Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 7 Chapter 1541: Achieve consensus (brothers and sisters, happy New Year!)

Although the people present at the scene discussed the matter of today, there was a bit of faintness in the mind, but when Mrs. Yu’s words came out, it was still making everyone’s face change, and no one spoke.

At this time, a sudden sound sounded, breaking the silence of the scene.

"Mrs. Hey, this is too arbitrary."

The person who speaks is the ancestor of the Taiqingmen mysterious fish.

My lady’s brow wrinkled and looked around. She said with a brow:

"Oh, it seems that the mysterious fisherman has something to say?"

"You, Liu Ming is in the condensate environment, he joined the door. From a disciple of a foreign court, he has repeatedly made meritorious deeds in the door, showing extraordinary potential, and finally was accepted as a secret disciple by the Buddhism Palace. During this period, his body has never shown to carry the magic, it is indeed a human race." After the mysterious ancestors, the Qing dynasty elders said slowly.

"What is the explanation of Liu Ming's current situation? After all, the Terran monks were self-satisfied and degraded, and finally broke into the magic road, and became a demon thing by shameless means, and it did not happen without it!" Said.

Hearing this statement, there are many people around, who have intentionally or unconsciously looked at the white-browed old man in the purple robes of the Ouyang family logo.

The old-fashioned old-fashioned face was heavy, and it was obviously unnatural. He snorted and did not speak.

"Although this child has the power of true devil, but its origin is still a human race. I can't always use it as a demon because of its magical cheats?" Taiqingmen another Through the existence of Xuanjing, the elders of the fire opened their way.

"Several elders in Taiqingmen, do you have the courage to dare to verify their body, to prove that they are innocent?" At this time, the elders of the Haoran Academy asked.

The sacred fish ancestors looked at each other with the fire and the wind, and they had some words.

"Accomplished by the old man, this Liuming repair can be promoted so quickly in such a short period of time, I am afraid there must be something hidden in the unknown, and maybe even related to the ancient Mozu! Maybe this person is only this time. Killing the locusts is just to hide the eyes and ears. When it comes to the locusts, open the space channel, and lead the ancient demon to invade again. Then, under the circumstances, I am afraid that none of them can be spared." One pick continues.

Hearing the words of the elders, the face of the people on the scene changed.

Indeed, no one can rule out this possibility, even if it is not high, but it is enough to make people sleepy.

At this moment, the mainland has just experienced locusts, and the catastrophe of Qufu has been greatly damaged. If it is invaded by the ancient demon, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The elders of the dagger are justified. The demon is tyrannical and murderous. With Liu Ming currently repairing, even if it does not invade the mind, it may fall into madness because it cannot suppress the body's magic. By then, not only in the presence No one can restrict, and the entire continent may be destroyed. I can't take the adventures of hundreds of millions of souls across the continent!" Mrs. Nod said nod.

Mrs. Yu’s original double-repair partner was born in Tianzhu Zong’s elders of the heavenly elephants more than 100,000 years ago. She was desperately threatened by the devil, so she hated the Mozu, and her attitude was extremely tough.

"The old man also feels that Mrs. Dian and the elders of the dagger have made sense. The mainland has had similar incidents more than once. The war of the ancient era was within the four Taizongs of our country, but all the secrets were recorded. Believe that The demon valley, the Beidouge, and the eight major families should also know some of the insider. The ancestors of the time, just because they made the right decision, have been able to preserve the peace years of Zhongtian mainland for so many years. "The Xuanzong's black robe thin old man suddenly spoke, faintly said.

Hearing this statement, the various factions on the scene were able to shake the body, even if there were several people who could slowly nod.

The influence of the four major Taizongs is enormous. At this moment, there have been three statements in the four sects. The other sects of the sects existed. After a sinking, they mostly nodded.

Only one or two of them did not immediately express their gaze, and they looked at the three Tongxuan powers of Taiqingmen.

"The situation today is not the same as the battle of the demon in the past. What's more, this time the locusts invaded the catastrophe. If it wasn't Liu Ming, wouldn't I still know if I am still alive? The war is just over, I will wait because of doubt. I decided to deal with him, and what would be the morale?" The mysterious fisherman's brow frowned and said quietly.

"Mysterious Taoist friend, you still maintain that Liu Ming at this moment. Is it because you want to use his power to try to put Taiqing Gate above me and wait for the four Taizongs?" .

As soon as this statement came out, all the representatives of the school were able to look at the sacred fish ancestors, and their eyes were a little different, especially the other three Taizong people, and there was more prevention between them. .

"Why did you say this to my wife? Our four great Taizong traces to the roots, all created by the ancestors of the Terran, and are the foundation of the monks of the Zhongtian Terran. The four great Taizongs have always been honored and humiliated, and they never invade each other. Swearing, there is no violation of the meaning of the ancestors' life." The mysterious fish ancestors sighed in the heart, said sharply.

"Mysterious fishermen know that it is good. I am waiting for the four great Taizongs to be the roots of the human race. Everything is self-interested by the interests of the human race! Liu Ming is a potential threat to the entire Terran, for the entire continent. Considering that, starting from the overall situation, we must mobilize the mystery left by the ancestors and seal it up, so as to endure it!" Mrs. Yu said in awe-inspiring manners.

