Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 56 - Between Us : Part 2



The two blonds growled angrily at the same time. Each of them stared at their Kiaran with fire in their eyes that was ready to burn the mercenary and the anarchist down.

The lieutenant pointed his gun at the mercenary. His green eyes pierced right into the blue eyes, so cold yet could ignite a soul.

Human Kiaran raised both of his hands in the air despite having a gun of his own. His messy hair swirled alongside the wind that kept increasing in between them. The blood that was oozing down his neck stained his collar red.

"Can we talk about this first, police boy? I'm kind of in the middle of something." He bargained with a slight friendly tone.

"Say it to those you've killed, mercenary." Human Valerian shot his gun, aiming at the mercenary's ribs.

The criminal dodged it by flipping to the right and landed gracefully on the ground. "Oh shit, you're pissed."

Another shot was fired, a loud bang bored into the ground as human Kiaran slid down forward, managing to dodge at the last second.

"Technically, it wasn't me who killed them-"

Three bullets followed the man mercilessly as the mercenary quickly rolled to the left, causing some dirt to stain his trench coat.

Human Kiaran still did not use his gun as he looked up at the lieutenant from the ground. "Because you get it? The mercenary who never kills?"

Valerian grumbled. It seemed like the words only angered him more as he ruthlessly shot the bullets into Kiaran's head.

The lieutenant was lucky that the mercenary could dodge him, or he would be a murderer right then and there.

"Wait! Let's talk about this." The mercenary tried to reason again. Plans were flooding his brain, searching for a way out of the situation. "That guy over there is more evil than me. He's literally a demon." He pointed to his counterpart, who was fighting with Valerian's counterpart too.

The lieutenant lowered his gun for a moment as he side-eyed demon Kiaran. The mercenary was nodding at human Valerian, encouraging his sworn enemy to fight the demon instead.

"My counterpart is dealing with him already." The lieutenant stated as he reloaded his gun and took no time to point it at his enemy again.

"You're focusing on me? Aww, that's sweet. But it's really not the time-"

The mercenary swiftly bounced back at the incoming bullet, not having the time to finish his own sentence as another attack was thrown at him.

"Can we like help your counterpart on bringing the demon down? You know, like the good old days when we worked together saving your dearest brother." Another attempt of reasoning was spilled from the 18-year-old.

A shot went past human Kiaran's ears, causing some of his locks to fall onto the ground.

"I'll take that as a no."

The mercenary and human Valerian kept playing an endless dodging game with each other, a really deadly game of dodging. It was more as if the criminal was dancing, and the lieutenant was the one who made a melody through his shots.

"Care to tell me how you arrived in this world? As far as I know, there are no arrows left to cross a mirror." Kiaran tried to fish for some information as his blue eyes scanned the enemy in front of him, calculating, scheming.

"I have my way." Valerian reloaded his gun again and tilted his head down. "Now die."

"You are police. You aren't supposed to murder me-"


"Hey, knight boy, how do you get here so fast? It's kind of impressing." The anarchist spun in the air, trying to dodge the sharp wind that kept trying to bring him down. "I'm really not in the mood to face you again tonight."

"I'm not in the mood to face you ever." The knight growled as he let out another storm.


Another swirl of wind surrounded demon Kiaran like a cage, ready to suffocate him. He quickly went down and waged his wings big, dodging the wind by the last second as he dived down in the air.

The anarchist looked up at his sworn enemy and made an offended motion with his hand. "Hey, come on. I have an unfinished business with the human over there."

The anarchist stopped for a moment as he side-eyed the mercenary. He raised his eyebrows and threw a bundle of winds to the mercenary, who was busy dodging a bullet.

The wind hit the blue-eyed Kiaran right in the gut and threw him to the ground as he took a big gasp at the sudden attack.

Human Valerian took it as an opportunity to shoot the criminal and went to pull the trigger. His pointed finger slowly carried over the tip of the trigger and aimed it at the mercenary's ribs.

Demon Kiaran widened his eyes for a moment. Without his consent, he already activated his power as his red eyes glimmered, becoming redder than ever.

The anarchist's red eyes glowed under the moonlight as he opened his mouth to speak. "Don't shoot." The soothing voice rang in the air with full of command.

The words seemed to reach the human version of the knight as he froze in his place with a stiff finger over the trigger.

"Hey! Deal with your own police boy. He's mine!" The mercenary shouted from the ground with a voice full of irritation.

"You're welcome!" The anarchist retorted back with sarcasm.

