Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 6 Chapter 1438: ambush

After an hour, the situation in Yinfeng City has basically stabilized, and the defending city array has been repaired almost.

After the sound of "砰", a huge gap was formed above the turbid tower-shaped moat. In a burst of sound, the Blood Lions Corps was dispatched by the whole army, and the figures in the air were built.

Tens of thousands of people vacated, and then rushed toward the Liujia base outside Yinfeng City, like a dark cloud that sheltered the earth, making the heavens and the earth eclipsed.

The next step was the rebellion against the Liu family in Yinzhou. The Blood Lions did not take the giant boat, and even the ten Japanese and Japanese warships did not see it.

In the center of the Blood Lions, there is an extremely wide giant flying car that is slowly moving forward.

There is a three-storey bright yellow wooden tower on the car. The car body is evenly arranged with three pairs of a few feet, the lifelike wooden wings, the magic lines on the wings are faint, and there are countless purple glows.

At the top of the tower, Huangpu Yuxi stood by the bar, Liu Ming, Zhao Qianying, Huangfu Sword Valley and others were there, and the original garrison of Yin Fengcheng led the black armor of the Han Dynasty.

"The elders of Yuxi, the black wind mountain where the rebel army of Liu family is stationed is flat, but the mountains are often filled with black fog. Be careful, Liu family set up an ambush in the fog." Huangpu Peng thought of something, said with caution.

"No matter, I have arranged this matter, you don't have to worry." Huang Yuyu said faintly.

Huang Yi Peng Wenyan, should have a voice, and back a few steps.

On the left side of Huangpu Yuxi, Zhao Qianying stood by the wind, and the cold wind of Ling Xiao blew on her purple hair, dancing like a wave.

Although she is a princess, she has reached the middle of the sky, but such a large-scale official battle is still the first time to participate. It is inevitable that there will be some excitement in the heart, such as the delicate and gentle cheeks of the sheep fat jade. It adds a bit more glamorous and moving.

This woman's stunning look is somewhat out of tune with the battlefield that is now chilling, but it also forms a stark contrast. Although there are many people around the magician, there are many people who are fascinated by their beauty, but they know the status of the poor status. Too far away, most of them dare to look at the distant view, and never dare to look straightforward.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, and Liu Ming was arranged on the side of Zhao Qianying.

Speaking of it, Zhao Qianying is still somewhat complicated about this man who inadvertently took away his own Yinyin. Although he will be called a double repair in name, this matter is not only known to the top of the dynasty, such as the Emperor and his Supreme. It has not been fully disclosed, so she deliberately kept a distance from Liu Ming.

Liu Ming’s thoughts are so meticulous that he has already discovered some strange things from the changes in Zhao Qianying’s expression.

However, he did not have the slightest suspicion of thinking. Da Lala stood beside Zhao Qianying, and his nose smelled the body scent of Zhao Qianying, but his eyes were looking at the surroundings.

Speaking of it, he is not the first time to participate in a large-scale battle. However, while the Blood Lions are flying forward on such a large scale, the formation is not chaotic, and the eight teams are arbitrarily arranged according to certain rules. His heart can not help but secretly praise.

Liu Ming doesn't know much about the military array, but he can also see a little doorway. Knowing this type of formation is really not afraid of someone ambushing.

In addition, he also knows about the arrangements in Huangfu Yu's mouth. As soon as they set off, there was a team that was sent out by Emperor Huang Yuyu to detect the enemy.

On the right side of Huangpu Yuxi, Huangfu Sword Valley bears his hands and his face is full of arrogant colors. Although he uses the corners of his eyes to look at Liu Ming from time to time, his eyes are full of disdain and hate.


At the same time, the camp of the Liufeng army of the Black Wind Mountain, within a certain camp.

The gray robe man who led the troops to besiege Yin Fengcheng was holding a white light communication array at the moment. The light on the surface of the array was gradually dimming, and at the same time it was faint, and the face of the gray robe man.

"I came so fast..." The gray robe man muttered to himself.

Just now, he received news that the Blood Lions Corps had dispatched to the army and went straight to where he was.

Although he was a little surprised in the heart of the blood lions, the Liujia army had just retreated because of its unpreparedness. However, due to its rapid response, it did not suffer much damage. After a short break, it has already been retired.

"Oh! It’s just right. We didn’t have any preparations before, and we could only retreat under the enemy’s back. Now it’s just for the people of the Emperor’s family to see the power of the ancient corpse.” The gray robe man will receive the message in his hand. Up, sneer in the mouth.

"When the elders, the people of the Emperor's family dare to come, it is estimated that they have already prepared for it. We have the weapon of the devil in our hands, but we should be careful." The gray robe man, a silver-haired silver eyebrow The old man said so.

This person is a gray brocade. It looks a bit refined and refined. It is the beginning of the early days of the Momo, but the ray of wisdom flashes from time to time. It seems to be the military master here.

"Oh, what do you think of the old man, but it does not matter." The gray robe man heard the words, his face moved and looked at the old man.

