Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 21 - See You Soon : Part 2

Kiaran leaned on a wall, hands crossing on his chest as he breathed in slowly. His blue eyes scanned the room he was in carefully. The awfully ugly sunglasses he wore covered up his eyes.

He was surrounded by people that wore the same black suit he was in. Everyone bickered and talked with each other, unaware of the criminal that was in the same room they were in.

The guards were cheering with each other at the death of 'the mercenary'. Some of them talked about the lieutenant and his little brother, some of them talked about unrelated things outside their line of work.

The room was so plain and white that it hurt his eyes. Somehow, the dead guard's sunglasses did not even help him at all.

After the death of the supposed to be mercenary, they moved to the building where he 'borrowed' the black arrow for the second time for that crazy scientist. He remembered how he commanded Axel to kill about thirty men in here.

His sky blue eyes caught the sight of three black arrows that they retrieved from the building ruins. They sat at the table, surrounded by the guards.

He remembered how the scientist he worked for said that there were five black arrows in this world, it seemed like he just found the last three.

Something was connecting here. There was a connection between the black arrows and the black roots mirror. He just had to dig more into this.

And of course, he had to save Axel. The kid did all the killing for him, he was his biggest asset for his job.

"Gina!" A familiar male voice called aloud from the door.

Kiaran's eyes moved over to the man. It was the guard that tackled down 'the mercenary'. His blond hair and annoying voice gave it away.

The second child of the Vergessene family found himself frowning a little, trying to remember the guard's name.

Lucas, was it?

Apparently, Gina was the woman that killed 'the mercenary'. Her stoic face perked up to Lucas as she saw him walking toward her.

"You're so god damn loud." She complained, crossing her hands to her chest. "What is it this time?"

Lucas, grinning ear to ear with a wolfish look on his face put a hand over Gina's shoulder, earning a glare from her. "Congratulation on becoming the next lieutenant!"

Kiaran raised his eyebrows, he tilted his head at the two guards. Wry ocean eyes kept watching them in silence.

Gina's lips tugged upward a little. "So you heard about it, huh?"

"Of course I did," Lucas stated proudly, smirking a little. "You're my favorite girl after all."

Gina looked away from him. A red-tinted blush crept up on her cheeks. Her long brown hair moved forward to her face, desperately trying to cover up her blushing.

"It's obvious anyway, I was Valerian's subordinate." She huffed, biting the inside of her cheek.

"It's a good thing that you told the higher-ups about what Valerian found that day," Lucas added, shrugging a little. "You know, the DM project thingy."

She nodded. "Yeah, he had that look in his eyes where he wanted to do something 'right'." Said Gina while putting pressure on the last word.

"It always ended failing though. I'm getting tired of working with him." She sighed, hands went to play with locks of her brown hair. "His obsession with catching the mercenary was too much."

"I knew what he would do when I read the papers. I don't want to lose my job because of him. I had to do what I had to do." She justified more, eyes hidden behind the sunglasses that she wore.

"He deserves it anyway." Lucas chimed in, eyes staring at gina behind the black sunglasses.

Gina sighed again before diverting her gaze to the black arrows on top of the table. "Anyway, I gotta move these arrows to the mirror room, can you help me?"

Lucas looked over to the black arrows. He stared at it for a second before grimacing at her. "I'd love to, but I really have to go right now."

"Just say that you don't want to help me, I don't need your excuses," Gina grunted. She brought the three dark arrows with her hand, walking away from the blond guard with irritation.

"Sorry Gin!" Lucas shouted one more time while the brown-haired girl completely ignored him.

She appeared to sulk for a moment, clicking her tongue. Her black boots thump loudly on the floor as she walked, making some people look over to the woman.

"Do you need my help?"

Gina almost threw the black arrows in her hand at the sudden appearance of the person. She put another hand on her chest, trying to calm herself. The woman looked over to the voice owner beside her and found the familiar newbie.

"Oh, it's you." She uttered softly.

The newbie smiled at her, blue eyes hidden with a vague sly look. "Want me to hold them for you?"

Gina blinked at him before hesitantly giving the three black arrows she was holding to the newbie. "Uh, sure." She paused, before making a gesture to follow her with her hand. "Come with me."

Both of them walked toward the mirror room in silence. The sound of their footsteps was the only thing that surrounded the two guards. It was oddly suffocating for Gina.

They arrived in front of the mirror room. There were no guards to protect the room this time, unlike that day the mercenary and the mute murderer broke in. She opened the door and got in, the newbie followed her right after.

