Demon’s Diary

Demon's Diary Vol 4 Chapter 457: Cat knife test

The tall and thin man was surprised when he saw it. He didn't think that Liu Ming could easily see that he was in his body, and the speed was so fast that he couldn't help but be caught off guard. He hurriedly blocked the chest with a feather fan, and at the same time, he had words in his mouth. The blue light shot from the lupin and formed a blue light shield in front of him.

The tall and thin man had just finished casting the law. He saw a boxing black fist with a black fist. The boxing was on the blue light shield in front of him. It suddenly came like a sea of ​​giant power, and the blue light shield actually came. The sound of "砰" broke open.

The man's original arm holding the lupin was wiped by this sudden giant force. The sound of the "beep", the whole arm was actually bent into a strange shape, in which the bones were not cut for a few, the feather fan was directly Fly out.

The thin man who has not yet waited for the high return, followed by another fist that was equally black and screaming with a gust of wind.

The tall and thin man suddenly stunned, and the body of the blue body was rushing out of the air, and it was covered with a flash of light all over the body, but in front of Liu Ming’s fist, like a paper paste, after a muffled sound, the body was suddenly shot. Out of ten feet away, as the same muddy mud fell on the ground, the whole person can no longer move.

From the high-skinned man, the feather fan is taken out to release the virtual shadow, and it is knocked down by Liu Ming, but it is a few breaths.

The outcome is even more in the blink of an eye!

The amazing strength that Liu Ming showed, not only let the spectators around watching the audience stunned, even the blue robe female and Xiao surnamed women have flashed a glimmer of color.

Feng Zhan is a happy heart.

"This is a fast speed, not only has not been affected by the illusion of the day, and just the two punches. I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of pounds of power. I can’t think of the talent in the hands of the wind brother." The Taoist looked at the wind and glanced. It seems to be profound.

Feng Zhan heard the words and laughed, and did not answer anything.

"The third match. The wind will win." The female robe in the green robe slowed down from the surprise and announced.

The celestial patriarch of the scorpion looked at Liu Ming in the squad, his face was gloomy, and he screamed a few words in a cold voice. Immediately, two disciples stepped forward and lifted the seriously wounded and thin man.

After the eagle hook nose man’s knowledge of the disciple slightly swept the disciple, his face could not help but change.

The bones of the disciples in front of the body almost all broke, and the sternum and right arm were more serious.

As soon as the sin of the Yuan dynasty was indulged, he took out a few medicinal herbs and gave them to the high-thin men, and they rushed into several tactics. After urging the drug to be opened, the injury was temporarily temporarily controlled.

"I can't think of Liu Daoyou, not only good at sword repair, but the strength of the flesh is so powerful, it is actually a double repair of the sword." Feng Zhan sees Liu Ming coming, and immediately smiled and greeted.

"The wind will be the winner of the award, and Liu is only lucky to win." Liu Mingkou modestly said a few words.

Not far from the stone surnamed Taoist priest, at this moment is looking up and willing to look at Liu Ming, the eyes seem to pass a trace of doubt. I don't know what I am thinking.

"Liu brother's shot is really extraordinary, this gambling seems to depend on us." Xin Yuan also smiled and said, the corner of the eye intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the black youth who are still unconscious.

"This is also the enemy of the Poultry sect. It is too underestimated to see him." Liu Ming said faintly.

This is the test. Among the three, one of the Tiansong sects won, and the Changfeng Guardian lost unexpectedly. Liu and Xin are two consecutive victories. At present, only Jin Yumeng has won.

Soon after, Jin Yumeng played against the fourth match of the Tenebok. It was also started under the announcement of the green robe.

Jin Yumeng’s appearance was the gold-faced Confucian student who appeared to be a little thin and thin, while the Tian Yu Zong was the red-haired man.

When the two entered the circle of law, they did not say any nonsense, but they took out the spirits and set the battle.

Unexpectedly, the spirit used by the Confucian scholars of Jin Yumeng is a white jade pen, and the red hair is actually a green bamboo pen.

"The two are quite similar, and the spirits are similar. It depends on who has deep legal power." The stone surnamed people swept their eyes and indifferently opened their mouths. Then they closed their eyes and looked at them without any concern.

Among the squadrons, the red-haired big man has taken the lead, and the bamboo pen and his hand waved in his hand, and there was a word in his mouth. In the empty air volley in front of him, he condensed a vivid blue-flying swallow pattern and played it in the number. After the Dafa method passed, a green-colored flying swallow phantom suddenly emerged from the picture, and spurred away from the opposite Jinzuo Confucianism in the sound of Qingming.

Jinzuo Confucianism sees this, but he does not panic. The mantra in the mouth is a wave of the pen in his hand. It is also a void painting. The golden light flashes, a golden lotus flower emerges in front of him and is under the finger. , spin up quickly.

"啪啪" sounded.

The blue-colored swallows hit one after another on the golden lotus, and immediately turned into a group of blue light bursting.

The golden and blue radiance flashed for a moment, and the golden lotus flower was “squeaky” and turned into a little bit of gold mans.

The golden robe Confucian face is unchanged, the jade pen wave, and a golden lotus condenses out, the mouth is fretting, the jade pen is shivering like a phantom in the air, and a few golden lotuses will be in front of him. The water around it is not available.

