Fang Yongfeng and the four non-mainstream people all looked at Su Han from head to toe.

As if they couldn't see anything special about Su Han, Fang Yongfeng said,"My dear brother, no matter why you came here, this matter is not as simple as you think. I advise you not to get involved, so as not to get into danger."

"That's right, go back to school quickly, don't joke with your life!" The middle-aged woman agreed.

"The danger level of this mission is not clear to begin with, and with you as a drag, we might all die here...Brother, let's go, let's go now!"

The bearded man had a bad tone at first.

But just as he was halfway through his words, a flying sword suddenly appeared out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye it hovered half an inch in front of his brow.

The bearded man, who was so scared that his eyes were crossed, immediately changed his words...

The other people were also dumbfounded.

When the flying sword appeared just now, even if there was no murderous aura, the powerful aura still made everyone's backs chill!

"Xiu, monk……"

Fang Yongfeng murmured, and hurriedly bowed to Su Han and said,"Sir, I'm so sorry!"

"Gou Lie is a straightforward person and has no intention of offending you, so please forgive him!"

"Yes, yes, yes, let me go, let me go……"

Gou Lie, the big man with a curly beard, quickly agreed.

Su Han twisted his sword finger, and the Longyuan Seven-Star Sword circled back to his side and disappeared.

Gou Lie was sweating profusely, his back was numb, and he quickly bowed to Su Han and thanked him,"Thank you, sir, for your generosity. Thank you very much."……"

Looking at his appearance, Su Han was a little speechless.

Such a big guy, but he got scared so quickly, just like a panda...

And seeing Su Han's move and the attitude of the special department members changed in an instant, Li Da wanted to cry.

Lao Jiao, Lao Jiao!

It turns out that I wronged you!

I am so ashamed. No, after this incident, I have to take the blame and apologize in person...

Su Han was the leader, and the five special department members followed behind, according to a route map drawn in advance, and walked towards the construction site surrounded by rough buildings.

"Tell me who you are."

Su Han asked as he walked.

"Sir, we are from the 13th squad of the Jinling branch of the Special Forces. I am the captain of the squad and these four are my team members."

"Oh, yes, the special department is a department that specializes in handling special cases."

Fearing that Su Han didn't know what the special department was, Fang Yongfeng prepared to give a long explanation.

Su Han waved his hand and said,"No need to explain, I know Zhang Daoyuan."

"Zhang Daoyuan? Deputy Minister Zhang?"

When Fang Yongfeng and the others heard the name Zhang Daoyuan, they were shocked again.

Sure enough, the big guys all knew each other!

"I'm asking who you are, not what your identity is."Su Han explained.

""Who are we?"

The five special forces looked at each other, all dumbfounded.

Who are we?




My parents' sons?

This question was so confusing, how should we answer it?……

"Why do you have a different aura from ordinary people, but you are not a cultivator? Do you understand this question? ?"

Fuck you.

If it weren't for maintaining his master's demeanor, Su Han would have already raised his middle finger to these idiots.

Su Han didn't know that this couldn't be blamed on Fang Yongfeng and the other five.

The pressure he brought to everyone was too great, so they thought things were complicated.

Moreover, there was another point that they had never thought that Su Han didn't even know that they were superpowers!

"Sir, don't you know about people with special abilities?"

Fang Yongfeng asked Su Han cautiously.

People with special abilities?

Su Han shook his head.


The five people looked at Su Han as if they were looking at natives.

They knew Zhang Daoyuan, who was very powerful, but they didn't know about the existence of people with special abilities?

"Ahem, so, sir, that's what you're talking about!"

Fang Yongfeng winked at everyone, asking them to put away their strange looks, and then said to Su Han:"We are people with special abilities, people with special abilities that are awakened innately or activated later in life. Our existence is usually confidential. It's normal for you not to know, sir. It's normal!"

The rest of the people were all in a trance.

How come we didn't know that you, the captain, were so good at flattering people before?

"Oh! A superpower!"

