Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1338: Chasing

Liu Ming's gaze swept over the huge platter of the size of twenty or thirty feet. The whole body was black and swelled out. The body snorted and the body muscles were bulging, and the arms were thicker than a circle.

The mouth was low and the two fists were just a blur, and suddenly there were countless black boxing shadows, and the dense bones rushed to the huge bones!

There was a roar of air in the air, and the whole hall was rumbling and resounding.

The shadow of the fist fell on the surface of the huge pelvis, which stirred up a white halo that followed, and the entire huge bones trembled.

For a time, the white light and black mans are intertwined and flashing!

After a scent of scent, the huge platter at the top of the hall finally burst open!

As the central platter shattered, the surrounding bone walls also burst into a series of shatters, which shattered from top to bottom, turning into countless white bone fragments.

The black robe girl stood underneath and looked at Liu Ming. She only relied on bare hands and an inconspicuous force to defeat a sturdy and unusual hole in the sky. The depths of the beauty disappeared and disappeared. Replace.

She tried it personally and knew how strong the defensive bone wall defenses were.

At this time, Liu Ming’s stature was transformed into four vivid shadows, flying in all directions.

Then, the four imaginary shadows of the Liu Yan figure, reappeared beside the black robe girl.

Just at the moment when Liu Ming was able to reach the ground, a silver light broke into the hole in the main entrance of the main hall.

Silver light is converging, but it is a slap-sized bone, a flashing, falling on his shoulder.

It is the nephew.

"The heavenly elephant magic pet?" The black robe girl saw it. Once again, the face changed.

Liu Ming nodded to his undecided moment, and then the child’s income in the waist gourd, the words turned and said:

"Okay. Now that the matter has come to an end, you and I will not be here."

"How. Will Liu Daoyou want to leave the palace to leave?" The black robe girl flashed a glimpse of a glimpse of the beauty, and she chuckled in the mouth.

"Don't let you go, don't you bring you to the inner land?" Liu Ming said a little.

"Yes, this palace is doing this." The black robe girl smiled and said a word that made Liu Ming somewhat speechless.

"Since the fairy knows the danger level of this inner land, why bother to commit a crime? After all, in your capacity, I don't think I have to go to this place for some resources or treasures." Liu Ming eyebrows Pick one. Said this in the mouth.

"There is a reason why this palace has to go, and there is nothing to tell. The reason why I want to walk with you is because there is a prohibition in the Moyuan Tower, which requires the key of the magic to open." The girl said faintly.

Liu Ming looked at her eyes and her face was cloudy and uncertain.

He did not intend to agree, after all, there will be many inconveniences with people. In addition, this inward sense is that the Longtan Tiger Cave can not be overestimated, and the other party is only a demon in the early days of the Tianxiang.

But when he listened to the second half of the woman, he was hesitant.

This woman is clearly on the land of the inland. Even the Mo Yuan Tower has a lot of understanding.

In addition, this woman seems to be familiar with the various situations of the Magic Heaven, if accompanied by it. Or you can make the magic day scrupulous, and dare not set any tricks.

After all, he is almost ignorant of the situation in the Inland and the Magic Tower.

Liu Ming thought about this and finally nodded:

"Okay! But there is no word in the first place. There is no responsibility to protect the fairy. If you encounter something that I can handle, I will naturally cook it. But if it is dangerous, look at each other."

"This is nature. Right. The name of this palace is Zhao Qianying. I only know your surname Liu. I haven't asked your name yet?" The black robe girl did not care, and asked the front.

"Liu Ming." Liu Ming returned without thinking. In my heart, it is a bit strange. Since this woman is a princess of the Central Dynasty, she is naturally a child of the family of the Emperor, but why she is not surnamed Huang and surnamed Zhao.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him, and naturally he will not ask more questions.

"Liu brother, as far as I know, there are still more than half a year from the opening of the Magic Tower. Do you have any plans?" After Zhao Qianying took a look at Liu Ming, the eyes looked a few times and asked in the mouth.

"When you go in the direction of the center, you can explore the treasures of the relics along the way." Liu Ming sank for a moment, said in the mouth.

Zhao Qianying has no opinion on this.

In the next time, because Zhao Qianying was injured, the two of them simply squatted in the hall of the altar for a few days, ready to wait for Zhao Qianying to recover and then go on the road.

Liu Ming just took advantage of this time, took out the spiritual materials and raised a few spiritual swords that were somewhat damaged.


After half a month.

The magical mystery is a undulating black deserted mountain range.

