Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1275: Leading array

With the deepening of Liu Ming, the surrounding magical spirit became more and more intense. On the ground, there were still some ridiculous grounds, and lush vegetation began to appear.

It may be due to the smell of magic gas. The mountains and rocks here are mostly grayish black.

After Liu Ming continued to fly for two or three hours, he gradually slowed down the idle speed. It has already counted the depths of the Donglu Mountain Range, and the magic is more than two or three times stronger than the outside.

In addition, there are some strange and strange World of Warcraft in the valley.

These Warcraft look like ordinary monsters, but they have more or less magic lines.

In terms of individual strength, Warcraft far exceeds the ordinary monsters of the same order, but Liu Ming encounters mostly low-level Warcraft, and the wisdom seems to be lower than the monsters he has seen before, even if he The body exudes the spiritual pressure far beyond the true Dan, and those World of Warcraft still see the fierce light, and they are rushing over without fear of death, and naturally they are killed by him.

Under the peaks of several black bamboos, Liu Ming slammed down and turned to look at a mountain. The brows picked and flew past.

Waving a black bamboo, a hidden cave entrance underneath the mountain.

If it weren't for a faint strange magic from the hole, he couldn't find it here.

Liu Ming immediately released the gods and sensed the feelings in the hole. The heart was slightly shocked and a scorn was heard in the mouth.

Although the entrance to the cave is somewhat narrow, the space inside is not small, and it seems that something is dug out of an underground tunnel and leads directly to the depths of the ground.

Deep in the ground. Also entrenched a group of quite strong black magic.

There are indications that this should be a nest of Warcraft. The faint strange magic that he sensed was from the depths of the cave.

He is a little sinking. There is a word in the mouth, and the silver flashes on the body, urging the beast armor to illusion of a silver fleshy armor.

Speaking of it, in the last period of the wild continent, he cultivated himself as a singer, and in daily, he did not hesitate to infuse the mana to the eight-claw octopus, making it completely into adulthood, not only the skin color by sky blue. It turned into dark blue. And the silvery flakes on the surface of the body are more and more shining, and the breath has reached the stage of crystallization. Nowadays, the beasts that are displayed are only the protection armor that is no less than the magic armor.

After doing this, Liu Mingkou once again had a word, the body was shrouded in a layer of faint blue light, and the car totem was displayed. The whole person's breath instantly merged into the void, as if disappearing from the air.

immediately. As soon as he was in shape, he turned into a shadow and flew into the cave.

The entrance to the cave is just one person high, and the side of the mountain is surrounded by black rocks. A faint black fluorescence is emitted.

Liu Ming’s gaze stayed on the mountain wall and continued to fly into the dozens of feet. Going underground.

The shadow of Liu Ming’s shadow is silent and a turning point, flying towards the bottom.

The cave began to widen slowly. One foot, two feet. After Liu Ming flew down hundreds of feet, the size of the cave has become seven or eight feet wide.

But here, the cave is almost the end.

At the time of its immortality, a strong magical flame came to the surface, and at the bottom of the foggy cave, there was a black spring that was constantly flowing.

In the spring, there is a dazzling gray magic, which contains a lot of pure black filaments.

"The power of the real devil!" Liu Ming's eyes reveal a ecstatic look. Although this black spring is just a small source of magic, the magical gas revealed therein contains a lot of true magic.

In other words, this is an extremely rare source of true magic.

Suddenly, he browed his head and his body was blurred, and he disappeared into place.

Just as his figure disappeared, a shadow of the shadow of the volley was silent, and it flashed through the head of the shadow that Liu Ming had not completely disappeared.

The speed is fast, it is called electric light flint!

If Liu Ming is slightly slower in response, I am afraid that it will be passed through the head of the shadow.

Not far away, the shadows flashed, and Liu Ming’s figure emerged.

His eyes turned and looked down at the red shadow that was flew back. In the darkness, a slender beast head was visible, and the two eyes exude a green light, staring at it. Liu Ming.

The two-three-foot-sized lizard looks like a World of Warcraft. There is also a pair of huge shredded wings that grow long. From the breath that it exudes, it has reached the great perfection of the late Tang Dynasty. Distant look.

I sneaked out!

The shadow of the shadow disappeared into the mouth of Warcraft, it is its tongue.

This lizard Warcraft saw a sneak attack, but it was a little unexpected, but then the eyes blinked, the black wings fluttered behind, and the figure suddenly turned into a residual image, which swam silently in the gray mist around Liu Ming. .

Liu Ming saw this, his mouth was slightly tilted, and he closed his eyes and did not move in place.