Su Han nodded. This strange knowledge had increased again... He listened carefully to Fang Yongfeng's introduction.

Although he looked ordinary, he was short and sturdy, and was a late-stage D-level superpower.

The late stage of D-level is roughly equivalent to the sixth level of the acquired realm.

The big man with red hair and red beard is a fire-type mutant in the early stage of D-level.

Equivalent to the fourth level of the acquired realm.

The middle-aged woman with green hair, who looks like a green-haired ghost, is a recovery-type mutant who can accelerate plant growth or speed up wound recovery. She is in the late stage of E-level.

The weak man with a cockscomb is a lightning-type mutant, in the late stage of E-level.

The young blue-haired woman is an ice-type mutant, also in the late stage of E-level.

After introducing everyone's abilities, Fang Yongfeng talked about the different areas they are responsible for in the special department and the monks.

There are mutants not only in China, but also abroad.

Therefore, most of the duties of the mutants in the special department are to perform certain special tasks, and they rarely solve some supernatural events.

But monks are different.

The monks in the special department are basically disciples of Longhu Mountain.

They are only responsible for slaying demons and eliminating evil, and they don't care about anything else.

Hearing this, Su Han couldn't help but have a question in his mind.

"Are your looks all the result of changes brought about by your supernatural powers?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No... we did this ourselves just to show off."

The big man with a curly beard Gou Lie replied.


Is it cool?

Su Han felt that his aesthetics had been challenged.

After understanding it, Su Han stopped talking and the others began to speed up their pace and walked towards the construction site. However, the further they walked, the more they felt an unbearable chill.

"Lan Yu, can you control yourself a little? You know it's very cold!"

The cockscomb-haired man shivered and turned to the blue-haired woman behind him.

But when he turned around, he found that the blue-haired woman, Lan Yu, had pale lips and was shivering. She seemed to be colder than him!

"What are you doing? Are you planning to freeze yourself to death?"

The cockscomb-haired man asked in confusion.

"It's not me."The blue-haired woman was very frugal with words.

"Who else could it be but you?……"Muttering in a low voice, the cockscomb-head suddenly widened his eyes!

Could it be that there is an evil spirit in this construction site?!

He was horrified and quickly took out an instrument from his waist.

Unlike monks, psychics cannot see the realm of their opponents, so they basically rely on instruments to judge danger.

But when he picked up the instrument, there was no value displayed on the screen!

The cold in the air has frozen their feet, and it is impossible that there is no energy fluctuation!

Weird! It's too weird!

"Captain, I think we should go back and ask Deputy Minister Zhang's people to solve this matter. After all, this is not a professional field!"

The cockscomb man was scared.

"Yes, Captain, I think this place is really weird, why don't we retreat first?"

"That's right, safety comes first, Captain. Nothing is more important than life!"

Several people echoed.

Fang Yongfeng nodded and prepared to say hello to Su Han, withdraw first, and call for support.

However, just as he was about to speak

, suddenly, an extremely cold air wave hit him, causing a layer of frost and snow to condense on his face.

The biting cold made everyone a little confused.


Gou Lie tried to release fire to resist the severe cold, but his palms, which should have been blazing with fire, only emitted two flames as big as lighters.

"I rely on……"

Seeing this scene, Gou Lie finally swore and then stopped talking.

It wasn't that he didn't want to talk.

It was that his tongue was frozen!

""Hurry up and obey the command! Command!"

Su Han picked up a talisman and threw it over the heads of the five people.

Instantly, a dazzling golden light lit up one meter above the heads of the five people in the darkness like a small sun.

The moment the golden light lit up, the five people felt the coldness on their bodies dissipate without a trace.


"Thank you for your help, sir!"

Everyone came to their senses, breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly bowed to Su Han to express their gratitude.

Su Han nodded, and continued to look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Not bad.

Some Taoism!

This aura should be at the level of a ghost king.

After the breakthrough, Su Han originally wanted to fight with the beautiful fox at home, but he didn't expect Zhuge Wan to show up halfway.

