Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 133 - Time Is A Confusing Thing : Part 2

"Sir, you can't get up right now. You need more rest." Zack put down the laptop on his lap to the table when Cain tried to get off the bed on his own.

The brunette hurriedly put his hand on the man's shoulder while his grey eyes warily looked at Cain's bruises. Adreanna quickly replaced Zack by going in between the two.

She helped her father sit down on the bed while Zack understandingly moved over to give them some space. Cain gritted his teeth as he leaned on Adreanna's help while she gave him a glass of water.

The daughter and father pair did not utter a single word at all while Adreanna patiently waited for Cain to finish his drink. Even the wind was louder than the two. Maybe communication was not their field at all.

Cain had just woken up an hour ago when Zack was explaining how Axel's body got stolen.

"I'll continue searching for Kiaran's whereabouts." Zack pointed out, knowing that the two would ignore him either way.

The brunette went back to his laptop to track Kiaran down again. The mercenary was hard to find, but Zack could find him fast, maybe in an hour. For ordinary people, he could find them easily under a minute.

The mercenary was not 'ordinary' in many ways.

Actually, none of the Vergessene family was normal.

Zack's forehead wrinkled quizzically, forming a slow frown as he watched his laptop's screen. Then a quick realization hit him, and a smile bloomed on his face.

"Adreanna, sir Cain! I found Kiaran!" He exclaimed loudly and stared at two pairs of blue eyes that had gotten interested in him.

"He's in-" Zack snapped his head over the laptop again. But then, the brunette's smile fluttered as he watched the screen.

He blinked. "He's in here?"

And then there was a loud crash from the window.


Valerian had been questioning his existence too much since he bailed the bastard in front of him out of the jail. He had been thinking of the existence of God to the point that he thought about which one came out first.

Egg or chicken?

Valerian did not even know why he let Kiaran boss him around and told him to drive to this sad-looking apartment.

So when they had arrived in the said apartment, his naive and foolish self thought that they would go through the front door as every normal fucking person would.

But no. Nope.

The mercenary was not normal, and he was aware of this.

But it seemed like it included his so-called genius brain, apparently.

"What are you doing?" Valerian eyed Kiaran as he took the grappling hook from the back of the car.

"Having a picnic in the back of your car." Kiaran smiled sarcastically at him before slamming the trunk close.

"Of course not, police boy. I am taking the grappling hook that you generously bring for me." He continued as he walked past the frowning blond while spinning the grappling hook in his hand.

"No, but, you said that you want to visit your sister? Then why are you taking out that thing?" Valerian asked again.

He had been asking so many things to the mercenary back in the car, yet his answer always seemed vague, sarcastic, or smartly covered the answer with another useless answer.

'Just ask.' He said. 'Spill it.' He said.

"Well, if I can create a grand entrance, why would I pick the normal one?" Kiaran grinned at the blond as he aimed the hook at one of the windows on the building.

Before Valerian could react nor answer, Kiaran suddenly snatched him by the collar like he was some kind of a bag. The mercenary had the audacity to shoot him a smile right after.

"Hang in there, police boy." He said, literally.

Then before a second even passed, Kiaran shot the hook to Adreanna's window and brought Valerian to fly with him. Valerian's life flashed before his eyes as he gripped Kiaran's hand that was holding his collar dearly.

Valerian fell down to the floor inside the apartment while Kiaran gracefully landed with two open arms after tossing the blond away. "Your saviour is here."

"I stole that line from Loki, by the way." Kiaran finally put both his arms down and even had the time to sneer at Valerian on the ground.

Zack was trying to process everything as he stared at Kiaran like he was seeing a wild animal. He diverted his gaze to the poor lieutenant on the ground right after. Adreanna and Cain moved their heads to Kiaran at the same time, unfazed.

"I'm here. I apologize for my lateness." Kiaran began as he adjusted his shirt. "Before any of you talk, I'll answer beforehand, so you people don't have to waste your breath."

Kiaran glanced at Cain with sorry. "Especially you, father. Pardon my language, but you look like shit."

Cain, who was used by Kiaran's way of talking, just sighed and tried to listen to what the teen had to say. However, he could not help but feel tense a little from the guilt and the thought of why had Kiaran stolen Axel's body.

Adreanna, on the other hand, had been pouring venom from her gaze to her brother. She was mad that even in death, Axel could not relax from Kiaran's 'play'.

"Okay, first, I didn't take the body." Kiaran's eyes still locked on Cain before moving them to his sister.

"Second, it was my counterpart." He explained, matching the venom in Adreanna's gaze.

"Third," He continued and landed his last gaze on Zack. "I have a plan to get him back."

Kiaran tilted his head to the three and grinned. "Any objection?"

Valerian, who was still unwantedly sat on the floor, wondering how Kiaran knew many events beforehand. The mercenary always outsmarted everyone. He always knew what had to be done and what shouldn't be done.

Though, Valerian had seen the one time it did not work.

Instead of reading minds, Kiaram probably could read a future.

"Nope. I can't see the future. I'm just a genius in case you're asking for an obvious fact. I just know." Kiaran suddenly answered the blond's thoughts and went to look at him again.


Valerian blinked.

Both then.

"Stop having weird thoughts. It annoys me, police boy. Use your genius brain too." Kiaran sighed as he walked over to the bed where Adreanna and Cain sat.

Valerian brushed off the sudden unwanted compliment that Kiaran probably did not mean to utter and got up from the floor. "Seriously, how did you do it?"

Kiaran did not answer anymore as the three Vergessene fell into their own world. There was an eerie aura surrounding the three criminals.

Valerian's green eyes twitched at the ignorance. "Are you ignoring me?!"

A hand rested on the blond's shoulder as the owner smiled apologetically at him. "Don't bother, dude. It's in their blood." Zack sympathies with the lieutenant in silence.

"They tend to ignore your questions."


Meanwhile, at the same time in the Edelweiss household, there stood a dirty blond-haired boy writing on a paper in a hurry. Aster bit his lip, ignoring his shaking hand as he wrote fast.

He did not write like he was running out of time. He wrote as he ran out of time.

He slammed the paper on top of his table and adjusted the navy hood that his demon counterpart lent to him. He covered his head with the hood while holding the blindfold in his hand and put it in his pocket.

Aster did not wear the blindfold for obvious reason. He wouldn't be able to see anything, of course.

The boy made sure to cover his entire hair that not even a single lock could appear. He made his way to his unconscious counterpart that had fallen into his 'coma' again.

He carried the demon in his arms and quickly went to his window. The sun was almost hiding when he stood there with its warm light. Aster let the slight breeze of wind reveal his hair a little.

He fixed his hood once more and glanced back to his room. With the demon sleeping soundlessly in his hold and a familiar navy hood on his head with a blindfold tucked out from his pocket, Aster jumped off the window and disappeared.

The window was left open, making the wind freely get in. The breeze teased the paper on the table a little, swaying it just enough so it would not fall from its place. The written words were messy as the writer wrote them in a hurry.

'Val, I'll be gone for a while. I'm going to save him.'

There were messily scribbled words under the sentence. It looked like the writer hesitated if he should let it be there or not despite writing it first before the first sentence. Though, if you looked closely, you could see what they were.

In between the messed up link, under the scribbled lines, there laid three simple words, 'I love you.'

There was a vague thing called a story. People always had this mindset that a story began when one opened their eyes.

No, no. All those statements weren't trying to tell that this was the beginning of Aster's story.

This was the beginning of an important person to finally make Axel's story continue.. Because the real beginning should finally come to an end.

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