The interface window was quickly opened.

It turned out that this interface window was embedded in a super thick iron door.

"Minister, there are new friction marks on the switch of this door. It seems that someone has been going in and out frequently recently."

After opening the big iron door, a member of the special unit responsible for investigation was ready to analyze it for Su Han and Yang Xue.

The beautiful young woman wanted to listen, but she didn't expect that Su Han had already picked up a talisman and threw it in, and he also rushed in.

"Minister, what should we do?"

The member of the special investigation team who was analyzing the situation suddenly stopped talking, and everyone looked at Yang Xue.

""Go in!"

Yang Xue took the lead, and as she caught up with Su Han, an extremely strong chill burst out from her body!

Seeing this, everyone also released their special powers and rushed in ready to go.

However, just after everyone rushed into the door, a dazzling golden light lit up.

In fact, it was not dazzling, but everyone had stayed in the dim environment for too long, and they would definitely be uncomfortable with the sudden light.

After being able to see everything clearly in front of them, everyone immediately gasped!

Not far in front of them, there were dozens of densely packed figures standing!

These figures were motionless, like wax figures, but a closer look revealed that their bodies were all wrinkled and there were two fangs protruding from their mouths!

"This, this is a vampire?!"

"Gulp... So many vampires?!"

"Crazy! How did so many vampires get into the Magic City? Why didn't we notice anything?!"

Su Han replied calmly:"These are not the blood clans who sneaked into the Magic City."

"These are blood servants who have been sucked dry of all their blood by the vampires and then raised with blood. They are all ordinary people."

"If nothing unexpected happens, there must be a lot of missing persons cases in the Magic City Police Department recently."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly woke up, but their mood was extremely solemn.

According to Su Han, these were all living people who were killed!

"There are two more here!"

Suddenly, a member of the special unit found that he had stepped on something soft, and he looked down with horror.

It was actually two corpses!

However, although there were holes on the necks of the two corpses, the blood had not been washed away.

Looking at the clothes of the two, especially Xiaomei, everyone understood why they were here, and they all sighed in their hearts.

This is too wild.

Now it's all right...

Looking for excitement and killing yourself...

Looking at Xiaomei's dress, the beautiful young woman blushed with shame, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help but glance at Su Han.

"I can sense a very strong blood evil aura, you guys go out first and stand guard outside the door."

Su Han said to the people in the special department, looking at the dark passage that stretched to the end.

The Viscount was at the level of a ghost general, and the Earl was at the level of a ghost king.

Although they were still no match for Su Han, it was still annoying to have so many burdens.

Although the members of the special department breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Su Han ask them to stand guard outside the door, none of them moved, but all looked at Yang Xue first.

Obeying orders is a duty.

Although they were a little nervous and most of them wanted to stand guard outside the door, if Yang Xue gave an order to them to take the lead, they would never back down.

This is a responsibility!

"Mr. Su, if everyone retreats, will they be in danger?"

Yang Xue raised her eyebrows and asked Su Han.

Su Han shook his head and said,"Let's all go out, so as not to increase unnecessary casualties. They are all talented people, and good steel should be used on the blade!"

Yang Xue nodded, turned her head and said to everyone,"Everyone go and guard outside the door first. If anything happens, I will contact you by radio."

The members of the special unit all retreated.

But before leaving, each of them nodded to Su Han.

Su Han's words"they are all talented people" really made them want to cry.……

"Why are you still here?"

Everyone went out, and Su Han looked at Yang Xue.

Yang Xue was stunned:"Do I have to go out again?"

……Why don't you go out?

Su Han wanted to ask back, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Just follow, it doesn't matter, anyway, Yang Xue looks like she is in the middle stage of B level, and she has enough self-protection ability.

Activating the golden light talisman forward, the dark passage was gradually illuminated, Su Han and Yang Xue walked towards the deepest part of the passage one after the other, but for some reason, Su Han noticed that the thick blood evil breath in the air was gradually weakening and dissipating!


Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, sacrificed Xuan Yue and stepped on it, hugged Yang Xue who was still confused, and suddenly rushed forward like a rocket!

"Su, Mr. Su, can you please change the place?……"

Yang Xue's intermittent voice sounded.

Su Han looked down. He just hugged the wrong place.

Well, it's embarrassing, but... it feels good!

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

The passage is not long, and it took only two sentences to reach the end.

But when he reached the end and saw the design of the end, Su Han secretly said that it was not good.

At the end of the passage, there was an iron staircase on the wall that went up vertically.

The top of the staircase seemed to be an exit similar to a manhole cover.

And the manhole cover was surprisingly opened at this time!

"Damn it!"

"Is this a disease?"

Su Han couldn't help but ask all the people who designed and built this passage.

Leaving a manhole cover, Ninja Turtles?

"It's too late."

Su Han didn't say much. He just said one sentence and grabbed Yang Xue again, flying upwards on his sword.

The beautiful young woman was shy.

Because, Su Han... cough cough again.

And soon, when she got out of the manhole cover, Su Han lifted her up, and the place where he lifted her up... needless to say!

At this time.

Above the CBD of Magic City.

A handsome white man with an abnormally sickly pale face was floating in the air.

He could fly in the air, not because he had the Dan realm, but because he had two mini wings on his back, the kind of devil style.

Although these wings looked like they were working before they reached adulthood, they were actually a top-grade magic weapon, and a very rare flying magic weapon.

This kind of magic weapon is even more precious than the best magic weapon.

At this time, he was flying in the air, just like a fairy, and his voice was trembling as he said some gibberish spells.

But his expression was not very good, or rather, he was very distressed, and he kept muttering to himself.


"Why didn’t the formation respond?"

"What went wrong?"

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