Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1409: Dan

The face of the blue drum suddenly rose red, and the eyes were bright and bright, and it seemed that they could no longer hold the excitement in their hearts.

Liu Ming smiled slightly and waved the cyan rifle to the blue drum.

The long gun was held in the hand, and the look on the face of the green drum suddenly changed. A strong breath that was close to the magic of the heaven and the sky was passed on to him.

Although there is no refining, the power of this blue pike is definitely above any magic treasure he has ever seen.

"Thank you for your generous gift!" Qing drum collected the long gun and forced himself to take a sigh of excitement in his heart.

Liu Ming smiled lightly, shook his hand, and turned his hand to take out a square bronze mirror. The mirror surface was light and crystal white, and it was a rare treasure.

This white ancient mirror is exactly the ninth floor of the Moyuan Tower. The three celestial people of the Liu family joined forces to resist the twelve treasures of Zhao Qianying. The defense is strong, and Liu Ming is quite surprised.

Qingfang, Lushan two people saw the green drum was given a cyan rifle, envy of the heart, at this moment see Liu Ming took out a treasure, hurriedly looked at the past, eyes full of expectations.

However, the green face is as usual, his own body, he is the clearest, the magic treasure is nothing but the body outside, it is no longer important to him.

"Qing Fang, the surface of this mirror looks unremarkable. In fact, it is a good body to protect you. It will be given to you." Liu Ming’s eyes looked at Qing Fang and handed the square bronze mirror. past.

“Thank you for your family!” Qing Fang was overjoyed. In the eyes of Lushan’s envious eyes, he took over the bronze mirror and sensed the pure mana fluctuations emitted by the bronze mirror. He quickly thanked Liu Ming.

Then, Liu Ming took out a pair of black short cones and handed it to Lushan. This object is Liu Yuyang's weapon, and the power is also very small. At the beginning, the blue magic blade did not hurt this treasure.

"This pair of short cones was once a metaphysical thing, and it was given to you." Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, several people in Qingfang changed their faces and looked at each other. They were more curious about Liu Ming’s experience in the magical mystery.

Although Liu Mingkou said in an understatement, several people can hear a **** hurricane.

In the end, Liu Ming’s eyes looked at the complex, and he said:

"Elders of the Qing dynasty, there are some remedies here, and there are also medicines for life extension, which should help you."

Said, he took out a few jade bottles and handed them to the barley.

When I heard the medicine that had been extended, the look of Qinglan was happy and I took the jade bottle.

Unplug a black bottle of cork, a thick medicinal scent came to the surface, a purple medicinal medicine in the jade bottle, the size of the knuckles, the surface of the flash of light, slowly rolling in the jade bottle, as if living things.

"Ziyuan Dan!" Qing Yu was a little surprised to mutter.

"The elders of the Qing dynasty have a good eyesight." Liu Ming appreciatively glanced at the green scorpion and said.

This Ziyuandan was made from the purple yuan fruit that he brought out from the ruins of the upper bound. At that time, two of them were refining, and he has been preserved ever since.

Although the drug is of great value, it is not of much use to him. Now it is just for the sake of the Qing Dynasty. It should be able to extend its life for more than two hundred years.

After all, this person, as the owner of the Qing family, not only exhausted the whole family, but even at the critical juncture, he would like to blew himself up with the aggressor, and let it be quite touched.

It may be because the whole Qing family is alone, and Shouyuan is less than ordinary people. The people in the family are quite united and unanimous. This is also extremely rare in the sinister continent.

At this time, Qinglan has checked the medicinal herbs in several other jade bottles. There are also some precious medicinal herbs in Guben Peiyuan. The face suddenly shows a bit of joy, and these medicinal herbs are collected. I thanked Liu Mingdao a few words.

Liu Ming sat on the main seat and his eyes flashed a little.

In fact, in addition to these materials, he brought out the classics from the Moyuan Tower, but it is much rarer than these materials.

However, if it is taken out at will, if the wind leaks, I am afraid that the Central Dynasty will also be eyeing, and this matter needs careful consideration.

The Qing drum and others saw that there was something in the heart of Liu Ming, and they went to admire one by one and retired.

Liu Ming sat for a while, then he stood up and went to a side door and waved a few lines of ink. After a ray of light, the side door slowly opened, and it was a small, secluded garden outside.

Here is the best place to practice in Qingjia. Qinggu and others have built a place for them here.

The courtyard is full of magic, and there is a ban on the sky, the garden on the ground, the water, the pavilions, and the quietness reveals a bit of elegance.

Liu Ming turned around here. Seeing here is the alchemy room, the refining room, and other places where cultivation is common. There is also a lot of medicines. It seems that the drums and other people actually built it here. A lot of thoughts.

He nodded and came to a pretendingly decorated loft, where he lived and was a place of cultivation.

He walked into the attic and walked into a spacious chamber, his fingers flicked, and several cyan lights fell everywhere in the house, opening a blue enchantment.

