Demons in the Mirror

Chapter 92 - A Payment : Part 3

The door creaked open slowly. A 19-year-old assassin slowly got in, closing the door behind her.

She had just finished talking to Kiaran. It was already past midnight time. Adreanna was sure that Axel had already fallen asleep.

So she did not expect the boy to sit on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall with a dull look on his face that was too inhuman. He looked like a lifeless boy, a living picture.

When he noticed her presence, Axel's face quickly turned kind and innocent, smiling at her as if the Axel that she saw earlier was just an illusion.

"Adreanna? I was waiting for you." He uttered with obvious doleful eyes that the boy desperately tried to hide.

Adreanna stared at him for a long time, letting the silence at them both. There was a heavy feeling in her chest as she watched her brother.

She walked over to him and lowered her height. She grabbed both of his shoulders with a tight grip. "Axel, I'm going to destroy the city and all the governments." She stated, getting to the point.

Axel's mismatched eyes saddened before quickly masked by him again. "You already did that, though?" He softly asked.

"Why'd you do that again? It's going to be endless." The boy diverted his eyes from Adreanna and looked to the ground. He fiddled with the edge of his clothes nervously.

"Everyone turns their back on you, Axel." Adreanna cupped both of his cheeks, staring at him with a hidden emotion that she could never get out.

"You don't have to care about them." She continued coldly.

Axel had no choice but to look to his sister's elegant ocean eyes. He stared at her distantly, trying to shove the uneasy feeling in his heart.

"Join me, Axel."


Kiaran blew his messy hair as he lazily walked on the street. He put both of his hands inside his pocket while looking around the city.

He was going outside as Kiaran now. It had been a pretty long time since he got out like an average person, and he knew it probably would end soon.

Just like the city.

He snorted at his thoughts and continued walking. He distantly looked at the half-moon that slowly tried to be a crescent shape. The 18-year-old scanned the surrounding in silence. Few people would steal glances at him. Sometimes he would forget that he was a good looking guy too.

He kicked a bottle on his way and sent it flying to a street cat. When he walked, the street lights flickered a little—such a dramatic atmosphere. He liked it either way.

That also meant something probably would happen. Alas, maybe he would get a little entertainment in his walk.

"Give me all your money." A deep voice was heard from the corner of a dark alleyway.

Kiaran clicked his tongue. A mugging, typical. What was this? Trying to make him a hero? The world must have gone mad or probably tried to mock him.

Though, he would take the entertainment either way. He purposely tried to take the surroundings and 'enjoyed' the night of the city before he destroyed it. It was a mistake, really. It was too boring.

Kiaran peeked on the alleyway to see the crime scene from the entrance. Valerian would jump in if he were the one who was in his position like the hero that he was.

So why the hell did Valerian become the victim?

Kiaran deadpanned at the blond who was getting cornered by three muggers. He put his tired bitch face on display as he watched his sworn enemy scorn the muggers pathetically.

Valerian was holding a box of cupcakes as if his life depended on it. His groceries were on the floor, probably dropped down right as the leading man cornered him.

The mugger slapped his face, and Kiaran was surprised that the lieutenant did not even try to fight back. It seemed like the cupcakes were more important than his honour and life.

"I would prefer if you walk to the nearby police station and offer yourself with your friends, sir. And please don't destroy the cupcakes, my brother had been feeling depressed, and I am trying to cheer him up." Valerian dully stated.

"For your information, this is the last box." He added before earning a laugh from the three criminals.

"You're funny. But I think it's enough already." The man pulled the trigger in his gun, and Valerian quickly dodged down, still griping the box in his hand.

Though the lieutenant was too busy focusing on the cupcake that he did not realize the other muggers had already aimed a gun at him.

Kiaran clicked his tongue. That would be a really dumb way to die.

The lieutenant noticed them too late.

By too late, he meant that he did not get to kick the muggers asses when the muggers had already gotten ass-kicked by someone.

Kiaran easily knocked down the first mugger by slamming him to a wall. He pinned the other mugger to the ground, earning a gasp from the woman before knocking her out cold.

"Sorry, but I want him to watch my play. He accidentally became an important character, you see," Kiaran whispered to her ear right before she lost consciousness.

The person who had failed to shoot Valerian earlier quickly aimed the back of Kiaran's head, pointing it to the point that the tip of the gun touched his head.

The Vergessene raised both of his hands and smirked. "I would not ignore the blond if I were you." He stated, smiling knowingly.