Lizard Warcraft eyes flashed a trace of doubts, suddenly his body shape, the red tongue in the mouth again flashed out of the wind, a faint white mark in the void, followed by a burst of dance, a piece of tongue color red The giant network emerged, and Liu Ming was slammed down.

At the same time, a pair of wings and a fan suddenly rushed forward, driving a large black magic gas to roll forward, and turned into a black blade of the size of the palm, densely lining up the tens of thousands of feet of Liu Ming’s body. A pair of postures that let Liu Ming have nothing to do.

Just as the red tongue net was able to touch Liu Ming’s forehead, Liu Ming’s eyes suddenly opened, and his forehead flashed black, and the true magic mark emerged. At the same time, after a sizzling sound in his arm, he suddenly became a big circle. Purple shadow, directly into the red tongue net.

A scream!

The red tongue net suddenly dissipated, in the air, a red long tongue with a thick arm, was caught in the hands of Liu Ming, and did not move.

But see the surface of this red long tongue covered with a circle of lavender magic, the black air above, like a magical device, under the tears of Liu Ming, can actually persist.

In the next moment, the black wind blade fell like a blast, and Liu Yan was almost swallowed up.

On the occasion of this millennium, a loud black magic flame ignited in Liu Ming's body, and the wind blade fell on it, making a creaking sound, and it was broken.

At this moment, Liu Ming’s body is covered with lavender magic, and it is directly magicized!

Lizard Warcraft sees this situation, the eyes finally reveal the color of horror, the double-winged fan wants to break off the tongue, but is held by Liu Ming silk, can not break free.

Liu Ming sneered, his body shape, the next moment, it appeared in the lizard Warcraft, the other arm is blurred, like a gust of wind and madness.

"砰砰" loud noises ringing!

Lizard Warcraft eyes flashed a desperate color, the next moment, almost no resistance to the force has not been smashed into a platter.

Then Liu Ming flexed a finger and flew a few tiny black lights at the fingertips, and inserted it into the head of Warcraft.

The green light flashed, and the black silk thread bound a fist-sized light group. It flew out of the Warcraft's head, which is the essence of this Warcraft.

A black shadow flew out of Liu Ming, it was a sucking soul, biting a green light group, swallowed it, and then turned it into a black shadow, flew into the right hand sleeve of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming shook his head and smiled. The whole body was enchanted with a breath, and some of the useful things on the body of the Warcraft corpse were collected.

The figure of the magic sky flew out from Liu Ming, and looked at Liu Ming’s right hand with a faint look.

"I can't think of it, you actually have the organic smelt into a sucking soul, such as the ancient locusts." The magical tone seems to be somewhat different.

"It's a coincidence." Liu Ming said with a chuckle.

"There is a magic source here, although it is very small, but it can overflow the true magical gas. It is already very suitable for arranging the large-scale location of the Yinyuan, so here." Devil said.

Liu Ming clicked and agreed.

He cleaned up the traces of the battle just a little. With a wave of his hand, Hula took out a lot of materials, which were used to arrange the materials for the formation of the lead.

In the next two days, Liu Ming placed a grand legal array near the source of the magic source under the guidance of the magic sky.

The array of the lunar elements, Liu Ming has seen it, far from the complexity of this. Under Liu Ming’s inquiry, the magic day explained that the ordinary squadron is not enough to control the blood of the true demon and the body of Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was dubious, but still arranged the large-scale squad according to the requirements of the Magic Heaven.

On the ground near the magic source, three circular arrays of several lengths appear in a glyph shape and are connected to each other.

The magical sky stood near the big squadron, and there was a word in the mouth, waving a hand to make a law, and the three large arrays suddenly gave off a faint black light, and suddenly slammed.

"Well, the large-scale squad has been laid out and can be started at any time." The magic sky slowly said.

Liu Ming nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a thick stack of flags.

He waved with both hands, and the flag was formed into a ray of light, and he did not enter the cave.

The magic sky saw the action of Liu Ming, smiled slightly, did not say anything.

After a small quarter of an hour, a few layers of banned radiance emerged from the imaginary sky near the large array of squadrons, enveloping the large array of elements and the magic source layer.

With these layers of bans, it will not provoke a large array of squadrons, attracting others.

"You are careful and careful, it is very good. It is no wonder that Luo Wei will choose you to be the owner of this prisoner." Devil said in a soft voice.

"Predecessors have won the prize, and we will start." Liu Ming smiled, his hand on the waist of the yin gourd, a black air flew out, turned into a child's figure.

"Well, I will take care of you during the period when I absorbed the blood of the true devil." Liu Ming said. (To be continued...)

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