After doing this, Liu Ming sat down on the knees and closed his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, with one hand and a wave, a dazzling yellow brilliance lit up, after a flash of glory disappeared, twelve exquisitely rounded yellow beads appeared around, vaguely can see each Six yellow emblems appear on the surface of the beads.

Numerous small ochre ray of light around the yellow beads kept spinning, and a powerful mana fluctuation fluctuated from Shanhezhu.

The whole room, like a huge stone, was thrown into the water, and it made a "beep" sound, as if the entire secret room space was shaken.

At this time, Liu Ming’s body flashed black, and the half of the magical creature’s body emerged and hung in the air.

Liu Ming looked at the magic sky, no response, continue to control the twelve mountain river beads, seems to be sensing something.

At this moment, the magic sky has already recovered. Looking at the twelve mountain river beads of Liu Ming’s body, there seems to be a flash of light in his eyes.

"Your set of mountains and rivers, the magic weapon, the quality is extraordinary, each one is a six-pronged Tianfa treasure, twelve together, the power is still on my sacred monument, oh..." I am amazed by the emotions.

Liu Ming looked at the magic sky, his eyes flashed slightly, and there was a word in his mouth. He waved a law, and twelve of the mountains and rivers slid back and flew back into his sleeve, disappearing without a trace.

"I would like to thank you for this matter. If your cultivating technique is brilliant, I am afraid that even if the material is consumed, it will be good to make it into half." Liu Ming’s face showed a trace of memories, and the mouth said faintly.

His thoughts returned to the five years in the Black Sea, and the difficulty of the sacrifice of Shanhezhu exceeded the expectations of the two.

In the past five years, Liu Ming and the magic sky will get what they get in the magical demon, and the waters of the rivers that are obtained are exhausted.

The wreckage of the caves, the black guns of Liu Yuyang, and the winged armor, all of which were decomposed by the smelting, together with the home materials of Liu Yuyang and Kong Xiangyu, will reluctantly make twelve The mountain river beads are completed in stages.

However, all of this is worthwhile. Twelve mountains and rivers are squandered into a heavenly magic weapon, which adds a lot of magical effects. Especially the twelve used at the same time, the power of the power is even more amazing.

After recovering the Shanhezhu, Liu Ming thought about it, and with one hand, a jade box emerged out of thin air.

His right hand touched the lid, and the lid popped open immediately, with a black medicinal medicine lying on it.

This Dan is like a pigeon egg, and the black mist is lingering. There is also a black villain sitting in it.

This medicinal herb is not something else. It is another magical relic that has been refining it.

Liu Ming looked at the medicinal herbs in the box and his eyes flashed slightly.

According to the agreement between him and the magic day, this magic Yuan relic was originally intended to let him advance the preparation of the medicinal herbs in the late days, but he has now succeeded in advanced, this magic Yuan relic is not used.

"You have completely stabilized the cultivation of the late celestial phenomena. This magical relic will be left in the future. When you take it in advance, you will have some promotion." Devil said.

"Is this true?" Liu Ming’s spirit suddenly rose, and some asked with excitement.

"That is of course, this magic Yuan relic is made from the bones of Tong Xuan's power. It contains a bit of the power of the law of heaven and earth. Naturally, it can help some advanced Tong Xuan, but this help is also very limited. , probably can increase the chance of about 10%." The magic sky sinks and said.

Liu Ming heard this, and his heart was a bit disappointed, but even if there is only a 10% chance, this magic Yuan relic is also extremely precious, when it is about to collect its precious and heavy.

The wrinkle of the magic day wrinkles, seems to think of something, suddenly asked:

“It’s only five years away from the Central Royal Family in Chaogon. How are you ready to go?”

Liu Ming heard a wrinkle, and Zhao Qianying's face appeared in his mind. He and the woman only met under the yin and yang, and the time was not too embarrassing, and they were confused and had a skin kiss.

At the same time, indigo, Ye Tianmei, and Yao Ji's three figures also appeared in his heart, so that he could not help but sigh.

After a long while, he only came back to God, muttering in his mouth:

"I can only go in person about this matter."


After the magic day listened to Liu Ming’s answer, the light flashed in the eyes and a flash of light that was not easy to detect, but it disappeared in an instant.

He then floated to the close of the secret room, his eyes closed, and his words were spoken.

As the curse sounded, the magic around the chamber gathered toward his body, forming a magical whirlpool.

Liu Ming has no innocence in this view. Since the magic day condensed half of the magic body, he has been able to absorb the magic around him and nourish himself.

After he regained his gaze, his hands were smashed, and all the black air rolled out. Fifteen black rings flew out, but they were the fifteen rings.

With the change of the law in his hands, fifteen rings left a circle of afterimages in the air, suddenly big and small, changing a thousand, more than the original when Zhao Qianying was manipulated.

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