Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 7 Chapter 1551: Fall in love

(Forgetting the new book "The Door of the Xuanjie" has been officially uploaded at the starting point of the Chinese website, and I hope everyone will pay attention to and collect!)

Daxuanguo, Anyuan City.

Here is a small city of Liuzhou in Daxuguo. There is only one main street in the city. However, because Anyuan City is located in the main traffic route, there are many business trips, so this small town is also considered prosperous.

The residents in the city are mainly mortal, but there are also several Xiu Xian family hidden in the market. From time to time, one or two practicing qis can be seen on the road. Most of them are high-spirited and unpredictable.

In the center of the city, there is a three-storey restaurant called Daoxiangju, which is the largest restaurant in Anyuan City. However, the people who can afford it here are not celebrities and wealthy businessmen, but they are the nobles and nobles. There are not many ordinary people.

At noon that day, Daoxiangju entered a man, a woman and a woman. The three looked very young and the men looked ordinary. But the two women were the ones they had never seen before. Some of the guests in the restaurant looked I have to stay a bit.

"In the three, please, is it a tip or a store?"

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is not very experienced, and he pushes open the second child who is still awkward and greeted with a smile.

"Arrange a fine room, and then some local specialties." The young man's eyes glanced around, and there seemed to be a flash of recollection in his eyes, faintly said.

"Well, three of them please." The shopkeeper respectfully invited the three to a window on the third floor.

The interior of the room is quite spacious and elegantly decorated. Looking out from the window, everything in the city is unobstructed.

"Here is the place where Fu Jun lived when he was a child?" The blue eyes looked out of the window, and some curiously asked.

"Yes, just after so many years, the changes here are also great. There are almost no old days to see." Liu Ming said with a sigh.

At that time, I was still young. The memories of this place have long been blurred. The few places that I can remember can no longer exist. It is only the feeling of the homeland that I can still feel vaguely.

Liu Ming looked at the pedestrians outside the window, and there was a hint of inexplicable emotion in his heart.

For a long time, I have never visited the mundane world. Now I look at these secular mortals like the ants in the eyes of the monks. I am busy with my livelihood all the time. Most people are helpless in the face of destiny. They are full of ups and downs in their lives, and they are unable to escape. The ultimate fate of life and death, I do not know why, but some envy.

The seemingly short-lived decades of mortals are far more than the hundreds of years or even the millennium of the monks. The boring hours of tens of thousands of years are much more colorful.

"Since it is the homeland of Fujun, it is better for us to find a place to live here. The husband has been accompanying us all the time, and I have not prepared for the flight. I just took this opportunity to prepare for it." Ye Tianmei Flashing, whispered.

Indigo on the side nodded again and again.

Although they don't know much about the soaring things, they must not be so smooth. This is not the case. Liu Ming does not say that the two women are smart, and they know a few points in their hearts.

"Alright. There is a small valley outside the city, where the mountains are close to the sea, the environment is quite quiet, but it is a clean place." Liu Ming's mood is slightly touched, and his eyes are on the Baizhang barren hill outside the city. I vaguely remembered that I used to go there when I was a child.

"Guest officer, your wine dish." At this time, the shop small second-hand holding a tray, smashed up the stairs.



The lazy sun shone on the muddy bluestone pavement in the city, and the men and women who were side by side were dragging their shoulders.

The three people are the three people who walked here after dinner.

Along with the hustle and bustle of the shops along the two sides, and the whispers of the passers-by, the three faces all talked and laughed, but they were also complacent.

At this time, several young children on the roadside attracted a few people's attention.

The three men stood by and stood by, but they were two boys and one girl, and the two boys seemed to be about six or seven years old.

One of the skin is black, the face is a little thick, the body is also a little taller than the same age, the other is thin and thin, the facial features are ordinary, the girl is slightly smaller, about five or six years old, looks like a watery body, a pair of big eyes is more flexible Extremely.

The two boys seem to be arguing about something, and the girl is standing next to her without a word, and seems to have some indifference that is incompatible with age.

"This time, the old immortal who came from the sinister sect said, but my demon is a rare spirituality. After a few days, he came to accept me as a disciple. When I learned the great skills of heaven and earth, then I learned. Come back to my sister!" The thick boy stood up in his chest, and his tone was not unsatisfactory.

"I also have a thread, I will also learn to protect my sister!" The thin boy blocked his body in front of the girl and shouted in his mouth.

"Haha, ink moon, I heard the old immortal said, you are just the three most qualified qualifications, even if you can barely practice, it is a waste, no one will be willing to accept you as a disciple! Can you protect your sister-in-law?" The demon squatted with both hands and laughed.

"Three spirits are three spirits, I can protect my sister-in-law!" Mo Yuekong did not hesitate to return, the young face is full of perseverance.

