field.

"Chen, come here and take a look at this child. She seems to be unable to wake up."

Chen Zhao immediately came forward, checked, then used a little strength to press the child's chest, and then knocked her down.

The child screamed, water spurted out of his mouth, and woke up.

Fali looked at Chen Zhao's figure, and she felt at this time.

It's great to have Chen Zhao by your side.

"Sir, thank you for saving me. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"No, you can't help. Go take care of the children who wake up." Fali stopped the female teacher.

This female teacher is very beautiful, and she is wet all over at the moment, looking quite alluring.

The female teacher had been staring at Chen Zhao since she got out of the water.

This alarmed Fali, so she immediately defended her property rights.

The female teacher arrived in another room, and then she saw that the children who had just endured the death threat had recovered, and they were all surrounding several huge beasts, jumping up and down.

On ordinary days, even in the zoo, you can feel the dangerous aura of these beasts.

But at this moment, these children actually surrounded these beasts and even climbed on them.

Among them, the thing that made the female teacher's legs feel weak the most was the incredibly big bear.

This giant bear may weigh more than all the children combined, lying there as huge as a hill.

Another lizard that was all red was also incredibly big.

However, the female teacher also knew that these beasts had also participated in the rescue operation just now, and they had done a very good job.

At least better than her teacher.

The female teacher held on to the door frame and looked at the man who was rescuing people in another room.

The female teacher vaguely remembered that when she was in the water, the solid and broad chest, the strong arms, hugged her tightly, and she got out of the car while paddling the water with one hand.

Because the rescue was timely and the entire rescue operation took less than five minutes, these children were not in great danger.

Just pat the water out of the chest and check whether there is pulmonary effusion.

If it's pulmonary hydrops, it's a little more troublesome. If it's just water choking or occlusive suffocation, Fali can basically perform first aid on her own.

This was the first time that Chen Zhao and Fali worked together to save someone. After all the children were out of danger, Chen Zhao and Fali hugged each other.

The feeling of accomplishment is a strange thing.

Even if you make 10 million US dollars, there is no sense of accomplishment in saving so many children.

Maybe $100 million...

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