“Empty?” A languid voice rang in his ears.

Sora who was attracted by Lokes’s gaze was shocked.

Instinctively punched, but was easily blocked by a hand.

Mo Yi looked at the future marshal who was still young at this time with interest and said

“What is the difference between you bringing so many trash fish and looking for death?”

Sora looked at the boy who understated the shocked blow, and estimated that the other party was only about the same age as Karp.

But this power is already so strong, I secretly cursed in my heart, monster.

“Who are you!” Sora asked.

Mo Yi released his empty fist and spread his hands to prove that he was not hostile, and then continued.

“My name is Mo Yi, and your navy has given me an ugly nickname called Blood Demon, but it doesn’t matter.”

The important thing is, why do you dare to bring these trash fish? Without the existence of the general level, it is impossible to threaten these monsters.”

“You, who are called steel bones, don’t you know it? Although your strength is good, it is not enough to see ah.”

Mo Yi was also very confused in his heart.

He originally thought that this attack of the navy would have a general-level combat power, and there would be members of CP0 at the end.

But I didn’t expect that.

At present, the strongest combat power is only this empty line that is weaker than the general.

Although a line apart.

But it is the difference between heaven and earth.

At this time, there were very few navies and pirates on the beach that could fight, and people at the cadre level of the Rocks Pirate Regiment had already gone to destroy the warships.

Lockes and Vincent held scrolls of paper made of stone tablets and inspected the personnel, completely ignoring the air and other navies.

Everything is handled by Mo Yi.

“All for justice!!” Sora spoke in a very decisive tone, without a hint of hesitation.

But Mo Yi, who heard this, seemed to have heard a big joke.

“Stop making trouble, for justice? What is your justice? Your justice is to send a flock of trash fish to death!”

“They’re not trash fish! Bastard!! Don’t have a trash fish calling!!! Kong couldn’t stand the mockery in Mo Yi’s tone.

The huge iron fist wrapped in arms slammed into Mo Yi, and the surrounding air was overwhelmed and emitted a sonic boom.

Mo Yi quickly made a gesture, and the black shadow under him moved.

“Six Kings Gun !!!”

“Lingling. Eight-armed ghost general!! ”

A huge eight-armed ghost general suddenly appeared under Mo Yi’s feet, blocking the empty body, and the fierce punch of the air was directly resisted by the eight arms of the ghost general.

The aftermath of the force that erupted directly collapsed the ground.

The owner of the ghost general sat leisurely on the throne formed by the gathering of blood bats, floating in the air.

Looking at the other navies who were still fighting, he pouted.

“It’s not that I want to call them trash fish”

“Forget it! Let you see it! ”

“Arrest the spirit. Asura Ghost Crowd!!! “This is the method that Mo also developed when the Spirit Detention Dispatch will reach 50%.

An eerie black qi gushed out from his body, and the black qi flew towards the corpses of the dead pirates and navy around him.

In an instant, the souls of those who had passed away appeared on the shore, their eyes scarlet and covered with armor formed by black qi.

A large navy man had just crushed a pirate to the ground and was about to kill him with a stab.

But suddenly his chest was cold, and a dark ghost hand penetrated his body.

The blood turned into red lines and was absorbed by the owner of the ghost hand.

At the last moment when his consciousness dissipated, the big man used all his strength and turned his head to see his killer.

“How could it be you!!”

He saw his comrades on the same team, expressionless as he absorbed his blood.

The same scene is playing out in the neighborhood.

The screams around became less and less.

But the number of Asura ghost generals is increasing, and even the pirates are frightened by these monsters.

They do not have any sanity, and will only endlessly attack the enemies identified by Mo Yi.

Until the soul is gone.

When a ghost will attack the navy, the path is blocked by a pirate, but the ghost will directly kill the pirate and the navy.

For a while, all the pirates did not dare to step into the battlefield for half a step, and watched the navies who were equal to them.

became the ration of this gang of monsters.

The harbor of Hachinos is like a ghost, and only countless Asura ghosts are left to look at the remaining pirates after killing the navy.

Then they knelt down in the direction of Mo Yi and retreated into the darkness.

Sorrow, who was entangled by the eight-armed ghost general, his eyes were torn, and his heart was dripping blood as he looked at his fallen colleagues around him.

“Damn it! Empty fist. Hundred Flowers’ empty fists seemed to split, and countless fists hit the ghost general’s body as if a hundred flowers were in full bloom.

The ghost general is like a broken candle in the wind, and the ghost who is beaten is in a trance, but he is not to be outdone, eight arms.

Using eight different ghost knives, he slashed into the air from all angles.

The surface of the empty body seemed to have a layer of steel, and the knife slashed at his body, making a sound of gold and iron.

The strength of the eight-armed ghost general is not as good as that of the void, plus the void is angry because of the Asura ghost general at this time.

The strength actually showed signs of a breakthrough.

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