"Hey, you love to talk big!" The thick boy seems to be annoyed a bit, pushing his hands forward and pushing the thin ink moon to the ground.

When the girl of Shui Ling saw it, she quickly went down and wanted to go to the moon and the moon. As a result, she fell down because she was not strong enough.

Because there was a small otter behind him, and the ground was quite muddy, the faces behind them were splashed.

The boy with a thick face is full of glory, looking at the water girl:

"Why are you going to help this waste, he can't protect you! When I have mastered my skills, I will come to marry you! I will protect you by then!"

At this time, not far away, there seemed to be an adult calling, and the honest boy heard the words, and he hurriedly screamed and turned and ran away.

"Moon brother, are you okay?" Shui Ling girl squatting next to the ink moon, the original indifferent face appeared a trace of concern.

"My sister, I am fine. You believe me, I will find a master, learn the skills to protect you!" Mo Yuekong but took a small hand of the water girl, seriously said.

"I believe!" Shui Ling girl tried hard to point her head.

At this time, the two felt only a soft force to hold the body, and the two children stood up involuntarily, and then a light breeze passed by. The next moment, the faces of the two men were originally full. The muddy stains disappeared instantly.

Mo Yuekong was a happy first, but then he found a few people in front of him, smiling at him and watching Liu Ming and his three people, and quickly realized that the other party was helping.

"Thank you for the help of the immortals. I am the three sons of the city of Modong, the moon and the moon. This is the eldest daughter of the city of Xi'an. I don't know how to call it?"

Although he said thankful words in his mouth, his face was full of vigilance, and at the same time, the girl of the water spirit was pulled behind him.

"In the next Liu Ming, this is my wife Ye Tianmei and Indigo, we just happened to pass by this place, and it is not enough to say anything." Liu Ming smiled and replied, but his eyes could not help but look at the thin boy in front of him.

This boy is indeed a three-pronged, not rare, but the age is not large, but has a valuable character and vigilance.

The family where these two children are located should also be a Xiuxian family in this place. If they really encounter a monk, first report the family name, it can indeed make some people vote for the rats, and dare not come.

In this thin young boy, he vaguely saw his own shadow.

"If I didn't get it wrong, you just said that you want to cultivate the immortal?" He asked again as he read this.

"Not bad!" Mo Yuekong did not hesitate.

"For what?"

"Protect your sister-in-law!"

"Good! I hope you can not forget what you said today, don't forget your heart! I will show you the way to the road today. You bring this thing to the genius who is looking for a fairy named Zhong Wendao. He will accept it. You are a disciple." Liu Ming said, the white light flashed in his hand, and a white jade slip appeared in the air, and he handed it to the ink moon.

In the ink of the moon, the letter will be taken over by Yu Jian, and it will look like a sneak peek.

The result was that at this time, the ink between the neck and the neck was cool, and a string of necklaces appeared out of thin air. A blue jade was hung on the necklace.

When she looked up in the wrong way, she found that the three people in front of her had disappeared without a trace, and a clear female voice was heard in her ear:

"You have a psychic sword body. If you intend to cultivate a fairy with your brother in the moon, you can take this jade and go to Tianyuezong to find a fairy named Zhang Xiu Niang. She will accept you as a disciple."


Outside Anyuan City, there is an unnamed valley near the sea.

There are many trees in the valley, many beasts in the forest, and occasional villagers in the vicinity will also have hunters to hunt in the valley.

Occasionally, the hunter passed the mountainside of a mountain in the valley, but was surprised to find that there were several seemingly ordinary thatched houses, including one man, two women and three people living here.

All three are unique in temperament, especially the two women, but they are not as beautiful as mortals.

The hunters who came and went were photographed by the three temperament, most of them did not dare to approach here, and occasionally went up and down the mountain, and they also detoured.

These three people are naturally settled here in Liu Ming, Indigo, and Ye Tianmei.

Time has passed and they have lived here for more than a year.

At this time, among the biggest huts, Liu Ming, a young robe, sat in a circle of squawk, his eyes closed, his body was faint, and four or five magical weapons of various radiances were suspended. It is the treasure of mystery.

The devil's whip, the dusty cow's whistle, the eternal serpent's serrated sickle are all there, and the remaining pieces are also taken from the original lord of the reincarnation.

In the huts, it is obvious that a special prohibition has been imposed to isolate the aura. Otherwise, the spirit of any one of these treasures can stir up the heavens and the earth.

Speaking of it, during the past year, Liu Ming spent most of his time with the indigo and Ye Tianmei two women. In his spare time, he followed the instructions of Luo Wei, meditation, and realized the heavens and the earth, and made a magic weapon for the assault. ready.

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