At this moment, Lokes stood in front of Mo Yi, and the expression on his face was a loneliness that Mo Yi had never seen before.

This loneliness even affected Mo Yi.

In a trance, he became a little bored with the day after day of drifting in the sea.

Suddenly thought of Linda, who was already in that poor hometown at this moment, and the unlucky black cat who ate the devil fruit.

I miss the tavern that is not very big, but it is full of memories.

“Find a time to see Linda.”

“But do you think what King said makes sense?” Lockes’ heavy voice awakened Mo from his memories.

“king?” Mo also repeated the name that Lokes had mentioned.

Then shook his head.


“King’s ideas will never be realized, at least, he can’t achieve it!”

Mo Yi’s voice was categorical, without the slightest hesitation.

Directly asserted King’s ending.

When Lokes heard Mo Yi’s words, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Mo Ye expectantly and continued.

Mo Yi jumped up and sat on the dragon head behind him.

I found a relatively comfortable position and leaned on the dragon horn.

Then out of mid-air, a glass of red wine appeared out of thin air.

It fell on Mo Yi’s hand.

He savored this near-extinct glass of fine wine, and his face was intoxicated.

Then he opened his eyes and looked at Lox with burning eyes.

“His so-called equality for all is a goal without any wrong in itself, but he is on the wrong path.”

“From the moment he began to choose to change the world from the dark world, he was destined to go against his dreams, even if the day when he called equality for all really appeared.”

“Then the dominant person will certainly not be him, and he will even become the strongest enemy on the opposite side of the so-called equality.”

After Mo Yi’s words, Lokes’ brows furrowed slightly, he thought he was not a stupid person.

But he could understand every word Mo Yi said, but he really couldn’t understand it when connected together.

Seeing Lokes’s appearance, Mo Yi knew that the other party did not understand what he meant.

But that’s normal.

He pursed his lips, then sighed.

The man hiding under the black cloak came to mind.

There was a trace of regret in his blood-red eyes.

“Why do you say that, that guy king, for the sake of so-called equality, gave up a lot of things.” Lokes couldn’t understand Mo Yi’s words, so he asked directly.

“Because, the dark world itself is the realm where strength is king, and he relied on his strong strength to become the emperor of the underground world.”

“And then?”

“And then all his actions must rely on these so-called underworlds, and which of those guys does not enjoy the preferential treatment that power brings them, how can they pursue so-called equality?”

“King, it’s not that he doesn’t understand this, but even if he does, it won’t help, the world government has suppressed this world for too long.”

“It’s been so long that people have forgotten that there is still a way to resist, so he can only choose the group of miscellaneous people who can even ignore his own mother and son for the sake of interests.”

Mo Yi couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the man’s arrival.

The truth that the dragon slayer warrior eventually becomes a dragon is inexplicable to Lokes, but watching Lox choose to look like a god, he must not be in the mood to pay attention to himself.

He stood up quietly.

A few flashes disappeared into the bow of the ship.

Meizhi got to move towards her room.

As soon as he opened the door to the room, he sensed something was wrong.

In the room, besides him, there was the breath of a second person.

Who is it?

In the entire Rocks Pirates, except for Edward’s bastard, Mo Yi believes that no one else will dare to do so without his consent.

Coming to your room without permission.

His gaze was on his soft bed, and the quilt that he had specially folded before he left was spread out on the bed indiscriminately.

Mo Ye’s face turned cold.

Apparently there were people hidden in that bulging quilt.

Someone dared to lie on his boat.

Mo Yi rushed over with an arrow and directly lifted the quilt.

“Let me see who has such boldness…” Mo Yi’s voice became smaller and smaller.

At the moment when the quilt was lifted.

A naked Miaoling woman held her hands in front of her chest and looked at Mo Yi with a flushed face.

The petite body has an unreasonable fullness.

“Brother Mo Yi..” The girl screamed shyly.

Bury your head in embarrassment.

Mo Yi grabbed the quilt extremely quickly and directly covered the girl’s graceful body.

“Xiaoya, what are you doing?”

This girl is the fan sister of the previous ghost doorman, and after being rescued by the ghost guard, she has been obsessed with the ghost doorman who turned into Mo Yi.

Later, Mo Ye and the ghost guard changed back.

Xiaoya didn’t know this, and still pressed on Mo Yi’s body with thoughts.

Originally, such an ordinary girl should just find a place to throw away.

However, Xiaoya has an innate talent for navigation.

Even if it is a strong wind and wave, in bad weather.

She can accurately and quickly identify directions.

In the case of the uselessness of the eternal pointer, a crew of this talent is simply the dream of all pirates and even the Navy.

The Rocks Pirates of Noda is also the only one girl with this ability.

Therefore, even in the Rocks Pirate Group, where strength is king, Xiaoya’s status is in an extremely special existence.

“Brother Moyi, John they said that every time a man finishes a task, he will. will ..” Xiaoya’s voice became smaller and smaller, and finally it was like a mosquito buzzing.

“I’ll go find women,” I thought, “and suddenly bury my head under the covers.”

Then shouted loudly.

“I don’t want Brother Mo Yi to find another woman, if you must find it, please find me!!!”

Xiaoya’s voice almost roared out,

, Mo Yi: “… John, you wait for me”

Hearing the news of Mo Yi’s return outside the door, Edward, who wanted to find him for a drink, just walked to the door and heard Xiaoya shouting.

He stopped and quickly left the door of Mo Yi’s room

With an excited face, he took out a phone worm from his arms.

“Hey! Is it Linda, I’m Edward, don’t talk about me first, I didn’t cause trouble, and Mo didn’t cause trouble!! Didn’t hurt either!! ”

Without waiting for him to speak, Edward quickly said a lot of it.

“Then what’s the matter, by the way, your child is still a few months away, remember to come back and take a look, bring more money!”

Linda’s voice was as violent as ever, and there was a faint sound of a woman next to it

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