Opposite the blue flying swallows also attacked, as if endless, the two can not fight in time, can not see who has the upper hand.

"The two people are fighting like this. It seems that it is more profound than anyone's mana." Xin Yuan looked at the scene, with a hint of playful color.

In the squad, the two of them did not move in the same place, and they used to write in their hands. This scene is not like fighting in the law. Instead, it is like two scholars who are dancing in the dance. It is no wonder that Xin Yuan has said this.

Liu Ming smiled faintly and shook his head slightly.

The red-haired big man seems to be not satisfied with the situation at this time. With a wave of bamboo and a stroke, he draws a pattern in front of him, but it is a cyan flying bat pattern.

In the midst of a humming sound, the dense shadows of the green bats rushed out from the middle.

Jinzuo Confucianism sees this, the brow wrinkles, and the jade pen in his hand is blurred. Suddenly, a few more golden lotuses wandered outside, and the blue shadows were blocked in vitro.

The stalemate lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The red-haired big man of the Poultry sect has painted a variety of blue-colored birds, Feiyan. Bats, goshawks, etc., a wave of fierce waves, people can not help but open their eyes.

The Confucian scholars of Jin Yumeng only rely on a golden lotus flower, and they keep their waters.

However, the two men’s skills are always high and high. Under the violent rush, the golden robe and Confucianism finally struggled because of the mana.

In the end, when the two men struggled with each other for nearly half an hour, they only took the lead in the Jin Yumeng Confucianism. I have to end up on the spot.

The red-haired big man of the Poultry sect saw this quite proud of Yang Tian, ​​and waved his hand to dispel the spell and put away the bamboo pen.

However, Liu Ming clearly sees that this person is white at the moment. Obviously, there is not much left in the mana. If Jinzuo Confucianism can persist for a while, winning or losing is really a matter of two things.

"The fourth game, the Tiansong Zong won. The first round of gambling has ended, the seats can rest for half a day. The interest rate will restore the mana, and the second round of the lottery will be held in the afternoon." Next, immediately announced.

The first round of gambling is also a few happy ones.

Wei Wei, who was pinned by the wind and almost hoped, lost the indigo hand in the first game. Fortunately, Liu Ming and the two have won one.

This allowed the Changfeng to meet with the Lord and said something to the Liu Yan two, and then gave two bottles of Dan Medicine to the two. Let them adjust their interest rates in time.

The stone surnamed Taoist is standing on the sidelines, without any intention to speak.

Jin Yumeng’s Du Guyu is ugly at this time. Both disciples have been defeated, and they are greatly unexpected. After whispering a few words with the beautiful woman of Xiao Xing, she turned back and talked with the young man of the knife, and the face was temporarily restored to calm.

The female robe of the green robe walked to the head of the eagle hook nose of the celestial corpse, and whispered a few words, then took a few disciples and meditated on the side.

Half a day later, the mana of Liu Ming and others had basically restored their mana under the blessing of the power of the medicinal herbs. The second round of gambling began under the announcement of the robes.

The people who participated in the lottery were Liu Ming, Xin Yuan, Indigo, the red hair of the Tiansong sect, and the young knives of Jin Yumeng.

The number of people was five. Therefore, after the female niece released the silver plaque, she took out the bamboo sticks with three and four, and then gestured to the participants to pick them up.

The red-haired big man of the Poultry sect first came forward, and after groping for a while, he took out a blank bamboo stick. This person was also very lucky, and even then he got the quota for the round.

The red-haired big man laughed happily. No matter which one of the remaining opponents at the moment is not a weak one, it is naturally better to be able to retain strength once in a while.

Liu Ming sees this, his eyes are a little stunned! Apparently the two will be next to Jin Yumeng's face-faced men and indigo.

Both of them are very clear in their hearts. Although the single-disciplinary approach is the last one, the red-haired man is the late stage of condensate, and the natural cultivation is the highest. However, from the strength of the first indigo, nature is far from comparable.

Although the man who has been married has not yet taken the shot, since it can be relied on by Jin Yumeng, it is naturally not a lighter generation!

After the red-haired big man walked away, the indigo lotus stepped slowly and stepped forward, the jade hand gently touched it, and a bamboo stick flew out of the silver plaque. At first glance, the surface of the bamboo stick was written with a "one" character.

Then, Xin Yuan strode forward and grabbed it, and found that the bamboo stick held in his hand was also the first one.

Under such circumstances, Liu Ming and the noodle men naturally do not need to draw again.

The wonderful woman’s nephew sleeves received a silver plaque and announced the result of the draw.

Liu Ming and the two of them all turned to strong enemies. After a little thought on the wind, they quickly walked over, and the positive color promised to the two:

"This gambling fight, if two guest clerk can help me with the wind, I will laugh at the end. The treasures in the treasury that promised to be in the wind, no one can choose two more for reward."

At this time, Feng Zhan can only be tempted again, in order to stimulate the two fighting spirit.

"The Lord will be assured, I will definitely do my best." Feng Zhan's words made the spirit of Xin Yuan a vibrate.

Liu Ming also silently nodded. (To be continued.)

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