Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1392: Reverse

The magic sky sees this and is not to be outdone. Zhangkou spurts a thick black light, and it is fading into the monument.

The grimace pattern on the 浑天碑 immediately became clear and abnormal. The third eye was full of radiance, and a stunned chaotic beam of light was blasted from it, and then bombarded on the **** spar.

The strong mana collision provoked a fierce gust of wind and swept in all directions. The shock of the heart and mind spread like a wave of water, and Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying suddenly stood unsteady and hurried. After withdrawing from the dozens of feet, this barely stabilized the figure.

Liu Ming took a look at Zhao Qianying and took a step to stop her.

Zhao Qianying looked at the back of Liu Ming with a complicated look. His lips were slightly open, but he did not say anything.

Liu Ming’s attention was not placed behind him, and the purple-eyed eyes kept looking at the air in the eyes, and the depth of his eyes flashed a trace of sorrow.

This should be the first time that the magic sky has been condensed out of the semi-magic body. It can be said that the magical sky shows its true strength at the moment, and it also shows the true power of the monument.

At this moment, the chaotic light column that the blue-colored beast head spurred on the scorpion monument, the power of any one is no less than the previous shot of Liu Yuyang's magic gun.

Liu Ming's face is a bit hard to look at!

Originally, he thought that with his current strength, plus the magic weapon of Shanhezhu, and the magical powers such as magicalization, even if Tongxuan can not win, self-protection should be no problem.

Some previous experiences have also proved that his idea is not wrong. In the quiet city, he successfully escaped from the hands of Liu Yuyang and Liu Jia’s two masters.

However, when I saw the scene in front of me, Liu Ming felt that the previous thoughts were too naive, and the green spirit and the magic sky in front of him were not all that he could compete with.

Especially the magic sky, he only has half of the magic body at this moment, it will be so powerful, if his strength is restored, I am afraid that he will not be able to even hit it.

Zhao Qianying stood behind Liu Ming, and suddenly looked at the huge black vortex at the top of the cave, and his eyes flashed a sigh of heat.

Suddenly, she flashed beautifully. Through the enchantment of gold and ink, the black gas at the top of the cave changed a little. The black vortex that had already slowed down slowly accelerated at this moment, and the blackness around the vortex seemed to There are also some shocks.

The eyes of the people present at the moment were attracted by the blood red crystal, and they did not notice this.

With the amazing black electro-optical and chaotic beams struck on the red crystal of the stone, the cracks on the surface of the spar are more and more, and it has clearly reached the edge of collapse.

At this moment, the eyes of the magic sky flashed, and the black light flashed on the palm of the right hand. He raised his hand on the left arm and broke his left elbow.

A large black flame appeared on the broken arm, and it turned into a thick black gas in the blink of an eye. It was reminded by the magic heaven and was incorporated into the animal head pattern on the monument.

The blue-colored beast head shines, and it is actually separated from the sacred monument. It turns into a blue-colored enchanting, and the four-legged rushing flies out.

This enchanting body is not big, only three or four feet high, but his face looks fierce, his mouth grows white fangs, his eyes are red, it seems to fall into the resentment of fury, with a pair of cyan flesh wings behind, It looks quite strong and powerful.

As soon as this cyan ape appeared, a violent and fierce breath spread out.

"Sen Luo resentment!"

Qingling saw this blue enchanting, his face changed slightly.

The following Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying saw this, and they also stepped back a few steps.

The magic sky smiles coldly, and at the same time, the ten fingers fly fast and sway, the black light flashes into the blue enchanting body, making the enchanting face look slow, the violent look is slightly concentrated, it seems a little more rational. The cyan flesh behind it moved to the **** spar below.

Qingling saw this scene, his eyes flashed sharply, and he waved a law. The black electric dragon coiled on the blood-colored spar immediately stopped the attack. The dragon first lifted up and looked at the blue enchanting.

There was a roar in the black electric dragon mouth, and the huge figure spurred out and greeted the enchanting.

Qingling seems to be a little jealous of the blue-colored enchanting, and once he is moving, he has to fly.

But at this moment, the shadow of the shadow flashed, and the figure of the magic sky was in front of her.

The magic sky haha ​​smiled, and the singularity of the sky was radiant, and instantly condensed into a chaotic field of black and white, and both of them and Qingling were enveloped inside.

The body of Qingling seems to be trapped in a quagmire. The chaotic light around it is like countless silks, wrapped around Qingling.

Qingling's whole body flashed, and barely flew forward a little distance, he was forced to stop.

At this moment, the blue enchanting finally collided with the black electric dragon below.

The difference between the two models is quite large. The black electric dragon has a brilliant eye and a big mouth. A large black lightning spurt out and blasts to the blue enchanting.

