Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 37 - The Death Of A Humanity : Part 3

Adreanna's blue eyes wavered behind her red porcelain mask as she tried to get up from the ground. Cain helped her from behind, offering a hand for her to lean on.

Axel had gone limp in the air with the red lights still surrounding him. He must have passed out. There was no way he could have died just like that.

Adreanna tried to throw herself on Axel again with a little bit of force. She skidded off the ground and tried to jump as she got close to her brother.

Only to get held back by her father.

"Don't. It'll hurt you more." Cain sternly stated as he gripped Adreanna's shoulders and made her face the man.

The assassin frowned. The now messy black braided hair waved a little as she stared at her father's mask. "But he's hurting too." She retorted back.

Kiaran suddenly walked past the two at a quick speed. His messy black hair fought with the wind as he reached both of his hands to catch Axel, who began to fall down from the air.

The boy's eyes were closed tight as the red lights around him slowly faded away into his body.

Kiaran's blue eyes were locked on Axel with concealed emotions. He gritted his teeth as he tried to get closer to his little brother. The tip of his fingers was already touching the boy's body, and the older brother had a little faith to catch him right before the boy hit the ground.

But then Axel was snatched away from his hand by something- no, someone.

Or should he say, himself.

There the mercenary stood, looking at his own face with red eyes, waging his big dark wings in the air as he held Axel close to him. The red-eyed him returned the stare with a belittling smile and identical insane eyes.

"Hello, Kiaran." The demon taunted, staring down at the mercenary like he had won a war.

Then there was a hard breeze around as two more demons came right behind Kiaran, waging their wings and stared down at him too.

The demon Adreanna coldly gazed down at him while the demon Cain smiled sweetly at him. But Kiaran was raised to know that it was fake.

The blue-eyed Kiaran twitched, calculating his surrounding with a raising eyebrow. His hand slowly crept up to the gun in his trench coat, gripping it tightly without looking away from his counterpart.

The assassin and the hitman slowly walked over to the mercenary to support him. They returned the look their counterparts gave to their Kiaran with guns in their hand.

"Before we-" Demon Cain stared at his counterpart with a glint of dangerous eyes yet a kind etched smile on his face. The hitman tightened his grip on his gun. "-discuss the situation right now. Allow me to get rid of these trashes first."

After saying that, the head of anarchy flew higher to the air, looking at his surrounding with two kind eyes. A red aura came out of his eyes, almost the same red lights that surrounded Axel earlier.

He widened his wings, fluttering them open as he sent the red aura across the city. There was a sudden silence after he did that.

Then the ground shook violently. Hands started to rise from the dirt, grabbing the made-up demons' feet and pulling them into the ground.

The humans that were fighting around the city stood in shock, looking around with two confused eyes.

But the humans who were fighting near the two Vergessene families were staring at them with widened eyes, trying to understand what actually happened.

Valerian who was on the front row of the war and the nearest man to the Vergessene families froze in his place. He stared at the demon Kiaran open-mouthed, unable to process what was happening.

"Oh, we meet again, ugly bear." Kiaran lightly greeted with an easy smile.

The mercenary looked between Valerian and his counterpart back and forth with a frown. "Again?"

Valerian took a step back in surprise. "What- what are you-"

Demon Kiaran shrugged. "I'm afraid I don't have the time to answer your question. My brother right here is sleeping, so I think-"

The demon's red eyes glowed a little before he continued. "-you should stay silent and forget that my family and I come here right now alongside the rest of you humans."

Valerian's green eyes became cloudy at the sudden command. He was in a daze, yet his consciousness was still there, trying to grip on a little bit of reality left on him.

Demon Adreanna quickly spun in the air, shooting her porcelain feathers to the humans around and making them faint.

When one of her feathers shot Valerian's neck, the lieutenant's eyes rolled onto his back and finally dropped on the floor.

"That's not your brother." Human Adreanna stated behind her porcelain mask, still pointing her gun at demon Kiaran.

"No, he's my brother." Demon Adreanna dropped down right in front of her human version. Two cold eyes met with each other. One was red, and one was blue but hidden behind a red porcelain mask. The assassin's gun was pointed at her demon now.

Demon Cain dropped down right in front of his counterpart too, and smiled. "Let's begin the discussion now, shall we?"


The two Adreanna bounced back from each other, making a space between them as they readied themselves to attack each other.

