Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 5 Chapter 1132: You're done

The locusts that passed through the sea of ​​fire have been killed by Liu Ming and others all the time. The outer purgatory of the sea of ​​fire has the full blessing of the black jade bottle in the hands of the gryphon, and once again spread out to the outside, blocking the outside locusts, so that they dare not easily pass. The red-haired brawny and other people have a loose heart, and they have revealed the look of rebirth after the robbery. A group of people who entered this place, together with nearly 20 Lions, are still less than half living at the moment. Among them, there are only four disciples in Tianhui Valley. Liu Ming secretly slammed the law, the car suffering from the blue cow seems to be quite unwilling to snoring, the body suddenly disintegrated into a clear shadow, flying into its left shoulder disappeared. "You have worked hard, thanks to your help, this has made the big battle not broken. Now I just have to wait for the rest of the big array to start. After returning to the mountains, the lion will be true. The Ming Ming Alliance, on the merits and rewards." The lion's gaze swept away in the crowd, so said. The red-haired brawny and the white man heard the words, but they did not show much joy. The disciples they brought were more than half of the casualties, and they were happy. The Griffin turned to look at Liu Ming on the side, and when he looked slow, he would say something. At this time, a thunderous rumble came. Everyone was shocked and turned around. But in the huge light column that spurred out of the falling sands, there was a loud noise like a thunder, as if something exploded inside. As the sound became more frequent, the huge yellow light column was more than doubled, and a ray of yellow light was continually spurred toward the surroundings. At this moment, if you are overlooking the sky in the vast desert of Nanman, you can clearly see a spectacular scene. Four directions in the desert raging in the black sand storm. There are four huge golden light beams rising from the sky, echoing each other. The yellow glow from the light column is rapidly weaving according to certain rules, forming a sky-like yellow net. Covering almost half of the heights of the southern desert. With the fascination of the yellow glow in the huge light column, the yellow large nets over the entire southern desert have become denser. Liu Ming saw the scene in front of him, but also secretly surprised, but the next moment, his face suddenly changed. The body did not know why it felt a buoyancy, and the whole person suddenly suspended. The same is true of other people present, as if the gravity of the sand suddenly reversed, and people and sand have been pushed to the sky. "The falling sands began to work, and everyone quickly moved closer. Be careful of the sandstorms around you, don't get caught in it!" The griffon saw it and yelled at everyone around him. Everyone heard the words, and they offered a variety of secrets to resist the huge gravitational pull of this upside, and gathered toward the Griffin. Rumble! The desert covered by the big sky is like a whole inverted upside, and the void is flooded with sand. The black sandstorm that was originally violent has become ten times more powerful. The airflow in the desert void collapsed, forming a huge black tornado column that wandered around. Everything on the ground was swept in, and the ground was scraped off by a layer of general. In the vast deserts of the South, countless low-level locusts were swept in by the ubiquitous tornado, and there was no sound at the moment. Where Liu Ming and others are located, there is also a black tornado that is grounded in the sky, so that everyone gathers in advance. Under the protection of a yellow shield from the Griffin, it did not suffer too much. However, the surrounding low-order locusts are in front of this world. But there is no resistance, it is involved. The high-level locusts outside are also screaming in the strange environment in which they are obviously unable to compete. I no longer care about Liu Ming, the human beings, who have turned their bodies into a ray of light and fled in all directions. "Very good, it seems that the other three places are still smooth, and the super-falling sands have finally been completely launched. Now there is no such thing as us, let's go!" The Griffin saw the scene before him, and he liked Liu Ming and others. Said, and with a finger in front of the black jade bottle. The surrounding red fire and the sea suddenly shook, the flames smashed away, and re-inverted into countless red sand grains, which were backed up and returned into the black jade bottle. After the gryphon folded his hand and put away the jade bottle, he had a word in his mouth, and then he waved his hand. A circle of a few squares of the khaki-colored fascinating aura flashed over the place. When Huang Guang swayed, the figure of Liu Ming and others flashed and disappeared. ... at the same time, near a desolate valley. Surrounded by gusts of wind, it was impossible to see things. The sand in the sky was like a sharp knife. The entire valley was also cut off by nearly half. From time to time, three or two groups of low-ranking Yi people were swept in the whimper. Near the huge golden light column, two golden and black giant figures collided fiercely, and