Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 7 Chapter 1463: Familiar with the figure

After Liu Ming has been flying forward for several hours, the surrounding scenery has always been unreasonable, but the islands on the sea have gradually become sparse.

At this moment, the distance suddenly flew over the three groups of gray light, from which there was a burst of mana fluctuations, seemingly chasing each other.

Liu Ming saw this situation far away, and his eyebrows could not help but pick one.

The spiritual pressures radiated by these three groups of gray light are all levels of the heavenly elephants. They are all peaked in the late days of the heavens, and they are almost the same as Liu Ming.

From the perspective of the magical fluctuations from the distance, it seems that there are three demons.

Liu Ming's brow was slightly wrinkled, and there was a word in his mouth. There was a burst of blue light on his body, and the figure disappeared in the air.

The three groups of lights were quite fast, and they came to the vicinity in a blink of an eye.

The distance was near, and Liu Ming saw the body of the three monsters.

Two of them are tall and double-horned male devils, and a purple-haired shawl woman, looks like a 30-year-old, although his eyes are red, but still can see the good looks of this woman. .

The three devils smothered each other. Although the female devil appeared a little weaker in the three, but with a pair of purple jade rings in his hand, it did not fall.

When Liu Ming’s gaze fell on the purple-haired woman and carefully examined a few eyes, the unsightly eyebrows picked it up. The woman faintly gave him a sense of familiarity, and seemed to have seen it in general.

"Right, Zhao Qianying!"

Liu Ming’s body was shocked.

He remembered, the appearance of this female demon is quite similar to that of Zhao Qianying. A purple long hair is exactly the same, but the other side looks like a fierce look at the moment, so that it can not be associated with it for a while.

Liu Ming’s eyes are a little flickering. Is there any relationship between this purple-haired female demon and Zhao Qianying?

At this time, a male demon in the hands of black light flashed, a grand light blade spurt out, halfway into three, respectively, to the purple hair of the devil's neck, lower abdomen and thigh.

At this moment, the purple-haired female devil is inextricably struggling with the other demon. Seeing the light-blade, the anger sighs, the waist is twisted, and the side is dodging.


Although the purple-haired female demon escaped the deadly attack on the neck and waist, the leg was still marked with a long wound, and blood swarmed out.

The **** smell seems to have greatly stimulated the two male devils, and the two of them suddenly burst into red light and rushed toward the purple-haired female demon.

The purple-haired female demon was able to reluctantly wrestle among the two. At this moment, he was injured and besieged. He suddenly lost and lost, and he was defeated.

At this moment, a male magic man was moving around the void, and a transparent sword appeared. After a flash, he pierced his head.

The head of the male magic man suddenly burst open, turning into a **** rain.

The transparent sword shadow disappeared without a trace. The next moment, strangely appeared on the head of another male magic man, turned into a sword light, and slammed down.

The male devil's face changed greatly, although the usage force turned out to be a protective shield, but it had no effect in front of the transparent sword shadow. The sound of the "squeaky", the whole person was smashed into two halves, and the blood spurted down the rain.

The purple-haired female devil looked at the scene in front of her eyes, and soon her eyes fell on the two demonized devils.

Two white light **** appeared on the two bodies, and the purple-haired female demon showed a trace of greed in their eyes. The figure flew up and grabbed the two light **** and swallowed them.

In the middle of the sky, the figure of a person, Liu Ming's figure emerged, looking at the purple hair demon.

After engulfing the two **** of light, the purple-haired female devil showed a faint gray glow, and the wound quickly recovered. The look on her face slightly restored her calm appearance.

"Sure enough..." Liu Ming blinked and his heart sighed.

The appearance of this purple-haired woman is similar to that of Zhao Qianying, but it seems to be much more mature than Zhao Qianying.

For the identity of this purple-haired woman, he already had some guesses. If he expected to be good, this woman should be the mother of Zhao Qianying who has been missing for many years.

One thought of this, Liu Ming has some understanding of Zhao Qianying's previous behaviors, and at the same time, he has a little more doubts.

Zhao Qianying once said in the magical mystery that he wanted to find the traces of his mother, combined with his performance at the top of the Moyuan Tower, and Zhao Qianying’s conversation with Huang Yuyu several times. The guess in Liu Ming’s heart gradually became clear.

Judging from the current situation, I should have been captured by the stalwart giant in this strange world because of the magic sky. Is this Zhao Qianying’s mother and the various people here?

Liu Ming’s thoughts are spinning fast, and I still can’t think of any clues.

Sighed, his body shape, and moved closer to the purple hair demon.

His body has just arrived at the Baizhang area in front of the purple-haired woman. The purple-haired woman has already looked at it with sorrow. The eyes are full of bloodthirsty rays.

Waiting for Liu Ming to open, the purple-haired woman’s body slammed, and the next moment appeared in front of Liu Ming’s eyes, with a wave of palms, and five gray-light blades descended toward Liu Ming.