The demon did not get to hear what his counterpart would say as another sharp wind threw him off and locked him up in a cage of swirling air that was ready to suffocate him alive.

Demon Kiaran did not even get to use his power as the wind filled the air within him, making him unable to say a single word. He took a big gasp of nothing as his lungs almost gave up. Everything was blurry, and the demon found himself desperately trying to move his wings to get free.

And then there was something that suddenly circled both of his feet. He did not have the time to even guess what it was when he suddenly got pulled from the cage of wind.

He did not completely break free from the suffocating air, but at least he managed to have a chance to escape. He looked down to see a rope that was circling his feet, trying to pull away from the storm.

In between the blurry air, he managed to see his counterpart desperately trying to pull him from the ground. The demon quickly looked forward and spread his wings even wider, trying to move it in between the storm, helping the mercenary to pull him from the scene.

The wind got even bigger when he tried to run away. His hair was blown back, completely exposing the anarchist's forehead.

Then suddenly, the pull from the rope was loosened. Demon Kiaran frowned at the sudden weight loss, but he was too quick to assume when a person kicked him from behind and threw him off the caged wind.

The mercenary wrapped his hand around his counterpart's neck after letting the rope pull him onto the demon.

"What's up." The mercenary greeted as he clung onto the back of the demon.

Demon Kiaran sneered and moved his counterpart to the front, holding the human by the collar as the mercenary gripped his wrist, so he did not fall.

"That was totally in the plan." Human Kiaran began, chuckling a little.

"Yep, it was not a coincidence or something. That was totally my plan all along." Demon Kiaran added, completely ignoring how two Valerians were chasing them right now.

A bullet went right into demon Kiaran's wings as it bounced off yet managed to scratch him a little. It swayed him for a moment, causing them both to drop onto the ground together.

They grunted before looking back at their sworn enemies. The knight created a typhoon before him while the lieutenant aimed his shots at the said wind.

The bullet went inside the little typhoon and created a storm with active shots circling it. The wind was coming closer at the two, clearly aiming for them.

"That is not good news." The mercenary mumbled behind his mask, eyes locked on the incoming typhoon.

"I won't even try to hear news about a typhoon right in front of my own eyes." The anarchist deadpanned as he grabbed his counterpart's hand and went inside the forest, trying to make their sworn enemies lose sight of them.

The typhoon wiped everything on its way, following them like a cat finding its mouse.

"Can't you thrall them?" In a haze of calm panic, they both ran together, side by side.

"He can block my power." The anarchist stated as he jumped over a big rock, sliding on top of it that quickly followed by the mercenary.

"Valerian is my weakness. I'm sure he is yours too." The demon stated as he grabbed the human's collar again and brought him up into a tree with pretty thick leaves.

He dropped the human on one of the branches as he crouched right beside his counterpart. They both stayed there for a moment, hiding in between the leaves, waiting for the typhoon to go past them.

"Damn, it seems like we have the same problem. I can't finish my job properly every time he came out of nowhere." The mercenary complained lightheartedly. Blue eyes still scanning the ground below, probably planning something.

"He always manages to find me and ruin half of my plan. Like right now." The human continued before looking at the anarchist right in the eyes.

"I usually can get out of the police sight easily, you know. No one can really follow my schemes. But since he came, he always managed to almost catch me at the end of my work." He added, talking with his counterpart as if they weren't being hunted right now.

"Same goes for me." The anarchist agreed, shrugging his shoulders.

Then a typhoon went past by the tree they were in. A pair of blue eyes and red eyes followed how the wind easily went on without spotting them at all.

The mercenary blinked for a moment before diverting his gaze to the demon again. "But it seems like you are intrigued by him too."

"Heh, no one ever can face us except those two, ain't it? Our enemies are pretty interesting." Demon Kiaran smirked, completely understanding what the human was saying.

Human Kiaran returned the smile with a grin behind his mask, tilting his head proudly at his counterpart in their moment of understanding.

Realizing that they had become friendly with each other, the smile quickly dropped from both of them as they both looked away from each other at the same time.

"This doesn't mean I'm not going to kill you afterwards." Blue-eyed Kiaran stated, clearing his voice to reduce the awkwardness.

"Same goes for my case." The counterpart agreed.

The typhoon was already gone as they fell into a calm silence. Some of the leaves around them fell, slowly as they reached the end of their life.

And then, at the same time in the exact moment, something clicked in their mind, causing both of them to freeze on their feet. It was as if their soul was gone for a while as they noticed what had been missing.

"Wait, where's Axel?"

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