The sacred fish ancestors and the fire, the wind and the clear two heard, the face is all iron and blue, no more talking.

"You, I am waiting to be here, this is for the sake of peace in the mainland. I don't have to hurt myself here. So, I can't wait to raise a hand here, with Zongmen as the representative, agree with Mrs. If you propose, please raise your hand. If you agree with the mysterious fisherman, please don’t raise your hand.” said the elder of the decapitation of Haoran College.

As soon as the voice fell, he took the lead and raised his right hand.

Mrs. Qi and the Xuanzong black robe thin old man also immediately raised their hands, and the other major family's Tong Xuan had a look at each other, and raised their arms one by one.

After a while, among the more than 20 people on the scene, there was no raiser, only the mysterious ancestor of Taiqingmen.

"Mysterious fishermen, this is the end of the matter, but also hope to think of the thousands of souls in the mainland, please think twice." The elders of the dagger saw the sigh, sighed and said.

"Brother, this is the end of the matter..." said the elder of the fire standing next to the sacred fish ancestors.

"It's worth it!"

The mysterious ancestor frowned, and after a moment he sighed and slowly raised his arm.

"Good! Since there are no opinions on the scene, then the matter will be settled." The elders of the dagger looked happy and said.

"The elders of the dagger, I have made up my mind, but that Liu Ming is a eternal life. How can he compete with him alone?" An ancestor of the Eight Great Family suddenly asked.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this matter. After the war, the ancestors of my four Taizong ancestors have already left their backs, which is aimed at the eternal life of the devil! Before Liu Ming intended to seal the space crack However, he suffered a lot of injuries. Now his two treasures of mysterious spirits have remained in the Qifeng Mountains as a glimpse of the mountains. It is a godsend opportunity for me." The elders of the daggers chuckled.

Others have heard this, although there are still some doubts about the specific means, but seeing the decapitation of the elders, Mrs. and others, the situation is bound to look like, but also face up.

"The specific time is set on the day of the eternal life ceremony. At that time, the three elders of Taiqingmen should be careful to deal with Liu Ming. Don't show the horse's feet." Mrs. Yu looked at the mysterious ancestors, and reminded me. Road.

"You can rest assured that I will not renege on the decision since I made a decision." The mysterious ancestors snorted and said.

"Right, now the name of Liu Ming has been widely circulated in the mainland. If the news of his seal is passed out, I am afraid that the small and medium-sized forces in the mainland will be criticized."

"There is no need to worry about this matter. On the day of the seal, except for me, there will be no other people in the power. And then I will not have to announce the identity of Liu Ming Mou, so as not to cause panic. Then I only need to tell the world. Liu Ming retreats and tries to fly up the upper bound." Mrs. Yu waved her hand and said.

"It seems that all of you have already made all the plans, and there is nothing to say in the next." The Big Dipper had a hand and a smile.

"Since the owner of the North Dipper mentioned the matter after the seal of Liu Ming, the old man would like to say something about it. Regarding the prohibition left by the ancestors, it should not be possible to directly kill the eternal life, but should be the same as the immortal demon in ancient times. Separate the body and seal it to all parts of the mainland?" said the old man of the black robes of the Xuanzong.

"Situ Daoyou, what do you mean, do you want some of Liu Ming's body?" Mrs. Yu frowned and said.

The elders of the dagger, the face of the sacred fish ancestors are also a move.

"In the ancient era of the battle of the demon, the ancestors did not know where the troll was sealed. It was a violent thing! The physical value of the existence of eternal life, the presence of the place can not be unknown? I just want to use part of the law The power is only, isn’t Mrs. 不 not tempted?” The black robe old man smiled and said.

My lady’s face changed and she was about to talk.

The elders sitting beside her took the lead and stopped her words.

"Situ Daoyou's proposal is not impossible. After all, I have been practicing in this way for so many years. No one has been able to truly understand the power of a law. According to my observation, this Liu Ming seems to be still I have not only learned the power of a law. I propose that after the seal is successful, Liu Ming’s body will be distributed to all of you according to the contribution. However, those who receive it must swear by the heart and must not use this object. Harm the Zhongtian continent."

"The proposal of Haoyue Daoyou is exactly what I want! I don't know what the elders are here, what do you mean?" The black robes of Mo Xuanzong's face were happy, and immediately looked around and asked in the mouth.

In the presence of the scene, most of the Tong Xuanjing monks showed a greedy look in their eyes, but they all had a tacit understanding and did not speak. Obviously this was the default.

The bodies of the eternal Mozu, they naturally ask for it, although the elders of this month are the meaning of the four major Taizong, but in the end, they are better than nothing. If you can learn some rules of heaven and earth, then you will benefit a lot. It is.

In this way, in addition to the Taiqingmen three Tong Xuan elders silently, still no voice, the rest of the people present are a happy look.

(Forgetting the new book, "The Gate of the Xuanjie" will be officially serialized tomorrow!)

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