The enchanting snoring, the two blood-colored eyes flashed, and the two blood-colored columns of light spurted out. Under the flash, they turned into a bright red blood hood.

The thick **** smell, spread out.


The black light column bombarded the blood hood, and the blood hood seemed to be thin, but it did not move. Instead, it was a huge black lightning, which crashed like a wave hitting a reef.

The next moment, the blue shadow flashed, the blue enchanting stunned to the side of the black electric dragon, two huge furry hand grabbed the electric dragon's body.


The enchanting screamed out of his hair, and the two arms were forced to tear the black electric dragon's body apart.

There was a whining in the black electric dragon's mouth, and the two bodies fell heavily on the ground, struggling for a moment, and did not move.

However, the body of the black electric dragon did not dissipate, so he lay on the ground.

In the distance, Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying saw that the blue enchanting sorrow was so brave, and his face was full of horror.

On the contrary, Qingling and Magic Day seem to have anticipated this situation, and they have not revealed much surprise.

At this moment, Qingling’s body was full of blue light, and a blue glow of Xiaguang swept out of his hands, madly attacking the chaotic field around him, trying to tear it apart, so that he could get out.

"Without the effort, anyone who has stepped into my field, there is no mana more than twice as strong as me, it is impossible to get out of trouble here." Devil said with a smile.

However, Liu Ming was underneath, and was not affected by the power of the field. At this moment, the purple light in the eyes was faint, and the brows were slightly picked up, and it was faintly hidden.

Because the magic sky itself is in the field, the action does not seem to be very convenient.

At this moment, Qingling did not give up. The blue light emitted from her body became more and more intense, and her body was completely shrouded in it. More and more blue rays of light shone like tentacles, and they screamed around.

In the magical sky, he sneered and turned to look down.

At this moment, the cyan ape killed the black electric dragon and fell on the **** spar. It opened a thick green mist and wrapped the **** spar.

As soon as the blood-colored spar touched the green mist, it slowly melted, but the speed was a bit slow.

The green enchanting face showed a trace of impatience, the third eye of the forehead was suddenly bright, and a glaring chaotic beam spurted out from it, and quickly zoomed out on the way, turning into a fine needle in the blink of an eye. On the **** spar.

The blood-colored spar suddenly slammed for a while, and a burst of sound came out. A large crack appeared on the blood-colored spar, which spread slowly.

Finally, with the slamming sound, the blood-colored spar cracked from the middle and fell to the sides, leaving only a small mirror with a faint white light suspended in the air.

The magical color of the magic sky flashed, and a sharp whistle sounded in the mouth.

The blue enchanting body trembled, and the arm stretched out, grabbed the white mirror, and grabbed it in his hand.

The magic sky sees this scene, his face is loose, and he waved his hand to make a law, and the surrounding chaotic field immediately dissipated.

He flipped his hand and recalled the monument, while his body shape flicked toward the bottom.

However, at this moment, in the green spirit not far away, there was a glimpse of the strange color that was not easy to detect. Then, under the glare of the body, it suddenly burst open and turned into a blue light.

The magic sky is very close to Qingling. At this moment, the body was rushed by the storm caused by the explosion. It was immediately swept away by an invisible giant force.


After the body of the magic sky flew more than ten feet, it was able to stabilize the figure, but it did not seem to receive much damage, and the face showed a stunned look.

At this moment, the surrounding blue light suddenly received the summoning, and swarmed toward the magic sky, turned into a spherical blue light curtain, and locked the magic sky inside.

The face of the magic sky changed greatly, and the two-handed method changed. The fingers slammed out of the chest like a wheel, and made a glare of black light, squatting on the blue light curtain. Although the light curtain trembled violently, it appeared. There was a crack in the road, but it did not break immediately.

Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying changed their face. This change was too sudden, and it was actually the turn of the magic day.

"No, it seems that the self-destruction is not the body of Qingling..." Liu Ming’s eyes flashed and looked at the explosion in the air, and looked awkward.

At this moment, the two black electric dragons on the ground suddenly moved, and the black light flashed into a black cloud.

A group of black thunderclouds flashed, and suddenly turned into a black electric belt, under a fuzzy, bound the blue enchanting, black arc immediately spread on the enchanting body.

The cyan screaming in the mouth screamed, and then the black light flashed. The arm holding the white mirror was suddenly cut off. Another black thunder cloud caught the broken arm and flew into the air.

"Ha ha ha..." There was a smug laugh in the thundercloud, and then Thundercloud dissipated, slowly showing a cyan true Dan.

Above the true Dan, standing a cyan little man, it is the Qingling.

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