Demon Adreanna was the first one to attack. She fluttered open her wings and flew high to the sky. In a second, she dropped the rain of porcelain feathers toward her human counterparts.

The human gracefully darted around, avoiding the feathers on point. She dodged them as if she was dancing.

When she managed to dodge the last porcelain feather, she reloaded her gun in a swift move and quickly jumped back to shoot a group of bullets from her gun.

Doing her ultimate move, the assassin flipped to her right and shot the bullets that she had just released earlier.

The rain of bullets flew toward her demon counterpart. The red-eyed Adreanna made a shield with her porcelain wings and easily stopped all the shots.

A bullet came from behind, and red-eyed Adreanna almost let it go through her heart. She quickly turned around, causing the shot to grace her shoulder slightly.

Human Adreanna was already standing behind her with a gun aimed at her. The human knew her shots would not work, so she used them as a distraction.

Though she only managed to grace the demon a little.

Adreanna fluttered open her wings again. Dangerous red eyes were staring down at her human counterpart coldly.

The demon flew back a little and let another rain of porcelain feathers at the blu-eyed Adreanna.

Human Adreanna aimed her bullets at each feather, shooting them without a single miss, making them bounce with each other right before they hit her.

The thing was, bullets couldn't switch their aim. But feather could.

She was about to shoot the last feather when suddenly, the feather changed its aim, causing her to miss the shot.

The porcelain went onto the left side of her mask. The mask cracked and revealed half of her blue eyes.

The blue eyes widened at the sudden attack. Before human Adreanna managed to react, porcelain feathers were already reshot at her, and the girl fell down onto the ground with feathers on the side of her body.

The feathers went inside the ground, holding her down on the floor. She tried to wriggle away, only to cause the porcelain feathers to go even deeper in her body and etched on the ground.

The human took a last glance at her counterpart, who started to leave her alone, bleeding on the ground.

Just like how she left Axel in the alleyway earlier.


"There was nothing to discuss." Human Cain bit back, showing a restrained smile behind his mask.

The demon version of him tilted his head. A restrained smile formed on his mouth too. "Ah, I'm glad we're on the same page here."

"So let me have my son back and leave you alone for good." The demon continued, still looking at his counterpart with dark red eyes.

The human silently reloaded his gun and took a few explosives from his suit. "He's not your son." He told the red-eyed Cain.

"But you never care about him." The demon's eyes darkened, red aura slowly started to form in his gaze again.

The hitman turned on the explosive. "And you do?"

"Oh, I do." The anarchist let out a low response before finally sending the red aura around his counterpart.

A hundred undead raised from the ground, surrounding the hitman and cornering him. Human Cain looked around with sharpened eyes as they stared back at him.

He threw the explosive to the undead and kicked one of the enemies behind him. He shot another undead to his left and repeated the movement over and over again, fighting the neverending battle.

Demon Cain went to the air, waging his wing loudly. His black wavy length hair swung around as he left his counterpart on the ground. The both of them managed to look at each other once more before the demon was gone.

"Goodbye me. I hope you die." The demon stated without dropping his kind smile at all.


As the human Adreanna and Kiaran lost the battle, two Kiaran just stood there facing each other.

They both did not throw a single fight at all. They were just there, trying to know what happened in each other's brain, calculating every move.

The two identical messy hair played with the wind as the air sang around them. Blue eyes met red eyes with an unexplainable gaze. The boy in the red-eyed demon's hand was shaking a little.

"Son, are you done?" Demon Cain came up from behind the red-eyed Kiaran, causing human Kiaran to look over at him too.

"Oh, yes. I'm done, father." The demon answered, smirking at his human counterpart as if he had just won.

Human Kiaran raised an eyebrow, taunting the demon with his two blue sceptical eyes. As if asking, 'oh, really?' through his gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I can't wait anymore to actually give a care about you." The demon began, holding Axel gently in his hand, away from the real brother.

"So stay down and let me have him." He used his power to his counterpart and smiled triumphantly when he saw his other self froze in his place.

Demon Kiaran turned his back on his counterpart and faced his father. He looked at Axel once more and smiled gently at him.

"You're the missing piece of this family," Kiaran said to Axel, who's withering in his hand a little. He unwillingly gave the boy to his father before they both took off with Adreanna, who followed them right after.

In reality, their missing piece was already gone.. But they were so desperate that they took the replica of a missing piece, just to patch up the guilt in their heart.

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