She brushed her straight brown hair and tucked it behind her right ear. She scanned the room that was still a little bit messy after the fight that took around thirty guards' lives.

Kiaran's blue eyes glinted in amusement as he looked around. He caught the sight of a big mirror with black roots that surrounded it. Though the black roots looked like they withered away.

He looked over to the black arrows in his hand. Blue eyes twitching around behind the sunglasses, thoughts flew in his mind as he planned something. He diverted his eyes to Gina who was busy fiddling with the place to put the black arrows in on the wall.

Kiaran walked closer to the black roots mirror with the three arrows in his right hand. He tilted his head at his reflection, raising an eyebrow as he watched the mirror copying his move.

He took one of the arrows to his left hand. Eyes looking at the arrow in his hand for a split second before diverting his gaze to his reflection again.

He brought the arrow closer to the mirror. With a steady hand, he let the sharp edge of the black arrow come toward the glass. Kiaran watched as the reflection of the arrow touched with the real one.

Suddenly, the black roots on the edges of the big mirror crept up at a fast speed to the arrow, making the criminal's hand jerk away. Kiaran staggered back a little, eyes still fixed on the arrow that he let go.

The roots swallowed the arrow slowly, eating it whole as the roots bloomed. They spread even more after the arrow vanished from Kiaran's sight, adorning the side of the mirror with pulse thumping inside the roots.

"What are you doing?"

Kiaran snapped his head toward Gina who's looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. He looked at her with roguish eyes hidden behind the black glasses.

She looked between the mirror and Kiaran with a conflicted face. Gina took a step backward unwillingly as she saw the pulsing black roots.

The criminal walked closer to her as she froze in her place. "I haven't said it to you before, haven't I?"

"What?" Gina whispered, confused eyes looking over to the newbie.

"Congratulation on becoming the lieutenant," Kiaran stated, jogging his way to the brown-haired woman. He brought his face close to the woman, making only an inch gape within them.

He suddenly snatched her sunglasses away, revealing two pairs of wide light brown eyes. Kiaran's lips formed a deranged smile. He threw the sunglasses into the mirror.

And just as he predicted it, the sunglasses went through the mirror.

Kiaran widened his smile as he took his sunglasses off too, revealing two pairs of ocean eyes. "But you see," He darted, cracking his neck while pulling out a syringe from his suit.

"I don't want you to become my sworn enemy."


It had been three hours and Lucas was so worried.

Gina had not come back from the mirror room. He thought maybe she went somewhere else, but no one had seen her either.

Lucas's blond hair waved around as he ran into the hallway. He was panting when he arrived in front of the door, chest heaving up and down.

He slammed the door open, revealing a dim room with one large mirror inside. He took off his sunglasses and quickly looked around. Lucas breathe in relief as he saw Gina sitting on a chair on the furthest side of the room.

"Gina! There you a-"

Lucas stopped on his track as he saw a man holding a syringe so close- too close to Gina's neck. His eyes were wavering as he realized Gina was roped onto the chair with a ducktape on her mouth.

"Took you long enough." The man stated, grinning at Lucas with dangerous blue eyes.

Lucas moved his hand to take his gun out but quickly stopped when the syringe came even closer to her neck, making Gina whine.

"No, no, don't do that. We don't want her to die do we?" Kiaran taunted, melodic voice adorning the mirror room.

"What do you want?" Lucas gritted his teeth, snarling at the man.

"Let's see," Kiaran brought his other hand to his chin. "I want you to kill all the guards in the building for me so she could live."

"W-what?" Lucas staggered back, breath hitching in his throat as he looked back and forth between Gina's teary eyes and the man's taunting ones.

"I told you before." Kiaran chuckled a little, pushing his hair back from his forehead as he grinned wickedly. "I will make sure you wish my murderer was here."

"Wait, you're-" Realization punched Lucas in the gut as he choked on his own words. "But we killed you!"

"Yeah, unfortunately, you got the wrong guy." Kiaran sneered as he looked at the clothes he was wearing. "His clothes are too tight for me to wear, to be honest."

Lucas was already at the edge of hyperventilation. He trembled as he tried to think of a way to get out of this nightmare.

"Well, y-you never kill, so you would not kill her anyway!" Lucas tried to venture back, building up his leftover courage in his chest.

"Yeah, I do never kill." Kiaran sighed, circling around Gina as tears kept streaming down her face. "But there is a first time for everything, isn't it?"

Kiaran grasped her hair softly, playing with her brown locks. "I won't mind making her my first time, I do have to admit that you got a nice type of girl."

