Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 62 - Just Like Their Fathers : Part 2

Cain jerked away, eyes twitching as he felt the hand on his wrist tighten. He became aware of his surroundings. The night had befallen the world. No sounds were surrounding them; it was too quiet.

The forest rustled as his little brother pulled the older one along with him. Sweats started to form on Cain's forehead, dry heaving as he tried to follow the teen.

"Where are we going, Raziel?! Stop it!" Choked the older Vergessene, laboured breaths went out of his mouth.

"Raziel, stop! Where are we going? Please, stop. You are bleeding." Cain begged. He did not know the person in front of him. But then again, did he ever know his little brother at all?

They walked and walked and walked. Cain did not know for how long. It could have been hours, and it did feel like it. He did not know how deep they had been in this forest and how the atmosphere around them changed.

A single light was visible in his eyes. As they got closer, the light's source was a cosy cottage. It looked pretty big and hidden away in the middle of the forest. Cain did not even know how to get back to their own house now.

The cottage did not feel abandoned. It was too lively for being in a deep forest. Plants decorated the surrounding of the house. Lights were adorning the inside.

Cain looked down at his little brother. Moon was standing right behind him almost hauntingly. "Raziel, where are we?" He whispered cautiously.

"Stay calm." The younger's blue eyes caught Cain's blue one as he spoke. "You've been friends with someone so dangerous and do your part for the Vergessene. It's time for you to go back to your own family."

Before Cain could ask what was all that about, the door in front of them opened, revealing a too familiar woman. She jumped and hugged Raziel. There was blood all over her body, and Cain was too scared to wonder why. She was wearing a black trench coat and a black cloth over her eyes.

She looked at Cain. Although 'look' was not the right thing to phrase it, but her head was turning to him as if she could actually see him. Her smile widened, she looked up to Raziel.

"This is my first son, Cain? Your brother? The only one who's not aware of what power the Vergessene hold?" She beamed at her youngest son. Her short black hair bounced as she talked.

Raziel smiled and hugged the woman back. "Not now. He needs to meet with father first." He explained, causing the mother to pouts playfully.

"Alright then, sweetie. You're so big now." She ruffled Raziel's hair full of affections.

She huffed and let go of the hug. "When will your brother start killing him?" The woman asked, causing Cain to frown. Raziel opened his mouth to speak, but he quickly got cut off by Cain.

"Killing who? I don't- what? What is actually happening?" Cain trembled. He took a step backward as Raziel and his mother turned their head over at him.

"Raziel? Why- how is she here? I thought she- was she always been here? Did you know?" Stuttered the older. His ocean eyes were full of fear as he talked.

"Cain-" Raziel tried to reach his older brother, making Cain step back again.

"No, stay away from me! What is happening here? Why is there blood everywhere?!" Panic raised in his throat. The world felt too tight around him as he spoke.

"Brother, it's okay. Take a deep breath, alright?" Words of reassurance came through Raziel's mouth. If it were the usual weak Raziel that he knew, he would have trusted him and gone over to him.


Why didn't he know any of this? Any of- whatever this mess was. Cain could feel his own heartbeat going wild as his fallen hair from the messy bun on his head waved with the tight wind.

A sound of heavy footsteps came from the cottage. It made the three of them look over to the owner. A green robe covered a man as it dragged along the floor. A hat with veils under it was mythically on his head, surrounded by his long black hair.

Drops of blood were adorning his face to his neck. Blue eyes stared right through the boy's soul. Cain's breath hitched. His wide eyes looked over the red mess around the cottage's floor.

He then scanned his surroundings and saw how Raziel and his mother smiled at him as if they welcomed him and not dragged him here.

Cain wavered as his feet retreated back slowly at the sight of his father. The three beings in front of him stared as if challenging him to actually run away. It all did not make sense. Was he dreaming? Was he that naive?

His family was the top criminals in this city, wasn't it?

He recognized the hat, the veil, and the green robe that his father wore. His mother's black trench coat and black cloth were too familiar. Why didn't he notice it before? Why were they hiding it from him?

Was Raziel- his sweet little brother a criminal too? Then was he the cruel murderer?

"You are criminals. You three are." Cain stated rather than asked. He staggered back, heartbeats thumping loudly in his eardrums.

"You're going to kill me now." He paused, tears prickled on the side of his eyes. "Why didn't you do it all these times? Why play with me?" He shouted in between his trembling self.

The father opened his arms for the 17-year-old Cain. Green-gloved hand with tainted red blood came out of the green robe. The slender hands could snap a person's neck in a second, and Cain believed he would be that person.

"My son, come." His father spoke as he stuck his hands out. His voice was endearing to the boy, almost echoey to the surroundings.

Cain found himself frozen in place. The man's voice went straight to his heart like a knife. It warmed him up, yet there was danger surrounding it.

Cain fell in a daze as his eyes locked on the man. He could not focus on anything aside from his father's blue eyes. Part of him screamed to get out of there and ran away, yet he could not move a limb.

The man's eyes were kind. Blue and kind, but there was also something more. They were something, anything, and everything. There were thousands of words to describe those eyes but also none at all.

Why did he not notice this sooner? Was he that naive? Did he fall into a false sense of security with those eyes? Why couldn't he look away? Why couldn't he-

He stepped up, one step, two, and the oak planks creaked beneath him. The man's hand cradled Cain closer, they walked inside together, and Cain's eyes still locked on the father's glinting blue ones.

And then his father smiled.

The warm smile on the man's face never left as he welcomed Cain, almost father-like, something that Cain never had. He smiled, and Cain's heart seemed to burst with happiness. Wet sprung from his eyes. He had never, ever felt so warm.

He had never felt so loved.

The father led Cain to a room with a cozy-looking bed. The room felt like him. It was like he was meant to be here. He tucked him into bed as a sound of inhuman humming pleased down his father's throat.

"Sleep, my son." The oldest Vergessene soothed, slender hand brushed Cain's hair.

Cain's eyelids felt heavy as he tried to stay awake. He did not want to lose sight of the warm blue eyes. He unconsciously leaned to the man's touch. It was warm too.

Maybe he should sleep.

Maybe he should-


The 17-year-old teen snapped his head toward the corner of his room when he heard the familiar voice. The firstborn Vergessene widened his eyes at the sight, completely snapped away from whatever was controlling him.

He felt like the world crashed onto him when he saw Alfred there with a cloth that had fallen out of his mouth. He was chained up, bleeding with a swollen eye and cuts on his neck.

His father growled angrily at the red-haired teen.


"Axel!" A red-haired girl shouted, gripping the gate in front of her tight as he saw the blue-eyed by across of it.

Axel wore the blue contact lens again as he came into Rune's house, barefooted and in a complete mess.

His white blouse was dirty. Axel threw his white mask away as he got there wholly innocent, with only one hope in his heart. A hope that everything would go back to normal even though it was impossible.

"Axel!" She exclaimed again, opening her house's gates and throwing herself onto him.

"I was so worried! What happened to you? Where were you?!" She cried onto his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

This was Axel's choice.. And between the bad and the worse, he created a good choice to take.

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