Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 101 - Another World Burn : Part 6

Kiaran watched Axel fall down with interest. The boy was pushed away by the last person he trusted in this world, and it went well, just as he had planned beforehand.

Kiaran slowly walked closer to his sister and peeked into the big hole where Axel fell. "I changed my mind. You don't have to kill the girl." He muttered before finally leaving Adreanna who was freezing in her own feet.

"You've given me an interesting side story anyway." He chuckled, and his ocean eyes had slowly turned into a lunatic. Just the slightest. "And it went better than I expected."

Some people tried to shoot him, and Kiaran did not even give a single damn about them. He just scanned the surrounding in glee, knowing that by the end of this play, everything would turn in his favour.

Adreanna was busy shooting people who tried to land a hit on her brother that she did not utter a single word back to him. Even though she was given a chance to, she probably still kept her silence.

The bitter feeling was not wearing off, and it made her...

...she didn't know. Was this anger? Was this the feeling of betrayal?

Was this guilt?

Kiaran noticed the silent treatment from his sister and clicked his tongue. It had gotten quite boring, so should he move to the next scene or bother a certain police officer?'

He grinned. Why not both?

"Now, let me face my favourite enemy." He sang when his eyes draped over a certain blond in the field.

"Hey, police boy~."

"You-" Valerian snapped his head over to him and gritted his teeth. The lieutenant slowly put away the corpse in his hand that he had desperately tried to save earlier.

Now the person had died. Everyone had begun to die. It was all because of the mercenary again. What was the point of this world burn? How could someone be this heartless?

"Oh-hoh. It seems like I have angered you more than before, hm?" Kiaran taunted, blue eyes glinting in madness. "I'd do a thousand world burn just to see your expression getting better every time I caused a scene."

"You fucking bastard." Valerian snarled and tried to throw a wild punch. It was not professional because emotions had taken over the blond.

Kiaran easily held Valerian by the head and made him struggle to walk closer to him. "Ah. Wait a minute. Let's distract the people around first before we face each other, shall we?"

"I'm giving you a VVIP time with me." He looked around once more to inspect the situation.

People were trying to save the fallen ones while the rest of them tried to take Adreanna down at the same time. Though, to take her down right now should take the whole world since she was indebted to him.

She was paying by killing them off, by being his temporary murderer.

Kiaran had a plan, of course. He always did. Sooner or later, Axel would finally crawl back to him after realizing that he had no one left. The only one he had was him and only him.

Adreanna always fought gracefully. She would kill like some kind of goddess, a really capable person for his play. She danced around the enemies just to mercifully kill them in one shot.

She was beautiful and elegant. She was the perfect marionette in his play. But he was the creator who hated his actress. No matter how perfect the goddess in his play, she was more like a devil rather than a goddess.

A goddess in disguise.

Kiaran finished looking around and finally continued the 'play'. "Let the demons rise." He shouted like a talented narrator, and soon the ground had trembled all around the city.

The ground began to crumble once more, and everyone quickly be on guard. Valerian promptly stopped trying to take Kiaran down and shouted to the people around to be aware of made-up demons.

People started to scatter around like flies. They tried to focus on every corner of their vision just to save their lives from the demons.

Then the trembling ground stopped, and there were no demons to be seen. The silence was the only one that accompanied them under the rich moonlight.

"There are no demons?" One of them said and made other people loosen their guards a little.

"This could be a trap. Stay guarded, everyone!" Rune yelled from afar, taking a role of leadership quite well for her age.

Kiaran quickly tried to hide. He stepped back quietly from Valerian when there were no made-up demons in sights. He had prepared the demons way long before today, and they were supposed to appear according to the scientist's plan.


"Yes, I was using you all along, mercenary." A familiar voice chimed in from behind, causing Kiaran to turn around at quick speed.

There stood a woman that had been deceiving people with her face when they found out how old she actually was. He brown shag haircuts draped on her shoulders with curtain bangs painted on her forehead.

Her dark eyes stared at the mercenary with eyes that Kiaran knew too well. The eyes of someone who knew that she had won.

Kiaran was too focused on the scientist to notice the four big tubes behind her. Each tube had one person in it. A black-haired woman, a blond woman, a red-haired man, and a black-haired man.

They were all had familiar faces. Each of them wore white clothes that covered their entire body.

"Father! Mother!" Rune suddenly yelled. She stared at the tubes with bulging eyes.

"Father?" Adreanna croaked carefully with a really vague frown.

"...mother?" Her voice died down at the end as she stared at the black-haired woman.

"You always think you owned the situation, aren't you?" She grinned. Her usual bland face finally showed emotions, showing her true colours.