Lucas was too overwhelmed with terror to retort back or even move. He felt like he was imprisoned by fear, he could no longer see anything but the mercenary's exposed face.

"Tick tock, Lucas." The mercenary sang as he leaned on Gina's chair.

"I-" Lucas's eyes moved to Gina's teary ones, she desperately shaking her head at him. He glanced over to the mercenary who was tapping his feet slowly. He was running out of time, he was running out of-

"I'll do it."

Gina wriggled harder, trying to scream at Lucas.

Too bad he already left with his loaded gun.


"Hey, Lucas! What's up, dude." Someone called him, jogging his way over to where Lucas was standing from behind.

The blond guard himself just stared at the ground, unmoving. His eyes were empty as he stood there with a gun in his hand.

The guard that went to talk to him frowned, a glaze of worry etched on his face. "Dude, you're okay?" The man put a hand on his back and tried to look at Lucas's face.

He stumbled back as he saw the blood that was drenched on Lucas's face, trickling down his jawline and staining his clothes. It was as if he was taking a bath of blood.

"What happened to you? Are you hurt somewhere?" The man quickly went in front of the blond guard, trying to check on his being, making sure he was alright.

Lucas's eyes slowly moved to see the man in front of him. With unblinking eyes and an expressionless face, he moved his gun slowly to the man's heart.

"I'm sorry." He vaguely whispered before a loud gunshot rang in the room.

Lucas brought the gun to his face and found out that he ran out of bullets already. He let go of his gun, letting it fall down from his hand to the ground with a clank. He walked slowly to the other room.

He scanned the area and watched the corpses that lay lifelessly on the ground. He made sure no one was left alive once more before aimlessly walking to the hallway.

He looked around again, checking if there were any guards left. When he was sure that everyone was already dead, he quickly ran to the mirror room again.

He opened the door slowly and a spark of hope bloomed in his chest. He would rescue Gina and run away with her. They could hide somewhere in a small town and build a house there.

When he saw Gina's state, all of his hope was thrown away and left him alone.

He ran to Gina's pale body on the chair, shakily trying to untie the ropes around her. He could hear his own heartbeat in his own ears. He quickly hugged her body, removing the ducktape from her mouth.

"You said-" Lucas choked, water began to collect at the bottom lid of his eyes. "You said she would live!"

"I told you to kill all the guards." Kiaran shrugged, a sly smile painting his face. "She was a guard too."

"She was already dying anyway, I just needed to make you become my temporary murderer." He continued, lazily leaning on a wall as he saw the scene happening in front of him.

A short intake of breath followed his lips. "No, no please, please, please, please-"

Lucas's voice cracked as he keep pleading to the air, holding her body as if she would vanish at any time he let go.

"Do you know Romeo and Juliet story?" Kiaran began, right hand playing with a coin that he found in the dead guard's clothes.

Lucas looked over to the mercenary within his blurry eyes. Tears were collected in his eyelashes, making it difficult to see.

"It'll be romantic if you both have that ending, ain't it?" Kiaran continued, the coin danced around in his hand as he stared down at the mourning man.

Lucas faced the pale brown-haired woman in his hand again. Eyes empty with jumbled thoughts flew in his mind.

He did not know how long the minutes had passed, he did not know how long he had been staring at her. He did not know how the mercenary was watching him like he was some kind of doll to play.

He brought one of his hands to take out the poison inside his pocket. He used the poison to kill some of the guards in the kitchen earlier.

He looked over to Gina again with a poison that sat in his hand. He smiled weakly at her, imagining what could have happened when he agreed to help Gina earlier.

"I'm sorry." He kissed her cheek with running tears on his face. "See you soon, Gina." He ended his sentence by opening the poison.

Lucas's hand trembled as he drank the potion in his hand to the last drop, gulping it at a fast speed.

When he finished, he threw away the tiny bottle and hugged her again. Hands wrapped around her waist as he could feel the poison take over his body, the blond guard slowly drifted into his eternal sleep.

"He should have checked her pulse first, what a shame." Commented the mercenary as he took out the syringe from his pocket that he used to make her look dead.

Later on, when the mercenary was already gone from the room, and the mirror was already used, Gina would wake up and find the corpse of Lucas holding her body.

She would widen her dampen eyes, screaming so loud that her voice could break at Lucas, choking on her own tears as she sobbed in despair.

She would also shoot herself after that, muttering 'see you soon' at the corpse of the guy that had always been by her side.

And the story of Romeo and Juliet ended.

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