The old man of this brocade has always been resourceful and conscientious. Even the owner Liu Huifeng respects him very much. Therefore, although the gray robe man is a powerful man, he is still very polite between his words.

"Hey elders, there is a plan, it may be feasible." Jinyi old man's eyes turned two times, his face showed a hint of laughter.


In the dozens of miles in front of the Blood Lions, more than 10,000 Pioneer troops are flying forward, while looking at the surrounding situation.

The commander of the forward army, a red-haired big man wearing a purple armor, was the first to fly in the forefront.

At this time, more than ten people behind him were lined up, and under them, the large-scale uniformed demon soldiers were arranged into hundreds of uniform small battlefields, slowly unfolding at the height of Baizhang, reconstituting A large battlefield.

Most of these demon soldiers only have the condensate period and the crystallization period, but the formation of the battle array is still overwhelming, and the momentum is extremely magnificent.

The Black Wind Mountain is not too far from Yinfeng City. After half an hour, the forward troops are less than ten miles away from the Black Wind Mountain.

In front of a large undulating black-pressed mountain range, the mountain is steep and weird, and at the same time, the surrounding dark air begins to glow with a faint black mist.

"All military alert!"

The red-haired big man seemed to notice a strange look and sighed.

"I led the adults. I asked the defenders in Yinfeng City before. These fogs are common in the Black Wind Mountain area. They should not be the ghosts of the enemy." A tall, thin man next to him is close to the red-haired man. Points, 禀 report.

"Oh! Whether it is the enemy's actions, be careful, the terrain and the environment are most suitable for ambush." ​​Chifa Han said.

The thin man quickly replied, and under the inspiration of the red-haired man, a military order was passed on.

Although the fog began to rise around, the forward forces were originally used for exploring the road. The 5,000 horses did not slow down and continued to fly carefully toward the front.

The result was too few to fly into the air, and there was a bang in the fog ahead, which seemed to be the sound of the drums.

The red-haired big man changed his face and waved a gesture. More than 10,000 strikers immediately stopped brushing.

At this time, the dark fog in front and on both sides violently rolled down, and there were countless demons dressed in gray armor, faintly arranged into three square arrays, and the number of people added was also five or six. The look of thousands.

It is the army of Liu Jia!

There was no sign of the other party’s appearance. At this moment, the distance between the two sides is already less than one.

"To lead the adults, the distance is too close, I don't know if the other party still has reinforcements. But if it is directly retreating, the other party may be attacking from behind!" The red-haired man was next to him, and the thin man changed his face and quickly said to the red-haired man.

"Oh, the enemy is widowed, the order is passed, the whole army attacks, and the quick battle is fast!"

The red-haired man also naturally saw the embarrassment of the form at this time. His eyes were sharp, and his right hand slammed forward and decisively ordered.

At the same time, his left hand turned over, a communication array appeared in front of him, waved a law, and a purple light curtain appeared on the purple disc. The light in the light curtain was distorted, like a wave of water, gradually showing a vague The face is the highest commander of the Blood Lions Corps.

"The elders of Yuxi, we were in the front three miles of the Black Wind Mountain, and suffered thousands of Liujia army ambushes hidden in the thick fog. My striker battalion has launched a full-scale attack!" The red-haired big man blinked and screamed.

At the time of the red-haired Dahan communication, the two armies have begun to fight.

The cursing sounds of the two sides simultaneously sounded in the army of both sides, and then the spirits flickered and fainted, and the magic of the magical instruments, from the spurs of the two armies, rushed toward the other side, and brought up The bang of the rumble.

The ray of various colors collided in the air, and most of them dissipated, but many attacks fell in the other camp.


A series of muffled and screaming, the first round of attacks each damaged more than a hundred people.

"If the other side is an ambush, the number seems to be a little less... See the machine, don't blindly pursue, wait for us!" In the purple light curtain, Huang Yuyu said.

"The subordinates will not be expected by the sages!" The red-haired man heard the words and immediately led his life.

The purple light curtain flashed twice, dissipated, and the communication array quickly recovered. The red-haired man was single-handed and took it.

"Hot lion shield!" The red-haired big man snorted.

The voice just fell, and more than a dozen deputies scattered around the sides, and the sound of mourning spells sounded at the same time, and then a dozen large blood-colored shield-type light curtains slowly rose, reluctantly smashing the Blood Lions corps forward battalion In it.

As soon as the shield is generated, the second round of attack is also deployed.

The blood lion corps forward flew more than a hundred purple robes in the camp, holding a purple flag in one hand.

A road of law fell on the top of the purple banner, the purple flag suddenly shines, hula unfolds, and a dragon dragon pattern embroidered in the center of the flag.

Xiaolong’s eyes suddenly opened, as if to fly out of the flag. The top of the purple flag shot a purple pillar of fire like a bucket, and spurred to a certain military array in the opposite side of the Liu family. The void was split into more than a hundred. The momentum is amazing.

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