The vampire was also dumbfounded.

He was still laughing crazily one second.

The next second he was nailed to the wall.……


""Who are you?" the vampire shouted in a very obscure language.

Fortunately, Su Han and Zhang Daoyuan both had translators in their ears.

"Kill your people!"

Su Han walked in with Zhang Daoyuan.

【Intermediate Viscount】

【Danger level: High】

【Kill to get experience: 50000】

The system prompt appeared.

According to experience and danger level, this intermediate viscount vampire should be an intermediate ghost general, which is equivalent to the fourth level of innate realm.

Zhang Daoyuan took a look at those who were turned into blood servants by the vampire.

"These people have disappeared recently!"

"No wonder the police couldn't solve the case and couldn't even find the body. It turned out to be here!"

Su Han nodded and looked at the vampire who was nailed to the wall and couldn't move.

"Who are you? What are you talking about? Don't you know how to speak Italian?

The vampire looked painful, and his already pale face became even paler.

But he was still handsome, almost 1% of Su Han.

"Fuck you."

Hearing the vampire's words, Su Han slapped him in the face with a nine-character mantra. His face was distorted in pain, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead instantly.

"Don't you understand the situation yet?"

"Wdnmd, you come to China to do evil without knowing Chinese, and you can't even speak Italian, Wdnmd!"

Su Han was so angry that he laughed.

He cursed loudly while slapping the vampire viscount with the nine-character mantra one after another.

The vampire viscount screamed like a pig being slaughtered. The wailing was so deafening in the narrow well.

Seeing this violent scene, Zhang Daoyuan couldn't help but twitch his mouth twice.

"Big, big brother, hold it in, let me pee!"

"I, I can, I can speak Chinese……"

As if he couldn't bear it any longer, the vampire viscount actually started to speak Chinese.

Although his pronunciation was unpleasant and even more obscure than his Italian, it at least showed that he could actually understand what Su Han and the others were saying!

If he could understand and communicate, then that was fine.

"Just because you can speak Chinese, you can come to China to do evil? Then, just because I can speak English, can I blow up the Black King's Palace? Just because I can speak Mandarin, can I overturn the Statue of Liberty? Just because I can speak Italian, can I destroy your Pantheon?"

His plea for mercy made Su Han beat him even more fiercely.

"No, that's not what I meant!"

"Don't hit me yet, I just made a slip of the tongue... Don't hit me yet, ah……"

"I know I was wrong, please stop hitting me……"

One after another, huge nine-character mantras were cast on him, and the vampire viscount was completely unable to bear it.

"Tell me to stop beating you, why don’t you tell me now!"

"Tell me your specific plan for coming to China this time, the distribution of the perpetrators, and their levels. I promise I will never hit you again!"

Su Han stopped and said to the vampire viscount

"I said, I'll say it now……"

"We came here this time on the orders of the fourth generation Marquis of the vampire clan."

"They wanted us to create blood slaves in China to cause chaos. They sent a total of one earl, three viscounts including me, and ten barons."

"Yesterday, the Earl gave us a task to create a total of 500 blood servants within one day and release them all at once tonight.……"


Zhang Daoyuan and Su Han looked at each other and said in their hearts.

It's bad!

Su Han drew out Xuan Yue with his sword, put the tip of the sword against the vampire's neck and asked,"Where are your companions now?"

A hole was opened in the shoulder blade, and the vampire viscount, who was in great pain, had the sword pressed against his throat. He didn't even dare to scream.

"I, I don’t know. The Earl is the commander-in-chief of this operation. I only know that he is in the Magic City. I don’t know where the others are!"

The vampire Viscount replied in panic.

Su Han looked at him and nodded after confirming that he was not lying.

"Thank you, please let me go, I will never set foot in China again.……"

Before the Viscount finished speaking, a silver light suddenly flashed in the well.

The Viscount's head, with a look of confusion and fear, fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Daoyuan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Su Han spread his hands to Zhang Daoyuan and said,"I said I won't beat him, but I didn't say I won't kill him!"

Zhang Daoyuan was embarrassed.

He recalled that day in the Demon Locking Tower, Su Han seemed to have said the same thing to the panda, but the content was reversed.

"I said I won't kill you, but I didn't say I won't beat you……"

After feeling ashamed, Zhang Daoyuan began to feel anxious.

"Brother Su, what should we do now?"

"500 blood servants are scattered across the country, there will definitely be a big mess tonight!"

Su Han frowned, thought for a moment, and said:"You immediately notify all the forces and sects to disperse and support major cities. I will immediately set off to the Magic City to destroy that damn earl."


Hearing Su Han say this, Zhang Daoyuan reached out and touched the back of his head.

"Brother Su, how could the major forces listen to my orders?……"

"How about we think of other solutions?"

"For example, why don't you ask God where all those blood vampires are?"

Ask God?

Su Han was puzzled for a moment, then he remembered the scene when he called Zhuge Wan, and laughed.

"Where did God come from? It was Zhuge Wan from Tianji Mansion who told me the divination."

"You notify all the major forces and tell them that it is my intention to ask them to immediately set off their masters above the third level of innateness and rush to the major cities where they are located before dark!"

Zhang Daoyuan nodded, but a wave of grass mud horses ran through his heart.

This is embarrassing again...

However, why did Zhuge Wan, the young master of Tianji Mansion, help Su Han to divine?

Could it be?

Zhang Daoyuan thought of the two women in Su Han's villa, plus Luo Shijiu, plus a nine-tailed fox that charmed everyone, and the look Gang Xialan gave Su Han...

This, this, this...

Comparing people, it's so annoying!

Su Han sacrificed a Nanming Lihuo Talisman and burned all the bodies of the victims who were transformed into blood corpses into ashes, and also burned the body of the viscount, so that the body would not be left here to scare someone else.

Just like that, according to Su Han's plan, he flew towards the Magic City at a high speed on his sword.

And Zhang Daoyuan contacted all the major forces by phone.

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