Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1433: uninvited guest

"It’s really a big day in the magic sky."

Liu Ming shook his head and thought that he might be enemies with the Emperor's family in the future. His head would have some pain.

Emperor Huang Yu and Liu Ming fell on a high platform in the fortress. At this moment, there are seven or eight heavenly elephants on the high platform. They are basically the repairs of the late celestial world. Look at the costumes. It should be the Blood Lions. High level.

"Elders of Yuxi!" These people took a ceremony against Huangpu Yuxi.

"You don't have to be polite for the commanders." Huang Yuyu's voice was cold and it sounded cold.

The seven or eight regiments who were present at the scene immediately turned their eyes to Liu Ming, who was behind Huangpu Yuxi, and looked like a word.

Liu Ming nodded standing there, and did not seem to see the gaze.

"This is Liu Ming Liu Daoyou, who is the master of Quanzhou's Qing family. He is enlisted with the Legion of the Emperor of the Emperor. It is not an outsider." Huang Yuyu explained it casually.

The leaders of these regiments heard this and looked at each other. There were still some suspicions on their faces. However, since Huangfu Yuhua made a speech, they could not say anything more.

"How is the deployment of the Legion now?" Huang Yuyu looked at a few people and asked in the mouth.

"Establishing the elders of the jade, the personnel transfer has been completed, and the strategic materials have been basically matched. Now, just waiting for the devil to order, the blood lions can immediately go to the battlefield." A very tall purple robe middle-aged man said .

Liu Ming looked up and looked at it. Among the seven or eight people present, the middle-aged man in this purple robe was the highest, and the costumes on his body were the most beautiful. It seems to be the leader of the Blood Lions, second only to the imperial concubine.

"Well, you go to the legion to prepare for it, wait until the next order, and immediately go to the battlefield." Huang Yuyu's face was a sigh, and he said quietly.

The commanders in the field promised, and then dispersed and flew out. In the twinkling of an eye, Liu Ming and Huang Yuyu were left.

"Liu Jiazhu, what do you think of the military strength of the Blood Lions?" Huang Yuyu looked at Liu Ming and smiled lightly.

"The Emperor's family really does not care about the magical giants, just a legion, the strength is far more than my family, it is hard to match." Liu Ming said with some exclamation.

"Liu Jiazhu has won the prize. I am afraid that the Emperor’s order will come over for a while. At this time, I will take you around to get around and become familiar with the whole army." Huang Yuyu seems to be very satisfied with Liu Ming’s answer. .

"Then it is troublesome for the elders of the emperor." Liu Ming arched his hand and said politely.

Huangpu Yuxi immediately flew to the center of the fortress with Liu Ming. The center of the fortress was divided into several sections by the main road. The entire blood lion army was divided into eight parts, each of which had more than 10,000 people stationed.

"The blood lions have a large number of people, and it is quite troublesome to deploy. Therefore, the team is divided into eight teams, each with a military commander. Those army chiefs, Liu family have just seen it." Huang Yuyu pointed to the following eight A big team, and Liu Ming said.

Liu Ming slowly nodded, almost all of the Mozu were repaired, and the situation in the mainland was very different, and the military array on the battlefield was highly valued.

Among the books he brought out in the Mo Yuan Tower, quite a few of them also recorded the evolution of various military formations. He also saw some of them in his spare time. Therefore, he also learned some things about the military array, like the Blood Lions. The formation of the Legion is a military array deployment suitable for large-scale operations.

This can avoid situations where the tail can't be lost, but if the control of each team is insufficient, it will cause various problems.

"The following eight teams seem to have different focuses." Liu Ming said with a slight movement.

"It seems that Liu Jiazhu also knows about the Legion? I heard Yinger said that you are still a master of alchemy, and Liu Jiazhu is really knowledgeable." Huang Yuyu was slightly surprised, and then he was slightly surprised.

"Don't dare, just read some of the military-related classics, so I know a little fur." ​​Liu Minghe smiled and said.

"Why should the Liu family be too modest? You just said that the eight teams are based on the evolution of the ancient eight-locked gold locks. Each team has its own focus. If there is anything wrong with the Liu family in the future, please ask Liu Jiazhu. More than one or two points." Huangpu Yuxi seems to be quite conceited for this eight-level lock, and some smug in tone.

Liu Ming heard the words, naturally did not dare.

The two quickly came to the back of the fortress, where dozens of purple giant boats were docked, each with a length of a hundred feet and a surface painted with a magical pattern.

"Is these giant boats used for the transport of the Legion?" Liu Ming asked, moving.

The grades of these giant boats seem to be faint, but there are ten giant boats that look even more peculiar. There are still some black holes in the muzzle on both sides, but they are fighting with the giant boat of the Heavenly Emperor. The boat is quite similar.

"These ordinary flying boats are used to transport people, but the ten ships are the Japanese and Japanese warships of my emperor family. They can be used to transport soldiers, but they can also be used for combat. Among the six corps of the dynasty, only the blood lions. The legion issued the ten warships. "The emperor Yu Yu faint smiled, and some proudly said.

