Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 819 Roommates (Fourth update, please vote for me)

Lynn opened her eyes.

Michael was overjoyed when he saw Lynn waking up.

"Lynn, you're awake. You've been asleep for twenty-four hours."

"Have I slept for so long?" Linn looked at his hands.

Michael noticed something strange in Lynn's eyes.

She seemed to be observing her hands.

It was like observing a strange body.

"Lynn, what's wrong with you?"

"Me? I'm fine, better than ever."

Lynn's whole body relaxed, and Michael felt a little scared of Lynn.

"Let's go," Lynn said.

"Leave? Where did you go?"

"Go home," Lynn said.

"Go home? Do we have a home?"

"Yes, of course. Let's get our things back and give something back to the families who pressed us on the operating table."

" want to take revenge?" Michael's expression changed.

He never wanted to go back to that lab.

It was a nightmare place for him.

Now he just wants to escape with Linn to a place where no one knows them, and then live out his life.

Lynn looked at Michael: "You...don't you want to go with me?"

"I...Lynn, it's too dangerous there. There are countless weapons there."

"Essentially, we are the same as them. We are all people injected with X drug, so there is not a big gap between us in terms of ability." Lynn said: "What we lack is just experience, and our brains They can all operate at a high level, so learning is easy for us. Although you are in the fourth phase of X potion growth and do not have the ability to learn instantly like the fifth phase, you are still smarter than ordinary people. On the contrary, those X weapons Compared with us, their biggest disadvantage is that they have no contact with the outside social environment. Their way of thinking is different from ours, so as long as we use the right methods, we can defeat them and kill them with one bullet. them."

Linn looked at his hands: "Besides, I am no longer the person I used to be."

Michael looked at Lynn, he was a little afraid of Lynn, now Lynn.

That completely different attitude and tone, and the unfamiliar eyes.

It all made Michael feel that Lynn was a different person.

"Are you...are you still Linn?"

"Of course I am, it's just that my brain knows how to work more efficiently."

Lin En said calmly: "If you refuse, I will go alone."

"I'll go with you." Michael finally made up his mind.

"X potion has been taken."


"The heartbeat is slightly slower than normal."

"body temperature."

"The body temperature is 0.44 degrees Celsius higher than normal."


"18 times per minute, within the normal range."

"Brain waves."

"Brain waves are stable."

"Is there any resistance to Agent X?"

"No resistance reaction."

Stellan looked at Chen Zhao on the hospital bed with some surprise: "I didn't expect that this Chinese didn't have any resistance to Drug X."

"His physical signs are very healthy and there is not even a trace of pain."

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of expression he will have when he realizes that he has become stronger."

"I hope he can be more honest and not suffer too much."

Chen Zhao woke up slowly and had a very comfortable sleep.

Chen Zhao hasn't slept so well for a long time.

The last time I slept so soundly was before little Ge Lin came.

Since the arrival of little Ge Lin, Chen Zhao would get up every night and lie on his side to take a look at little Ge Lin.

It's a matter of habit, even though there are lemures watching over me.

But Chen Zhao still needs to take a look every night.

The only thing that made Chen Zhao unhappy was that the bed he was sleeping on was not his own.

Chen Zhao found himself in a glass isolation room.

And there is another person in this glass isolation room.

This man put his arms on his head and lay on the bed with his legs crossed. He was a tall and thin man.

"Hey, you're awake. I'm your roommate. You can call me Amiel."

"Can you tell me where this is? And what's going on?"

"Apparently, you, and I, were kidnapped."

"Kidnapped? Me? Am I kidnapped?" Chen Zhao opened his mouth and asked in surprise.

"Yes." Aimer said: "I'm from Switzerland, what about you?"

"China." Chen Zhao looked around: "Can you explain the situation?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I was tricked, and then they gave me a strange medicine that made me stronger than before. I can now lift a 150 kilogram barbell. , but I have been here for almost a month, one kind of being locked up here, and one kind of waiting for your arrival."

Emel has been locked up for too long and seems to be in desperate need of someone to talk to, so he becomes eloquent when he talks.

"Are you saying that we are being used as guinea pigs?"

"It must be more than just a guinea pig. I am a Swiss biogeneticist. Before that, I worked for the White Star Laboratory in Switzerland. If they wanted a guinea pig, they wouldn't have come all the way to trick me." Aimer looked at it. Xiang Chen Zhao: "You should also be an expert in related fields, right?"

"Me? I'm just a doctor, an illegal doctor." Chen Zhao said.

"Well, at least we can be considered experts in the medical field, so they should not just use us as guinea pigs."

Chen Zhao walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass and pressed it with his hand.

"No need to try. This is tempered glass, 20 centimeters thick. It can't be destroyed even with bombs. I took that potion and my strength is close to that of a boxer at the same level. But I can't do anything about this glass. You only took it for a day." There’s definitely nothing we can do if we don’t have enough time.”

Amel said: "In addition, there is hypnotic gas in the room. Once the monitoring person finds something is wrong, the hypnotic gas will be released immediately. If you sleep for 24 hours, you will be hypnotized by the hypnotic gas."

Chen Zhao raised his head, looked at the monitor, and then at the injector.

Since I was able to hypnotize myself last time, I guess it will be similar this time.

Be honest for the time being. Anyway, if the other party catches him, they won't be able to lock him in here forever.

I will always take myself out and figure out a way when the time comes.

Chen Zhao greeted the surveillance camera with a middle finger.

"It's so boring. Are there any entertainment facilities?"

"Let's chat." Amer said.

"I'm hungry." Chen Zhao looked around: "When will our dinner arrive?"

"Meals are provided at 12 noon and 6 pm every day." Aimer said: "In addition, lunch time has just passed an hour now, which means there are still five hours before dinner."

The number of the previous chapter should be 818, not 808

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