Now that he has met this guy again, it's just right to practice with him first!

"Captain, although this gentleman looks very strong, can he win?"

"Unknown��"Fang Yongfeng took out his cell phone and called Zhang Daoyuan, saying,"Whether we can win or not, let's notify Deputy Minister Zhang to come for support first!"

Everyone nodded, indicating that it was safe.

"Hello? Vice Minister Zhang, we have an emergency!"

"Right here on the construction site of the commercial park on Tongyuan Road, there is a powerful evil spirit that is estimated to be at least Class B!"

On the other end of the phone,

Zhang Daoyuan almost fell under the table in shock.

"What did you say?! B-level?!"

What does B-level mean?

E、D、C, these three realms of the supernatural are equivalent to the entire acquired realm of the cultivator from weak to strong.

In other words, the weakest B-level is also an innate level evil spirit!

"That's right! Grade B!"

Fang Yongfeng said affirmatively.

Then, he heard a commotion on the other end of the line.

"Quick, inform the Tianshi Mansion that there is an innate evil spirit in Jinling!"

Zhang Daoyuan shouted, and then asked to the other end of the phone:"You must stay alive, I will come to save you right away!"

""Hold on! Eh!"

Zhang Daoyuan suddenly said in confusion.

How come they are still alive?

This shouldn't be the case.

"No, tell me again what the situation is now, is it definitely a B-level evil spirit?"

Zhang Daoyuan asked again to confirm.

Fang Yongfeng answered firmly:"It is definitely B-level!"

"The evil spirit almost froze us to death before it even showed up."

"If there wasn't a young man holding the Seven Star Sword who threw a talisman to save us, Deputy Minister Zhang, I would have died long ago to call you!"

"Wait, wait, wait……"Zhang Daoyuan quickly interrupted Fang Yongfeng."What young gentleman are you talking about?"

"There is a young gentleman holding a seven-star sword. Oh, yes! This gentleman said that he seemed to recognize you!"

Fang Yongfeng remembered what Su Han said when he came.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Daoyuan asked:"Shout out and ask this young gentleman if his surname is Su!"

"Huh?" Fang Yongfeng scratched his head and said,"Isn't that impolite?"

""Courtesy, sister! Shout!"

Zhang Daoyuan's eyes twitched.

Then, he heard a hysterical cry from the receiver.

"Sir, is your surname Su?"


Su Han's answer sounded

"Deputy Minister Zhang, this gentleman said his last name is Su"

"Su, OK! It's okay, everyone can go home, there's no need to notify Longhu Mountain, it's okay, it's okay!"

Fang Yongfeng was stunned.

"Deputy Minister Zhang, please don't disperse. What will we do if you disperse?……"

"What do you do?"

"I see." Fang Yongfeng looked at Su Han who was looking at the sky and nodded.

"You've seen it! If he's there and you still die, there won't be many people in the world who can save you!"

"All right, just watch the show carefully, whether you are sitting, lying down or sprawling, don’t get too tired!"

"Beep Beep……"

Hearing the busy tone on the phone, all five of them were stunned.

"Captain, what Deputy Minister Zhang wants to tell us is that Mr. Su is very strong, extremely strong?"

"I think so……"

As the few people were murmuring, Su Han raised his sword and a talisman shot up into the sky!

After the talisman flew up into the sky with a thick flame, a red light suddenly shone brightly. In the blink of an eye, a figure of a Vermillion Bird bathed in fire was already soaring in the sky!


Seeing this Suzaku, Gou Lie looked at his palms, and two flames the size of lighters spurted out.


How could the gap be so big!

The Fire Vermilion Bird circled in the sky, continuously making loud calls, and its eyes with long flames kept turning, like an eagle looking for prey.


The Fire Vermilion Bird flapped its huge wings, circled and swooped down to the ground not far in front of everyone!

Whistling, countless flames dyed the entire land bright red!

And with the help of this fire, everyone discovered that there was a black coffin on the ground where the Vermilion Bird was swooping down!

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