Here the mountains are very rich in magic, mixed with the scent of the real devil, rising from all over the mountains, forming a faint black cloud in midair, from a distance, the dark clouds above the entire mountain range Rolling, smashing into pieces, not seeing the sky all the year round.

Suddenly, the roar of the mountain shakes came!

It was the ground in the foothills of the mountain where the ground suddenly exploded. After the diffuse smoke dispersed, a large hole appeared in the ground.

After a while, the three dawns flew out from the cave and landed in a nearby valley. The light converges and reveals three figures, namely Liu Ming, Zhao Qianying, and three children.

The three people were stained with a lot of dust from head to toe, but their faces were full of joy.

Liu Ming turned one hand and added a fist-sized black spar in his hand.

This spar is black and transparent, and there is no light on the surface. However, looking at the spar for a long time, the darkness of the surface gives a feeling of seduction to inhale its soul.

"I can't think of it in the secret world, there is actually a magic stone vein, and I have found a lot of the best magic diamonds. It is not a small gain." Liu Ming said with delight.

The magic marrow drill is an ore that has been extinct in the Wan Mou continent. It is a refining material for the devil. The true magical spirit contained in it is extremely pure, and it can refine the best magic treasure that is invincible.

"This is thanks to the magical pet of the Taoist friend. If it is not the magical vein that it perceives in the underground, I am afraid I will miss it." Zhao Qianying’s face also showed a hint of excitement and combed it by hand. Look at the two purple hairs, say so in the mouth.

The nephew heard the words, and Zhao Qianying was stunned with the corner of his eye.

"Yes, this time thanks to the nephew. This thing should have a lot of effects on your cultivation, you hold it." Liu Ming said, handing this magic hole in his hand to the nephew.

"Thank you for your master." The nephew took over and was a happy face.

Immediately after the movement, it turned into a black light and flew into the Huayin gourd at the waist of Liu Ming, apparently preparing to practice.

"Liu Daoyou's magic pet seems to dislike some of my appearance." Zhao Qianying said, a beautiful flash.

"Hey children have always been very vigilant to outsiders, Zhao Xianzi do not blame." Liu Ming smiled and said.

In the eyes of Zhao Qianying, there was a glimpse of the light, and he smiled, but he didn’t care.

"Let's go, let's continue on our way." Liu Ming looked at the woman and suggested.

After this period of time, he found that although Zhao Qianying was born in the largest emperor family in Wanqu, but there is no arrogance, or arrogance, and pure nature of the family, this is everywhere in the intrigue. Very rare.

In addition to the fact that this woman is not willing to mention her family, it is quite talkative. It may not be too outgoing, and she is very curious about everything outside.

The two have come along, and the relationship has become a bit more harmonious.

After listening to Liu Ming’s proposal, Zhao Qianying nodded and Zhang mouth was about to speak. At this moment, the two faces changed at the same time and turned to look in the same direction.

"Someone came over! Look at the situation, it seems to be chasing." Liu Ming was quite surprised to see Zhao Qianying, one-handedly waved, a green light appeared on his body, quickly condensed into a huge green cow shadow, He and Zhao Qianying were enveloped in it.

Zhao Qianying’s eyes flashed, and there was no movement. He still covered his body with the shadow of the green cow.

In the next moment, the blue light shook a little and dissipated in the void, and the figures of Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying disappeared.

The two had just concealed their body shape, and in the distance the sky suddenly showed two dawns, one black and one red, and came forward one after the other.

The two twilight speeds were extremely fast. After a few breaths, they arrived at the vicinity of Liu Ming, and the two powerful pressures spread.

Some of the low-end monsters in the surrounding valleys seem to have long been aware of the bad, and they have sneaked into their nests and shivered.

In the valley, Liu Ming’s eyes flashed, and these two spirits were extremely powerful. Although he converges on the gods, he can feel that these two people should all exist in the realm of Xuanjing.

At this moment, in the black light behind, the sound of the air broke together, and a black light galloped out. Under the flash, it caught up with the red light in front.

The black light flashed, and a small black-and-small fork was revealed. A vagueness turned into a huge number of huge cross-shadows, with a piercing sound, and the storm slammed into the red light.

The red dawn had to stop, and a circle of red and red light spread out, and a faint red flag was visible.

The black cross shadow slammed down on the red circle of fire, giving off a violent explosion, and the circle of red and black smashed into the air in all directions!

The huge cross shadow of the sky was shaken by the fire red aperture, but with a delay of red light, the black light behind it accelerated, and it surpassed the red dawn and appeared in front.

The black ray of light dissipated, revealing a slender man wearing a black sacred dress, looks handsome. (To be continued)

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