"Well, it ended today, mercenary."

A mirror started to go up from the ground, slowly yet steady. It has black roots all over the edges, and Kiaran knew what the mirror would do too well.

"My counterpart will have four of them too," Alea mentioned the four 'unconscious' people in the tubes. "-and I'm finally going to bring Cecilia and Isabella back to life."

"Witch, come out. Let's end this for once." Alea shouted to the mirror and waited for her counterpart to come out.

Everyone stared at the scene with terror. No one was daring to move. Many of them were all got separated by the big hole anyway. Only some of them that were still survived Adreanna's murders witnessed the situation. Including Valerian and Rune.

Kiaran's shocked face mixed with terror slowly morphed into his usual resting bitch face and chuckled. Alea quickly turned to look at him with a frown.

"You know, old lady. Is it bad that I actually do own the situation?" He tilted his head and let out a fully lunatic look to her.

Then a hand slowly came out of the mirror. It quickly followed by legs and body. It did not have to take a second for a red-eyed demon with black wings adorning his back to pop out from the mirror.

"Suprise." Demon Kiaran grinned at Alea who had quickly become pale.

"Pfft." Kiaran laughed a little before it turned into a crazed laugh as his ocean eyes met with his counterpart's eyes.

"That was one hell of a funny plot twist." He continued with a smile from behind his mask, and demon Kiaran returned the smile with the same exact insanity.


Two identical faces stood under the leaves of the tree, hiding from their sworn enemies as they let the typhoon of bullets go past the two.

"Wait, where's Axel?" The two counterparts acted shocked as they muttered the words out loud for each other.

They quickly looked at one another after realizing that they had said the same thing. Blue eyes and red eyes met with the same knowing thoughts.

"You probably knew he would leave beforehand." Demon Kiaran uttered without diverting his gaze away from human Kiaran.

"Ah, so you knew it too." The mercenary rolled his eyes while muttering.

The anarchist followed the movement and sighed. "It's part of your plan, isn't it?"

"Yup." The human easily agreed, not even trying to manipulate the situation to control his counterpart.

"It's mine too." The demon shrugged. It seemed like he had stopped trying to manipulate and changed the situation too.

"Ah, really?" Human Kiaran raised his left eyebrow.

"The second world burn-" Both of them had said it the same time, causing the two to cut their sentences quickly.

"Whoa." The mercenary let out an amused huff that quickly got agreed by the anarchist.

"So. I supposed I didn't have to tell you the plan?" Demon Kiaran made sure as he tilted his head over to his counterpart.

"Say it just to be sure."

The demon folded his wings closed and blew the leaves that almost fell right on his face. "It's involving the witch, right?"

"You mean the scientist?" Human Kiaran looked over to the demon again and tilted his head just like the anarchist did.

"Alea. Mother's best friend." Demon Kiaran stated, still on guard to see if his counterpart had another plan to overthrow the situation.

Though even if he did, he would overthrow him back.

"Ah, yes." The human nodded silently.

"We are pretending to be used by her, right?" He made sure again, calculating the mercenary's every single movement.


"The scientist planned the world burn at first. She thought I'm her puppet." Human Kiaran added, blue eyes boringly watching the ground.

"Witch is working with her." The demon finally let his guard down and followed his counterpart's gaze.

"You will let your mother get stolen then?" Demon Kiaran continued, still staring at the high ground below them. They both still foolishly hid under the tree after all.

"Yes. And you?"

He quickly looked over to the masked version of him. "Of course, I won't. It's not part of the plan."

"Hah. So you do know what I'm thinking." The said masked version sneered. "Then there will be no need of further explanations."

They both agreed in a dull atmosphere. They both seemed to realize that they were indeed counterparts, knowing how they easily read each other's minds and had the same exact plan to work together without actually speaking about the plan beforehand.

But they knew that they both just trying to make sure that it would go just like their plan.

"It was a nice fight, though. Even though it was all planned." Demon Kiaran broke the silence and sneered.

"You are quite a good actor yourself." Human Kiaran snorted and diverted his gaze to him. "Though I really wonder who would actually win the fight if we ever fought."

"Maybe we'll find out one day." The demon answered with a sly smile.

"When this whole play end, I will take Axel back." He added confidently, smirking at him.

"We'll see who take him back first- wait, no." Blue-eyed Kiaran returned the smirk with a mocking grin. "-he's already mine."

"Yours is gone, demon."

The winged demon flared open his wings and stared at his counterpart with a challenging look for the last time. He got ready to take off and sent a kind, knowing smile at him.

"We'll see."

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