Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 96 Sienna’s father is also a master at committing suicide

"Mr. Bird, I think you really can't speak anymore." David said with fear.

"He is a madman who has been chasing death all his life, and then he succeeded. He has challenged himself in skydiving, rock climbing without safety ropes, deep sea diving, downhill skiing, and the Isle of Man TT. Formula 1 is his last It was a challenge, but with the finish line in sight, he still failed to rush over. The car malfunctioned, rolled and disintegrated, and his head hit the guardrail directly."

Sienna glanced at Yin Berg: "Then on that F1 track, every time a race is held, at least one racing driver will have an accident."

"Rocks death track?" David asked in surprise.

"you know?"

"I've heard of it." David swallowed: "The most dangerous track in the world, with a death rate as close as the Isle of Man TT."

"He had been hanging around there for six years and killed thirteen racers before I found him."

David and Bird both shuddered and looked at Berg Yin in horror.

Yin Berg turned his head inappropriately and grinned.

That hideous and terrifying face was filled with gloom and terror.

"Are you sure he won't swallow our souls?"

"Evil spirits cannot directly devour the souls of living people."


"But I can drive the car directly under the cliff, and then I can devour your souls."

"Ah...I want to get off the car..."

"Okay, Yin Berg, don't scare them anymore."

"Miss Sienna, are you sure your father won't really drive the car off the cliff?"

"No, not as long as I'm in the car."


"He is my evil spirit servant."

David plucked up the courage and reached out to explore Yin Berg's body.

The car immediately started to skid, and Sienna immediately grabbed David: "You want to die, don't you?"

"What's wrong? Can't you touch it?"

"Evil spirits have no physical body. If you touch him, his spirit body will collapse. Just like what happened just now, the car will lose control before it can regroup."

"It appears that with Mr. Yinberg at the wheel, we are out of danger," Byrd said.

"No, I feel that danger is approaching." Yinberg said: "And there is more than one, maybe there is one more vicious than me."

Suddenly, Yin Berg turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the car skidded on the road, but it turned as hard as possible.

The three people in the car felt like they were on a roller coaster, and David was already screaming in fright.

"Yin Berg, is it..."

At this moment, the street lights on the road behind the car began to dim one after another, as if they were being chased by shadows.

"Something is coming!"

Suddenly, David in the front seat felt suffocated. A pair of hands was squeezing his neck and pushing him hard against the backrest.

"help me……"

Sienna immediately took out the awl she carried with her and stabbed it into the backrest behind David.

The backrest exploded violently, and David broke away from the chokehold in an instant.

"Miss Sienna...what's going on?"

"An evil spirit came into the car."


"Didn't you say that evil spirits can't attack people directly?"

"It didn't attack you directly. You just pinched yourself." Sienna said.

"Me? I pinch myself?"

"David, you are really pinching yourself. I thought you were going to do something."

"What's wrong with me?"

"It was affected by that evil spirit, but I have solved it."

"Can evil spirits control our consciousness?"

"Not every evil spirit can do it. Every evil spirit has its own special features." Sienna said.

"Then what is your father's special ability?"

"Drive." Sienna replied.

"Driving a car counts as a special ability? I mean the kind of special ability like in the X-Men."

"Drive like a madman." Sienna replied sonorously.

"Are there any cooler special abilities?"

"Scare people."

David was a little desperate, driving?

Who doesn’t know how to drive?

And scaring people, what the hell is this?

"Don't you have a more practical ability?"

"Boy, you look down on me, don't you?" Yin Berg turned his head again, and this time he turned his head 90 degrees, which made David's scalp numb.

Uncle, can you please stop doing this?

Although I know you are trying to scare people, it is really scary.

"Mr. Yinberg, don't you need to look at the road when driving?"

"No need, I know the best way to drive."

Suddenly, the car shook violently, and Sienna's expression changed drastically again: "No, another evil spirit got into the car."

The car suddenly became swaying. Yin Berg controlled the steering wheel and tried his best to stabilize the car so that it would not roll over.

But if it continues like this, it will be a matter of time before it overturns.

"Sienna, think of a way quickly, I can't control the car anymore..." Yin Berg shouted.

Sienna looked at David: "Do you have a gun?"

"Bring it."

"Give me the gun."

"Ah?" As a policeman, he instinctively wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it again, the situation at this moment was unusual. He hesitated and asked: "What are you going to do? Guns shouldn't be able to hurt evil spirits, right?"

"Of course ordinary bullets won't work." Sienna said, taking out a small package filled with fluorescent powder.

"What are these? I thought you used this to get rid of evil spirits earlier."

"The main raw material is phosphorus."

"Phosphorus? Oh my God, it will explode when exposed to air. Do you want to kill us?"

"Don't worry, this has magic added to it and has been converted into magic phosphorus." Sienna grabbed the gun from David's hand and poured a little magic phosphorus into the muzzle.

Then he closed his eyes, raised the muzzle of the gun with both hands, and began to move slowly.

David and Bird were so frightened that they hugged their heads and huddled up.


Sienna fired one shot at the bottom of the car and another shot into the back seat before lowering the gun.

"Killed another one."

"Miss Sienna, don't close your eyes when you shoot. It's very dangerous. There are people in the car." David shouted in horror.

"That is, even if it doesn't hit anyone, if it hits a certain device of the car, or hits the fuel tank... Uh-huh..." Bird was also screaming in fear.

David covered Bird's mouth, but it was too late.

"Sienna, you really hit the tank, the fuel level is going down."

"Get off the bus, get off the bus quickly."

Everyone got out of the car quickly, David opened the wheelchair, and Bird held Aisha and put her in the wheelchair.

"What should we do now?"

"Run, run forward." Sienna was already running.


"Run as hard as you can and don't look back."

But David couldn't help but turn around. He saw a huge black gas behind him, like a dark cloud cap.

Yin Berg also followed: "Sienna, put me away quickly, put me away quickly, I don't want to get mixed up with these people."

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