"It turns out." Liu Ming nodded.

"If Liu Jiazhu is interested, he can also board a boat." Huang Yuyu said.

"I can't wait for it." Liu Ming laughed happily. The two men fell on the side of a warship and were about to board the ship.

At this moment, two purple dawns spurted from a distance and landed nearby.

"The jade elders, the sun and the moon warships are the secrets of our emperor family, that is, some low-ranking people in the family are not allowed to come at random. You seem to be not suitable for boarding with an outsider?" A purple flash of light For a purple robe young man, it is the Emperor Sword Valley, the tone is gloomy.

Another glimmer of light flashed into the figure of a purple robe old man, and it was the imperial concubine.

"Accounting for the elders, His Royal Highness Sword Valley, why did the two come to my Blood Lions?" Huang Yuyu's brow wrinkled, his face said coldly.

Liu Ming looked at the Huangfu Sword Valley and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He had only seen it once in the Crown Prince election. He listened to his tone at this moment and seemed quite hostile to himself.

However, he soon understood that Huangfu Sword Valley was estimated to be threatened by the election of the Crown Prince.

"The elders of Yuxi, the sun and the moon warships as the secret treasure of the dynasty, really should not bring outsiders boarding the ship." Huangfu took a faint smile, looked at Liu Ming, and said in the mouth.

Huang Yuyu’s gaze moved, and then he said coldly:

"I don’t know if the elders of the sky are the fiancé of Ying’s family. It will take a long time to enter the family of my emperor. How can it be regarded as an outsider?

"That would have to wait for this Liu Daoyou to really enter the family of my emperor. As long as the father did not let him officially be included in the genealogy, he is still an outsider." Huangfu Sword Valley said coldly.

Huangfu Yuxi's face sank, and the body exudes a faint chill.

In order to get Liu Ming as soon as possible, she did bring the other party here. It is indeed a bit ill-considered. After all, Liu Ming and Zhao Qianying have not really become a double-repair partner. They are indeed an outsider in terms of identity, but Huangfu Sword Valley and Huangfu Zhantian It is obviously purposeful to come here this time.

"Elder Huangfu, since this warship is the secret of the Emperor's family, Liu will not go to watch it. When he arrives on the battlefield in the future, he can naturally see the power of this warship." Liu Ming lightly coughed. Sprinkle it.

Huangfu Yuxi's face was slightly slow, and she apologized for seeing Liu Ming. Then she turned her eyes and looked at Huangfu Zhantian again.

"Once the elders, the two come to my Blood Lions, what can be done? If there is nothing else, please do not interfere with our military affairs," she said coldly.

"Hey, why the elders of Yuxi must be angry. The old man came here, and he was ordered by the Emperor of the Emperor. He will transfer the Sword Valley to the Blood Lions and help the elders of the Jade." Huangfu took a smile and said.

"Sage Valley is not always in your greedy wolf corps, why now suddenly want to transfer to my blood lions corps?" Huang Yu Yu Yan heard a word, asked.

"This is the order of the Emperor of the Emperor, and the old man does not know the reason." Huangfu took a bitter smile.

"Since it is the life of the Emperor of the Devil, I will listen to it, and the Swords of the Valley will serve as the military corps in the Legion." The glory of the emperor's eyes flashed, and immediately said.

"Thank you for the elders of Yuxi." Huangfu Sword Valley gave a ceremonial tribute to Huangpu Yuxi, and then turned to look at Liu Ming, and his eyes flashed.

Liu Ming felt the naked hostility and murder of Huangfu Sword Valley, and he sneered in his heart, and his face was quiet.

Although this person is slightly higher than him, Liu Ming can connect with Xuan Da can face it, and he will care for him as a peak of the demon.

Huangfu Sword Valley does not provoke him, otherwise he does not mind finding a chance to kill this person.

"Oh, people have been sent, and the Swords of the Valley will be called the elders of the jade." Huangfu took a faint smile, and he swayed to the emperor, and he walked away from the distance.

"His Sword Valley, the Blood Lions Legion has the rules of the Blood Lions. Since the Emperor of the Devil has transferred you here, he must also abide by the military regulations." Huangfu Yuxi looked at the distant Emperor and took a look at the Emperor Sword. Said the valley.

"Yes." Huangfu Sword Valley smiled slightly, and some nodded casually.

"Come on, take the temple of Sword Valley to rest." Huang Yuyu's brow wrinkled, clapped his hands and said.

A purple robes sergeant came over and walked down with Huangfu Sword Valley.

"Liu Jiazhu, you should also take a break. When the demon emperor's order is up, the Blood Lions will start and start." It seems that because of the uninvited guest of Huangfu Sword Valley, the emperor's heart is faintly unpleasant. After the first pair of Liu Ming said a few words, he took a clap and another sergeant came over.

Liu Ming arched the emperor's jade, and he went down with the sergeant.

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