the aftermath of the battle fell on the nearby ground, easily hitting a huge deep pit. The giant tornado column around the mighty powers has no impact on the two figures. Among the golden light, a snake-infested Jin Man ancestor was gloomy, and the men she brought were completely destroyed by the army. Many of those people were the backbone of the Jin Man tribe, making them extremely depressed. Fortunately, the super-falling sands were successfully launched. Among the black light on the opposite side, it is a huge figure of a half-human and a half-worm. The emancipation of the spirit is not inferior to the Jinrui ancestors. It is a high-ranking Yi who is a heavenly elephant. Jin Man’s ancestors snorted and slammed into the front of her two giants. The gray electric awning is blurred, and it instantly rises more than a hundred times. It turns into a huge gray knives of a hundred feet in size, and the gray arc flows above it. The golden ancestral ancestors pointed to a point, and the huge knives and scorpions went to the opposite heavenly locusts, and the slamming of the smashing smashed into numerous thorny knives and blocked them before the locusts. The woman waved her hand and smashed a law, and put away the illusion of the law behind her. A red glow was sprayed in her mouth, which caught her body and turned into a red twilight and flew away in the distance. It disappeared into the sandstorm. ...... tens of thousands of miles away from the desolate valley where the ancestors of Jin Man were located, a cyan wind dragon rushed through the black sandstorm in the sky. Among the blue-eyed dragons, there were a few phantoms wrapped in it. It was the elders of the mountain winds and the four or five other sectarian monks. Everyone was dressed in a ragged shirt, pale and a big wound. At the same time, another black sandstorm in the desert of the South Wilderness was filled with a group of glaring yellow awns that were heading toward the front, and the speed of sorrow and sorrow was swift, and one flashed, and it was hundreds of feet away. Huang Mang actually couldn't see any figures, only faintly could see the existence of a yellow Falun. ...After most of the day, a white boney spurt spurted out from the black sandstorm in the Southern Desert. Among the flying boats, it is the Griffin, Liu Ming and his party. The white light flashed and the boat stopped outside the sandstorm. The eyes of the group looked behind them, only to see that the southern desert behind them had completely boiled, and countless black tornadoes seemed to be a huge tentacle, dancing wildly. The entire desert was enveloped in an endless black sand cloud, and it was impossible to distinguish between heaven and earth. Liu Ming’s eyes flashed, and such a powerful sandstorm, even if the Terran Crystals monk was trapped in it, I am afraid that it would not be able to get out of trouble. The low-level locusts in the desert, if there is no special means, should have been exhausted. "At last it's worthwhile, let's go." The lion sighed and waved a law, and the white bone boat turned into a streamer, flew toward the mountains. ...... After half an hour, on the platform where the mountain hall was located, a white bone boat came from a distance and slowly landed. Outside the Da Zongmen Hall, a middle-aged man in a gray shirt wearing a terracotta costume led a dozen monks standing on the square outside the main hall. He saw white light flying and hurried up. "The Griffin predecessors, this trip is hard." The middle-aged man in the gray shirt respectfully glanced at the lion. The Griffin nodded faintly, waved his hand and put away the flying boat. Liu Ming and others also stood in the air. "The wind ancestor and several other seniors have returned, and they are in the hall at the moment." The middle-aged man in the gray shirt made a request for action. "Everything is back, they are moving fast." The lion cub blinked and waved his hand to indicate that the middle-aged man in the gray shirt led the way. Liu Ming and others silently followed the back and walked forward. In the hall of the main patriarch, it seemed a bit cold and clear at this time. In addition to the elders of the ancestral celestial celestial beings in the main seat, and the Jin Man ancestors of the Jin Man tribe, there are only a few other monks who sit on both sides. "Gryphon, you are finally back." As soon as the Griffin entered the hall, the middle-aged man of the wind immediately stood up. Jin Man’s ancestors also stood up and saw the people behind the lion, especially when they saw Liu Ming’s figure, his eyes sank. "Windway friends, Jin Mandao friends... Hey, why don't you see Yao Daoyou of Sha Zong?" The Griffin asked the two men in the main seat and immediately asked. "Yao Daoyou was attacked by two locusts in the Southern Wilderness Desert. Now he is hit hard, his body has been defeated, and he is now undergoing cultivation. The team led by Jin Mandao and his friends also received a heavy blow, but the Griffin The team led by the Taoist friends survived the most. Fortunately, the super-falling sands were finally laid out, and the army of the Yi people was temporarily defeated. In this case, if the other party wants to reorganize such an offensive, I am afraid At least I have to wait for a few months." Wind elders sighed and said. (To be continued)

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