The mugger did not have the time to process his words before a crack was heard. He dropped down to the ground right after Valerian whacked his neck coldly.

Kiaran stretched his hands and wiped off the dust from his clothes. Eyes were burning holes on his back while he tried to adjust himself.

"Who are you?" Valerian asked cautiously, still gripping the box of cupcakes tight.

"Oh, no one. I'm just passing through." Kiaran finally turned around and copied Cain's usual fake kind smile.

Valerian had started to glare daggers at him when the air had become thick between them. "You have the same face as someone I know."

"Oh, really?" Kiaran raised both of his eyebrows with the same smile.

"I'm not stupid, you know." The lieutenant stated, keeping his guard up as his green eyes became more cautious.

"That demon is obviously your counterpart, mercenary." He continued, earning a look of glee from Kiaran like a child getting candy.

"It's not that hard to put two and two together." Valerian still went on, feeling weird to see the mercenary's face like this.

"Especially after the mute murderer..." He lowered his voice at this part. There were some weird emotions in his voice.

"And the assassin's reveal too." Valerian stared at him with his usual hatred look. "You are a family of criminals. I don't know about your parents, though, but I'll find out soon enough."

Kiaran clapped slowly and still kept his smile at his sworn enemy. "As expected of police boy, of course, you'd find out." It was almost a mock from him, and the lieutenant caught it quickly.

"Though I wonder, why didn't you tell everyone about my identity?" He tilted his head, and Valerian found it more irritating now that he saw his face.

"Or do you want to keep me all by yourself?" He teased, smirking.

Valerian rolled his eyes before following Kiaran's head movement. "Why'd you help me from the muggers?" The lieutenant asked, copying the mercenary's speaking tone.

"You're trying to make me keep you all by myself?" He retorted back and raised one of his eyebrows.

Though the teasing only made Kiaran's grin grow even wider. "Ha. Touché."

Valerian sighed and slowly walked over to his fallen groceries. "I thought you were older than me. We are the same age, and you keep calling me police boy."

"Here." He took two cans of coffee and tossed one of them to Kiaran. The latter easily caught it with his hand and stared at it in wonder.

"Oh? I thought you'd go all crazy and try to take me down. Is this a poison?" Kiaran opened the lid and went back to stare at Valerian.

"You know damn well it isn't without me having to confirm it." The Edelweiss said and quickly drained the can dry.

"Besides, it's my rest time. I'm not a lieutenant right now." He added before tossing away the can into a trash bin.

"And you're not the mercenary too, so I don't see a point to try to kill each other at this moment," Valerian said that, and Kiaran knew that he cared more about the cupcakes than him right now.

It kind of irritated him a little.

"I was really mad at you, and I still am. But I have a little brother that's waiting for me to come home right now. He's more important than anyone in this world." Valerian informed as he leaned on the wall, glancing at the three muggers on the ground.

The Edelweiss's forest eyes caught the Vergessene's ocean ones. "I won't ever use a boy's naiveness just to ditch him away again. He's sixteen, for fuck sake. He needs someone to rely on."

Kiaran and Valerian shared a deadly knowing look. Both of them knew what the hidden imply in the lieutenant's words was.

"You do know I could easily kill you right now." Kiaran dangerously tilted his head again, sending a murderous intent at the unshaken Valerian.

"You wouldn't. You never kill." He ventured, sending back a murderous intent at the criminal.

"There's always a first time for everything." He walked closer to Valerian. "You can be an exception, police boy."

Valerian stared at his enemy without a single fear. "I know you."

"Do you?" Kiaran dangerously asked, raising his eyebrows as the space between them got smaller.

"Then let me ask you." The mercenary pointed his finger at the mugger near them. "Will I take that woman's wallet or will I not?"

Valerian raised his eyebrows back at him and sighed. "You piece of shit, give me back my wallet."

Kiaran chuckled and finally backed away from him. He tossed the wallet back at him that he had stolen from the lieutenant just a second ago.

"You do know me, huh." He hummed and looked at the moon in wonder.

"Then let me ask you another thing." He began again, staring at Valerian with his usual playfulness.

"Will I do another world burn or will I not?"

Valerian's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth. "You-"

"I like playing these games with you, police boy. Don't worry, I'll save the front seat just for you." Kiaran cut him off and left him in the alleyway in a mere second.

"Consider this as a payment for saving you today." He finished his sentence before finally disappearing from Valerian's angry eyes. He drank the coffee in his hand, somehow, it felt tastier than usual.

This was good entertainment indeed.

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