Liu Ming's brow wrinkled, and he slammed his fingers. Several golden spiral swords spurted out, and the understatement resolved the attack of the purple-haired woman.

"Hello, is Zhao Hui's predecessor?" he asked tentatively.

The purple-haired woman is as unseen as she is, and her expression is frantic. The purple ring dances in both hands, and another attack is made around Liu Ming.

Liu Ming tried to talk to him while resisting, but the purple-haired woman fell into confusion and was confused. He did not respond to Liu Ming’s question.

Liu Ming sighed as expected, and his body gleamed with a faint gleam of light. A huge ochre-colored bead emerged, and a circle of khaki-colored aperture spread and opened, and the purple-haired woman shook back.

The purple-haired woman retired for a dozen steps. Some of them looked at Liu Ming with a few fears. The figure was moving and flew away in the distance.

Liu Ming’s figure was moving, and he was about to catch up, but when he recalled the purple-haired woman’s frantic appearance, his footsteps stopped.

After a few flashes, the purple-haired woman’s dawn disappeared into the distance and disappeared.

Liu Ming quietly looked at the direction of its disappearance, shook his head, and his body flew in the other direction.

Regardless of whether the purple-haired woman is the mother of Zhao Qianying, in this space, Liu Ming has been somewhat dissatisfied and has not had much effort to help each other.


Time has passed for half a year.

In a volcanic lava field, black smoke is everywhere, the air is filled with sulphur, the ground is covered with criss-crossing tunnels, and the hot red magma flows slowly.

In the distance, from time to time, the volcano head spurts red red magma in the low roar.

Near the elliptical volcano with a hundred feet high, two dawns pass by.

In front of it is a black dawn, in which it is faint to see a figure of a young man who looks ordinary, it is Liu Ming.

Behind, it is a red-red flame, but it is a must-have man wearing a fire red armor, chasing behind.

There is no need for the big man's hands and feet to be exposed outside, the skin is covered with red-red scales, and there are two coral-like horns on his head. From the perspective of the spiritual pressure radiated from his body, it is a real-acting Tong Xuan repair.

No need for the big man to suddenly raise one hand, the flames of the whole body tumbling, condensing into hundreds of red-colored flamingos, emitting thousands of birdsong sounds, and rushing toward Liu Mingpu’s sky, as if countless red arrows cut through the sky. In general, a dark impression is left in the void along the way.

These flamingos fly very fast, and in the twinkling of an eye they catch up with Liu Ming in front, with a large red flame, intertwined and entangled, and they will cover Liu Ming in the eye.

In the back, there is a hint of glare in the eyes of the big man, and as long as Liu Ming is entangled in the firebird for a while, he can immediately catch up and smash the other side.

I know that these firebirds have just caught up with Liu Ming, and Liu Ming’s dawn suddenly sinks, half a circle around a mountain, and flies toward a mountain full of smoky smoke.

Hundreds of firebirds suddenly smashed, hitting the top of the mountain in front of them, bursting open, and turning into a broken stone at the same time, but also turned into a little flame.

Liu Ming’s smashing light flashed into the mountains and broke into the black smoke. It seemed to have penetrated into the depths.

I don't need to be furious, and I screamed in the mouth, and I kept chasing the past without thinking.

His figure flew into the black smoke, and there was a flash of emptiness in front of him, and a grand khaki glow emerged, and there was no need to cover the man.

There is no need to flash a trace of color in the **** eyes of the big man. When the red flame is released, he will fly back and forth, but four blue beams of light suddenly rise near the foothills.

Originally wrapped in the yellow light of Dahan, there was a black and white ink, accompanied by a burst of tidal sound.

The red flame on the body of the man was rushed by the black water, and it was suddenly extinguished a lot. His body was forced to retreat.

In the middle of the air, a figure of a flower, Liu Ming's figure emerged, next to a black yarn girl and a green robe boy, each of them has mastered a battle, and there are words in the mouth.

"According to the plan." Liu Ming looked at the underneath of the needless man, his eyes flashed, Shen Sheng told.

The nephew and the flying child promised a sigh of relief, and they flew into the ban on the formation below.

The following yellow and black Xiaguang immediately rose, the tides of the tides grew from small to fast, from slow to fast, and more and more louder and more frequent, gradually like a boundless thunder on the top of the head into a piece, let people listen The soul of the soul is falling.

At the moment of the squad, there is no need for the big man to make a sudden left and right rush, and find that he can’t get out of trouble. His face is full of anger, and he screams in the sky. After a roll of red light, he turns into a The crow's behemoth, which is several and ten feet in size, is covered with red scales and a head-growth angle. It is similar to the rumored unicorn sacred beast.

There is no need to transform the Chinese into a body, and the strength immediately increases. However, the yellow and black Xiaguang do not know what the array is, and the toughness is abnormal. Under the impact of the red-light beast, it is like a reef in the raging waves, and it does not move.

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